Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 377: Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin, upper body!

Yuan Chonghuan was hiding behind an off-road vehicle and we found him. He looked in pain and might collapse at any time if he stayed here any longer, so we took him away immediately.

As for the cannon, firstly, it cannot be taken away, and secondly, the thing that controls it is in the hands of the rich woman. Taking it with us is like carrying a time bomb!

The three of us crossed the road and came to the shopping mall that Yin Xinyue was talking about. She was sitting in an SUV, wearing a hat, covering her beautiful face. When she saw us coming, she immediately waved to us.

"Brother Zhang, get in the car quickly!" Yin Xinyue said hello and opened the door for us.

Yuan Chonghuan stared at her for a few seconds and said quietly: "She looks exactly like his deceased wife."

I bet the ancients did this too!

However, unofficial history says that when Yuan Chonghuan once issued a military order, he took his wife Ruan as a hostage, which shows that he was not very kind to his wife.

I asked Yin Xinyue where the car came from, and she said she borrowed it from a friend.

She hadn't driven for a long time and was a bit inexperienced. She was very careful along the way for fear of being stopped by the traffic police.

So Yin Xinyue and I exchanged places, and the man in the T-shirt sat in the back with Yuan Chonghuan. I was afraid that General Yuan would be bored sitting there, so I went to the supermarket and bought a bag of lychees for him to eat. When he got the lychees, tears filled his eyes. Yin Xinyue quietly asked me what was going on?

I smiled and explained that Yuan Chonghuan was from Guangzhou and had been fighting in the north since then. He had not eaten lychees from his hometown for decades... no, hundreds of years.

As soon as I started the car, the man in the T-shirt asked me: "Where are you going?"

"Find a place to hide him first." I planned to drive to the outskirts of the city and find a place like an abandoned warehouse.

Just as he was about to leave, a man suddenly fell from the sky and instantly smashed a car on the roadside. Passers-by screamed and dispersed.

I looked up and saw that the glass on the top floor of the hotel was broken, and something shiny was dancing there.

"Oops! The rich woman took action directly. I underestimated this woman's madness." I said nervously.

"She's not going to kill all the company's shareholders, is she?" Yin Xinyue said.

"What will happen to the company's equity in that case?" I asked.

"If there is an heir, of course it belongs to the heir. This is the same as property..."

I immediately reacted: "No, she plans to kill Shen Hongbin!"


Shen Hongbin has a paternity test certificate in his hand. This thing will prevent the rich woman from getting any inheritance. However, Shen Hongbin has not announced it yet, but keeps it as the final bargaining chip. The rich woman knows it from somewhere and now wants to kill her. He silenced himself.

Although I don't like Shen Hongbin, I don't want to see the rich woman succeed. The man in the T-shirt seemed to be thinking about it as well. He said calmly: "Go upstairs and save people."


I told Yin Xinyue to take Yuan Chonghuan away first and hide him in a safe place, and then contact him by phone later. She told me to be more careful.

I packed a bag of things and returned to the hotel with the man in the T-shirt.

A warrior in golden armor suddenly appeared on the top floor and started killing people. The whole hotel was in chaos. The bodyguards were running around, contacting this and that. The man in the T-shirt and I easily blended in with the crowd and entered the elevator.

After arriving at the top floor, they saw that the scene was in a mess. The golden-armored warriors were slashing randomly with long swords. They had already killed three bodyguards in black sunglasses, and the guests were running around. The bodyguard overturned the table and tried to stop it. Since he didn't have a gun, he could only hit it with a plate or something, which seemed particularly ridiculous.

"Can you hold it off for a while?" The man in the T-shirt turned to me and asked.

"Five or six minutes should be fine." I thought for a while and replied.


After speaking, the man in the T-shirt pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword from his back, drew a pattern on the carpet, and then put his left hand around the sharp blade, and blood dripped from the gap in his palm. He raised the sword stained red with blood, closed his eyes, and sat cross-legged on the ground. The sword actually shone with dazzling blue lights.

I took out a few crow eggs from my bag. This is a 'magic weapon' I figured out last night. I inject eel blood and goat urine into the crow eggs. These three are extremely yin things, adding yin to yin. It should attract the attention of the red cannon!

