Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 374: Put on a good show

The man in the t-shirt said: "The woman asked the doctor to do some manipulation during the operation in order to get the company's equity. I guess she wanted to turn her husband into a vegetative state, and prepared a ghost that would obey her words and prepare to possess her husband. ! But something unexpected happened. The person who possessed her husband turned out to be Yuan Chonghuan. She probably doesn’t know these things, but there are experts behind her. According to the clues I have, this person is probably related to Longquan Villa..."

I frowned secretly, and it was Longquan Villa again: "Do you have any plans?"

The man in the T-shirt silently threw stones into the lake. I thought he was thinking, but when he threw the fifth stone, he said, "No!"

"Then you didn't say anything for a long time!" I almost vomited blood.

"Waiting for you to speak."

This time I really want to vomit blood. Now that Li Mazi has been arrested and we are under the surveillance of the rich woman, we are in a very passive situation.

I suddenly remembered the "anti-customer-oriented" in the Thirty-Six Strategies. If we can take the initiative in the whole matter, we may be able to give it a try.

I asked the man in the T-shirt: "What's happening over there at Shen Hongbin?"

The man in the T-shirt said: "He plans to invite the board of directors here tomorrow and ask the tycoon to transfer all his shares in person."

"When?" I asked.

"About noon."

I came up with a plan and said, "We have to find a way to get the tycoon out. To put it bluntly, it's kidnapping! As long as the key people are controlled, I'm afraid they won't be able to make big waves."

"This is a good idea, but what are you going to do?" The man in the T-shirt looked at me.

"It's really difficult to handle it with just the strength of the three of us. We have to use our strength. I need you to cooperate with me and put on a play for them."

As I spoke, I told the T-shirt man my plan, and the T-shirt man nodded in agreement.

After saying goodbye to the T-shirt man, I went back to the antique store and prepared a few things. No matter whether the plan succeeded or failed, a tough battle with the red cannon was inevitable, so I had to be fully prepared!

Of course, it’s impossible to get everything together within two hours, and some of them can only be replaced with other items.

It was almost early morning when we returned to the villa, and the bodyguards were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, afraid that something terrible would happen later? When they saw me coming back, everyone showed surprise expressions.

I told them not to panic. First, open the windows, move the furniture, and clear out the living room.

While the bodyguards were busy, I quietly thrust a note into Yin Xinyue's hand.

She unfolded the note, glanced at it, and nodded to me.

The whole living room was quickly cleared. I used the pig blood given by the rich woman to draw patterns on the floor, sprinkled a little coarse salt, and threw in a few nails. The bodyguards looked at it in a daze, as if they were watching a profound event. An unpredictable magical performance.

After I finished, I pretended to be mysterious and said: "I'm going to have a fight with the Hong Kong master on the opposite side later! All those born in the Year of the Rooster, Snake, and Monkey should avoid it, otherwise I will not be held responsible for anything that happens."

Several people left the living room one after another. Yin Xinyue looked at me and asked, "Brother Zhang, I am a snake, do I have to avoid it?"

"Get out of the way. This fight is no child's play. You hide in the kitchen and don't peek." I warned.

"Okay, I got it." Yin Xinyue pouted and went to the kitchen unhappily.

I asked the other bodyguards to sit cross-legged around the formation. No matter what happens, they must not move without my order!

Then I sat cross-legged in the formation, and I saw a slight slit in the clothes of one of the bodyguards, and there seemed to be a mobile phone inside. The rich woman is a person who lacks trust, so it is normal for her to ask one of her subordinates to use a mobile phone to remotely 'live broadcast' the fighting process to her.

But this was fine. She saw it with her own eyes, which was much better than the bodyguards' report afterwards.

I closed my eyes and began to recite the mantra silently. Gradually, the surrounding windows began to shake and make a rattling noise. The lights above my head also began to flicker on and off. A dark wind swirled around the formation, and there was a burst of howling ghosts and wolves in the wind. the sound of.

"Ah!" A bodyguard pointed at the wall and screamed. A bloody woman emerged from the wall. Half of her body was flat with a tire mark on it. Her gums were all exposed, and her brain and Blood dripped from the cracked skull.

If I didn't know it was caused by the T-shirt man, even I would be scared away.

"Don't panic!" I shouted sharply and continued to chant the mantra.

Ghosts kept coming out of the windows and walls, trying to break through the formation and hurt people, but they were bounced away by an invisible force. In fact, the formation had no magic power at all. It was just the two of us acting.


I grabbed coarse salt and sprinkled it on the ghosts. The ghosts that were sprinkled howled and disappeared, and the bodyguards all showed admiration.

"Quick, guard your soul and don't be possessed by those ghosts." I warned.

The bodyguards looked at me blankly, wondering what to do? Actually, I don't know. I just want to torment them for a while so that they don't have the energy to monitor us anymore.

After struggling for about twenty minutes, the cold wind gradually subsided. I was sweating profusely and said to them: "We are finally defeated. Even if the Hong Kong master is not injured internally, he will still vomit a mouthful of blood."

"That's amazing, he is indeed an expert!" the bodyguards exclaimed.

"A prize, a prize!" I smiled modestly.

At this time, there was a scream from the kitchen. I ran over and saw that Yin Xinyue was lying on the ground twitching and foaming at the mouth. The bodyguards nearby were frightened and helpless.

I yelled at them: "What did I just say? Why didn't you look at her?"

"This... this has nothing to do with us. She said the fight was over, so she took a look outside, and I persuaded her to come," said a bodyguard.

I looked up to the sky and sighed: "It's bad, it's bad, it's because I'm possessed by an evil spirit."

"Grand Master, is there anything you can do?" the bodyguards asked in panic.

I picked up Yin Xinyue and put her on the bed, and yelled at the bodyguard who came behind me: "Get out of here!"

When they saw me getting angry, they all left the house with ugly faces.

After everyone was gone, Yin Xinyue was still twitching. I pinched her cheek, and she laughed: "Brother Zhang, am I good at acting?"

"It's so similar, I almost thought it was real. By the way, what's the matter with the foam at your mouth?" I asked.

"I secretly put a small piece of soap in my mouth just now. When we were filming, we used to act like foaming at the mouth like this." Yin Xinyue said playfully.

I took the water glass and asked her to rinse her mouth, and then wiped her clean with a tissue, asking her to feel aggrieved for a while and pretend to be unconscious until she could act according to my plan tomorrow.

In order to prevent my flaws from being discovered, I drew some charms and stuck them on the bed, and tied a few red ropes with bells hanging on them back and forth in the room, so that outsiders would not dare to step in.

Because I need Yin Xinyue to leave quietly from here tomorrow to get a car to pick up the tycoon.

After finishing this, it was already two o'clock in the morning, so I went to sleep on the sofa.

Early the next morning, I was awakened by the noise outside, so I walked to the window and looked outside. I saw two groups of bodyguards confronting each other, and Shen Hongbin was also there.

Shen Hongbin seemed to be preparing to come to me, but he was stopped by the rich woman's men, and the two of them got into a fight.

During the stalemate, Shen Hongbin raised his hand and slapped one of the bodyguards. The other bodyguard was annoyed and raised his fist to beat him. Shen Hongbin stared at the man without fear and said: "I advise you to be more aware of current affairs. If my sister-in-law runs out of money, think about who will give you food in the future?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the bodyguards under the rich woman immediately stepped aside in despair.

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