Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 375: Grudges between wealthy families

Shen Hongbin laughed and knocked on my door.

I opened the door and saw him wearing a casual floral shirt and a pair of sunglasses on his collar. He looked like a romantic young man. He put one hand on the door and asked: "Hello, new neighbor, can I come in?" Do you want to sit down?"

I invited him in with a cold face. Shen Hongbin looked around and pretended that my living room was too empty and it would be better to find someone to decorate it.

I said straight to the point: "Do you want to come and see if I have been tortured to death by the Hong Kong master you invited?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not a petty person like my sister-in-law." He waved away the bodyguards behind him, leaving only the two of us in the room.

"I did underestimate you. Are you interested in working for me?" Shen Hongbin patted me on the shoulder and said politely.

"Sorry, not interested."

"I don't see that you have professional ethics. How much will my sister-in-law pay you? I can pay double." Shen Hongbin said seductively.

"If you come here for this matter, please come back! This is not a matter of money. Our industry has its own rules. Either ignore it or deal with it for the rest of your life..." I refused.

Now that Li Mazi has been kidnapped by a rich woman, of course I dare not rebel.

Shen Hongbin clapped dryly a few times and said: "Okay, okay, today at noon I reserved a floor at the Hilton Hotel, invited the board of directors to a banquet, and asked my brother to sign the equity transfer contract. If you are interested, If so, you can also come and participate.”

I listened in silence, wondering what he was going to say.

"I know my sister-in-law will never let it go, but I'm not afraid no matter how much trouble she makes, because I still have a hand up." Shen Hongbin sneered, took out an envelope from his arms and threw it on the table.

I opened it and looked at it. It was a paternity test report. It said that the DNA similarity between the tycoon's two sons and his was only 0.1%, which meant that neither son was the tycoon's biological child.

No wonder the rich woman tried so hard to get the inheritance. It turns out there is such an inside story.

Shen Hongbin sighed and said: "It took me a lot of effort to get this test report! The relationship between my brother and sister-in-law is not as close as outsiders see. Both of them have cheated on each other. As far as I know, there are more Once. This woman is very scheming. My brother's health is getting worse and worse, and he has nothing to do with her. If I hadn't suddenly returned to China and intervened, my brother doesn't know how he would have been manipulated by her. "

"You mean, you are bound to win the company?" I glanced at Shen Hongbin.

"Not only that, I made her unable to get even a penny of property." Shen Hongbin said angrily.

The more I listened, the more confused I became. I didn’t understand why he came so early in the morning to talk about this. Is it just to win over me?

What is certain is that he must want something, and it is within my ability.

So I asked tentatively: "How do you want me to help you?"

"Haha." Shen Hongbin laughed and said: "You are really smart, so I won't beat around the bush. I want to ask you to help me get my brother to sign the contract and will."

It turns out that Shen Hongbin can't handle the tycoon possessed by Yuan Chonghuan! Although Yuan Chonghuan was a ghost, he was upright and well-educated during his lifetime, and he refused to be manipulated in life or death.

Shen Hongbin asked me if there was any way to control the tycoon for a while and make him sign obediently.

I pondered: "Isn't that the Hong Kong master you invited?"

"He said that no one in the whole circle can do it except you. I don't know much about your business. So there is a division of labor in the business of selling negative things?" Shen Hongbin himself was a little confused.

I suddenly realized that the man in the t-shirt was also secretly pushing me. In this way, I would have a chance to approach the tycoon and get him away.

I said perfunctorily: "I do know some secrets in this area."

Shen Hongbin's eyes shone with excitement: "After the matter is completed, I will give you double... no, triple the reward!"

"But how can you be sure that I will cooperate with you instead of snitching on your sister-in-law?" I sneered.

He patted me on the shoulder and said: "I believe you are a smart person and know where to help. The information I showed you just now will be sent to each director's mailbox at a specific time! At that time The situation will naturally turn to my side."

Shen Hongbin said that rich women are scheming. I don't think he is weak. After all, he was born into a wealthy family, and his ability to deceive others is something he was born with.

Shen Hongbin said that he would send a car to pick me up at noon, but I declined. Being too ostentatious would attract the attention of the rich woman, so I should go there by myself.

He handed me a business card. It was a piece of pure black paper with the title of the vice president of a certain company and the words Shen Hongbin printed on it. It looked very high-end at first glance, unlike ordinary printing shops that printed for just a few cents. A business card.

He said that when I arrived at the venue at noon, as long as I showed this business card, no one would stop me.

Shen Hongbin was about to leave when a stretched Rolls-Royce parked at the door of the villa. The rich woman got out of the car dressed in jewels, followed by her fat secretary who was always there. She walked in on high heels and said in a sinister way: "Shen Hongbin, who is this?" Give you the right to summon all the directors? Don't use a chicken feather as an arrow and forget how much you weigh. You were expelled from the school when you were studying abroad. If I hadn't interceded with the old man, you would have been kicked out of the Shen family. "

I'm sorry that Shen Hongbin didn't finish his studies abroad, so he still has the title of master's degree from Oxford College.

Shen Hongbin sneered: "Sister-in-law, you are quite well-informed. It seems that you care about my brother's life and death more than anyone else!"

The rich woman took the business card from my hand, glanced at it and said: "For the board meeting at noon, remember to prepare the wine I like to drink. If you don't entertain well, be careful not to get any leftovers."

The implication is that the rich woman is going to attend the board of directors meeting. I secretly admire these people's skill in talking in a roundabout way, but I can't learn it anyway.

Shen Hongbin responded: "Not only will I prepare wine for you, I will also prepare a stage for you to make a fool of yourself!"

He patted me on the shoulder and left the villa. The rich woman stared at me, her eyes almost bursting with fire. I guess she heard the conversation just now. After all, her people were all around the house.

I had to explain to the rich woman that this was just a stopgap measure so that I could get close to the tycoon and get him out.

"You'd better not lie to me, otherwise you and your friends will end up very miserable!" After saying that, the rich woman threw her business card to me.

"How dare I? Look at my current situation. A friend has been arrested by you, my wife is unconscious, and I am still under surveillance. Besides risking everything to help you, what else can I do?" I said Sighed.

The rich woman weighed my words and sneered: "As long as you cooperate with me well, I will never treat you badly. If you need any help, just ask."

I thought about it and said that I need several cars, preferably identical ones, parked in the hotel's underground parking lot. After I got the person out, I put him in one of the cars, and when several cars drove out together, Shen Hongbin would definitely be confused!

The rich woman nodded and expressed satisfaction with my plan. In fact, I saw it from a police movie.

I just want to use this to distract the rich woman's manpower.

In fact, Yin Xinyue is no longer in the house. She climbed out of the window at five in the morning and secretly started my plan.

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