I threw a crow egg at the wall, and the golden-armored warrior immediately rushed over and slashed at the wall as if possessed by an evil spirit.

It actually worked, and I felt ecstatic.

The golden armored warrior quickly chopped a wall into pieces and turned to look at me with a blank face. He must have been attracted by the crow eggs in my bag.

I quickly threw eggs in all directions. It roared like a madman, raised a big knife with both hands, and split a table stained with egg liquid into two halves with one knife, and the whole floor shook.

While it was going crazy there, I quickly took an iron bucket containing champagne, poured out the ice cubes, and poured a bag of iron sand into it. Then mix in the baby's hair and the woman's aunt's towel. It took a lot of effort to get these two things last night, and finally pour in a whole bottle of pig blood.

I put on rubber gloves and started stirring. As the pig blood solidified, the iron sand gradually became stronger, and finally it was kneaded into a big iron ball.

Of course it's not a real iron ball. This thing will fall apart with just a little force.

After preparing this 'cannonball', the golden-armored warrior also chopped off all the crow's eggs. It stared at me sinisterly. My heart skipped a beat and I quickly shouted to the man in the T-shirt: "I can't hold it off any longer!"

The man in a T-shirt who was sitting cross-legged on the ground suddenly jumped onto a table, as if hanging from a wire, and quickly approached the golden armored warrior at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

The golden-armored warrior slashed with his sword, and I secretly sweated for the man in the T-shirt!

The man in the T-shirt just raised his long sword and easily pushed the sword away. The sword was already heavy. The golden-armored warrior was pushed away from the sword, and he suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the man in the T-shirt suddenly flew up and kicked the beast's chest several times with his feet. With a bang, the golden-armored warrior flew backwards.

The man in the T-shirt landed lightly on the ground and struck a pose, but his eyes were closed from beginning to end.

"You are so bold and evil, how dare you act so arrogantly in front of me, Lu Dongbin!"

The man in the t-shirt said, neither his voice nor the tone of his words looked like him at all. I suddenly realized that this was the legendary spirit-inviting upper body, and the one he invited was not an ordinary ghost king or great demon, but the legendary sword fairy. Lu Dongbin!

It’s absolutely amazing!

I have read in books before that Lu Dongbin really appeared in history, but he was just a swordsman who traveled around to fight against injustice. His swordsmanship reached the peak level, but he was gradually deified and became one of the Eight Immortals.

The golden-armored warrior roared and swung his sword towards the man in the T-shirt again.

The man in the T-shirt dodged left and right, very fast, and several times he was only a few centimeters away from the blade, but he avoided it without any danger, which made me watching the battle in fear.

The golden-armored warrior danced his sword wildly. I almost heard whistling sounds in the air. Wherever the blade touched, tables and chairs were instantly split into pieces. The man in the T-shirt was always looking for an opportunity to attack, but his long sword was It stung the golden-armored warrior a few times, but it didn't hurt or itch the monster at all.

I noticed a detail. The man in the T-shirt used his free left hand to touch his back from time to time.

The weapons used by Lu Dongbin in history were male and female swords. Drawing the sword has become his subconscious action, but the man in the T-shirt only has one sword in his hand, which greatly affects his performance.

I looked around, found a steel pipe that had fallen out of nowhere, and threw it at him.

"Xianren Lu, take the sword!"

"Thank you, brother!"

The man in the t-shirt raised his hand to take the steel pipe and used it to block the sword. The Han sword in his right hand stabbed the golden armored warrior's abdomen like stars, causing sparks to fly. This combat power was too powerful.

The golden-armored warrior was furious after being slashed. He drew back his sword and swiped it from below.

The man in the t-shirt jumped up and stepped on the sword under his feet. No matter how hard the golden armored warrior tried, he couldn't pull it out. The man in the T-shirt slashed at its head with the sword in his hand, swept off the helmet, and beat the golden-armored warrior until only a headless body remained.

The golden-armored warrior was beaten until his original form was revealed. In desperation, he transformed into a red cannon and pointed the black muzzle at the man in the T-shirt!

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