Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 376: Seal the Ghost Bag

At ten o'clock in the morning, Shen Hongbin sent a Mercedes-Benz to pick me up. Anyway, the rich woman already knew about it, so I took a bag of prepared things and got in the car.

The car drove all the way into the Hilton Hotel. I was escorted by two bodyguards and took the elevator to the luxurious conference hall on the top floor. The waiter was making preparations. There was a lot of food on the long table. It looked like a large banquet was going to be held.

To be honest, I have never been to such an occasion. I was wearing a jacket and jeans that cost hundreds of dollars each, so I felt a little restrained.

"Master Zhang, you're here!" Shen Hongbin came over enthusiastically and took me to a private room.

As soon as I entered the room, my eyes suddenly blurred. Could this be time travel?

The room was decorated like an ancient study room. There were four treasures of the study on a long pear wood table. There were many thread-bound books on the shelves next to it. An ancient man was sitting at the table, reading a volume of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

The man in the t-shirt stood in the corner without saying a word. Shen Hongbin introduced us both, saying that we didn’t know each other until we started fighting, and he hoped that we could put aside all our previous grudges.

I waved my hand and said: "It doesn't matter, everyone has his own master. In fact, I have admired the name of Chu Yiichi for a long time."

As he said this, I couldn't help but want to laugh. The man in the T-shirt had a straight face and didn't even look at me.

Shen Hongbin took out four contracts from an envelope, two for equity transfers and two for wills. I glanced at the will and it was very professionally written. However, if I carefully analyzed the provisions inside, I found that the rich woman could hardly get any share. what money.

"I'll leave this place to you two. I still have guests to entertain." After saying this, Shen Hongbin left.

I looked at Yuan Chonghuan who was reading "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, and asked the man in the T-shirt: "Who gave him this costume? And also decorated such a room?"

"Shen Hongbin wants to make him happy." The man in the T-shirt shook his head.

Of course I don't know how to control souls, and the tycoon has been transformed into a vegetative state by the rich woman. Once Yuan Chonghuan's resentful soul leaves the tycoon's body, he will fall immediately.

These two contracts will definitely not be signed, so let Shen Hongbin find a lawyer to settle it himself!

At this time, Yuan Chonghuan slapped the table: "Who is coming? Why don't you tell me your name?"

I was shocked by his majesty and replied: "My name is Zhang Jiulin, and I am here to help you."

"Help me? It's a joke. My Ming Dynasty has lost thousands of miles of rivers and mountains to the Qing Dynasty. How can you, a mere mediocre man, help me?" Yuan Chonghuan said sarcastically.

I asked the man in the T-shirt in a low voice: "Did you tell him that he was gone so early in the morning?"

The man in the t-shirt replied calmly: "I told you, it's useless."

Yuan Chonghuan threw the book away, stood up and cursed: "You are a fool, you are a fool, you listen to rumors and kill loyal ministers indiscriminately."

I had no choice but to coax him and said, "You are still alive as Yue Fei. In fact, we descendants sympathize with you. History has long since cleared your name."

"Yue Fei is alive?" Yuan Chonghuan raised his head and shed tears: "Yue Fei was just hanged in Fengbo Pavilion. The suffering I suffered was thousands of times worse than Yue Fei's!"

Yuan Chonghuan was always nervous there, and the man in the T-shirt and I were forced to be spectators. It was about to reach the time agreed upon by Yin Xinyue and I, and I had to find a way to appease his mood and coax him out. Otherwise, he will be forced to do it later, and he will definitely have to recruit all the bodyguards.

So I patiently told him how miserable the Qing Dynasty was, how miserable Huang Taiji's death was, and of course Emperor Chongzhen who killed him. He was forced to have no way to escape and hanged himself on a coal mountain. His body was also betrayed. The army cut the corpse into pieces with swords.

Hearing this, Yuan Chonghuan suddenly burst into tears and called the Holy Emperor while crying, which shocked me.

He has been educated to be loyal and patriotic all his life, and has been defending the Ming Dynasty his whole life. He must be in a very complicated mood at this moment, right?

At this time, Yin Xinyue sent a text message: "Brother Zhang, I parked the car in the shopping mall south of the hotel. Come out quickly."

I winked at the man in the t-shirt, and then said to Yuan Chonghuan: "Um... General Yuan, do you want to see your tomb? Your tombstone has countless comments about you from future generations engraved on it."

"Are you serious?" He raised his head and asked.

"Of course!" I nodded.

Yuan Chonghuan thought for a while and said: "If possible, I would like to visit the place where the Holy Emperor died and pay my respects. This is my duty as a minister of the Ming Dynasty!"

Do you want to be so foolish and loyal? I thought to myself, but I promised with all my heart, saying that I have a tin carriage that can run very fast and can travel thousands of miles in a day.

Yuan Chonghuan glanced at me with disdain: "You mean the car?"

It turned out that he came and went by car and already knew this kind of modern technological product. I suddenly felt ashamed. It seemed that I had underestimated the cognitive ability of the ancients.

I didn't expect Yuan Chonghuan to agree so smoothly. I was overjoyed and took out the casual clothes I had prepared from my bag and asked him to change into them.

Yuan Chonghuan angrily criticized these short-sleeved clothes as "Manchu demon clothes." I explained to him that if he didn't do this, he would be recognized, and in the end he reluctantly changed into them.

When he wears sunglasses, he looks like an ordinary uncle.

I was about to open the door when the man in the T-shirt said "Hold on". He recited the mantra silently, and the little Taoist boy slowly appeared in front of us.

I guess the man in the T-shirt wanted to use the little boy to explore the way, so as to avoid the bodyguards patrolling the corridor. It was really convenient.

Five minutes after the little boy went out, the man in the T-shirt suddenly opened the door. There happened to be no one outside, so we quickly took Yuan Chonghuan into the emergency exit. This hotel has more than 40 floors, and it would be fatal to run all the way down. After walking a few floors, we entered a delivery elevator and descended to the first floor.

As a result, there were many bodyguards hired by Shen Hongbin and people from his company in the lobby on the first floor. It seemed a bit unrealistic to walk out like this.

I said to the man in the T-shirt: "Leave from the underground parking lot!"

When we arrived at the underground floor, Yuan Chonghuan's expression suddenly became strange. His face was pale, and beads of sweat continued to appear on his forehead. I asked him what was wrong and if he felt uncomfortable, but he just shook his head.

"Someone is coming!" the man in the T-shirt said, dragging us to a hidden corner.

A truck drove into the underground parking lot, carrying a heavy object. Judging from its outline, it was clearly a cannon.

I cursed secretly, the rich woman actually brought the red cannon here. Fortunately, we struck first, otherwise the tycoon would have been robbed first.

Yuan Chonghuan's expression became more and more weird. His resentful soul was lodged in the cannon. The cannon was equivalent to his body. Now that the cannon has been 'refined' into a murderous weapon, his soul can also sense the evil power. .

I reached out and patted Yuan Chonghuan to see if he was okay. He suddenly opened my hand and said, "You despicable people, all of you want to take advantage of me! Don't even think about it! Don't even think about it!"

With that he ran away.

I glanced at the man in the T-shirt in surprise and quickly chased after him.

The two bodyguards in the truck heard the noise and immediately chased us. They ignored us and went straight after Yuan Chonghuan.

The bodyguards have all received professional training and can run as fast as a leopard. They are about to catch Yuan Chonghuan.

"Oops, what can you do to deal with these two?" I asked the man in the T-shirt.

"Yes, yes..." The man in the T-shirt frowned, as if he was reluctant to use it. Any method used to deal with living people would have negative effects to some extent.

He took out a cloth bag tied with a red string from his arms, about the size of a palm, with a ferocious-looking Zhong Kui embroidered on it, with a kid stepping on his left foot and holding a kid eating in his right hand.

He was about to open the bag when I snatched it away.

I know this thing is called a 'ghost-sealing bag'. Grandpa mentioned it in his notes. It is an extremely fierce evil object and is also very difficult to get. It must contain the evil spirits that the T-shirt man surrendered before.

Since I came up with the plan to kidnap the tycoon, I should naturally bear the consequences! I pulled the rope away without hesitation, and immediately felt a chill in my body. The lights in the underground parking lot began to flicker, and two groups of black mist swirled around and chased the two bodyguards. They slowly transformed into human forms and turned out to be a bodyguard. Wrong souls for husband and wife.


Horrible screams came from that direction. When I ran over, I found two bodyguards who were haunted by evil spirits and were desperately hitting the pillars. Their heads were bruised and bloody, and they finally fainted on the ground.

"You should know that every time you hurt someone with a ghost bag, half a year of your life will be lost." The man in the T-shirt suddenly grabbed my clothes and said coldly.

"Don't take your life for granted."

Although he still had the same expressionless face, I knew he was angry. I had never seen him angry before.

"I can't ask you to bear the consequences for me!" I said.

"I'm different from you. It doesn't matter how much life I lose..." After the man in the T-shirt said, he picked up the ghost bag on the ground, silently recited a spell, and put the ghosts of the couple back into the bag.

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