Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 378: The real murderer is brought to justice

"Danger!" I couldn't help shouting.

Just after the call, the cannon was fired. With a deafening sound, a pre-loaded iron bullet instantly blasted through a pillar, sending fragments flying everywhere.

The man in the T-shirt fell to the ground. I ran over in a hurry, but found that he was not injured. It turned out that at the critical moment, his body fell backward and quickly avoided it.

At this time, the cannon turned its iron wheel and was about to run over him. I rushed from behind, grabbed the wheel tightly with both hands, and shouted to the man in the T-shirt: "Get out of the way!"

The cannon tried to throw me away and stepped back violently. My arm was almost dislocated due to the drag, and both fingernails were broken and rolled up bloody.

The man in the t-shirt rolled on the spot, a carp jumped up, inserted the steel pipe into the cannon's wheel, and pried it up with all his strength!

The cannon continued to retreat, bending the steel pipe and getting stuck in the wheels. As a result, it could neither advance nor retreat, and moved back and forth in place, like a trapped beast.

"Cannonball, I have a cannonball in my bag!" I shouted.

The man in the t-shirt hit his head when he fell down. The Lu Dongbin on his body had been sent away. At this moment, his eyes returned to normal. He took out the 'cannonball' made from pig blood and iron sand from my bag and put it into the red cannon's head. A plug in the barrel.

"Quickly find something to block the muzzle of the cannon to prevent it from spitting out!" I said quickly.

The man in the T-shirt pulled a layer of tablecloth, crumpled it into a ball and stuffed it into the barrel of the cannon. The cannon struggled desperately. I guess the 'cannonballs' inside had scattered, and the auntie towel and baby hair wrapped inside made it very uncomfortable.

I pressed the cannon body with my body, and saw that the surface of the cannon began to rust, like a layer of frost covering it instantly. It had been exhausted...

At this time, there was a flash of golden light, and an invisible force pushed the man in the T-shirt and I away. I fell on a table, but it didn't crush the table like in the movie. The man in the T-shirt landed lightly on the ground, unscathed.

I saw a headless warrior in golden armor, dragging a lame leg and supporting his body with a broadsword, limping towards the door. The armor on his body was no longer shiny, but covered with rust.

The man in the T-shirt took out a handful of magic talismans from his arms and flew over. When the magic talisman was attached to the body of the golden-armored warrior, he was forced to kneel down, his hands resting on the ground and trembling, looking very painful.

I took out an iron chain soaked in eel blood from my bag, grabbed one end of the iron chain with one hand, and threw the other end to the man in the T-shirt. He nodded and immediately understood my intention!

We shook off the iron chains and entangled the Golden Armored Warrior. Its entire body was covered with thick rust. I thought it would be impossible for it to make trouble again.

But at this moment, the golden armor warrior's appearance became a little strange. A trace of bright red liquid flowed out from the gaps in his armor, exuding a fishy smell. The armor actually started to bleed!

The golden-armored warrior, who was almost dying, suddenly stood up, grabbed both ends of the chain and began to spin, throwing me and the man in the T-shirt up like two sandbags. In the end, I couldn't hold on to either one and was thrown out immediately.

I fell to the ground and slid far away before I stopped. When I looked up, I saw the golden armored warrior picked up his sword and stood up. All the armor plates on his body were opening and closing, bleeding out, and he looked murderous.

"What's going on?" I was shocked.

"The people behind it plan to die together!" The man in the T-shirt frowned.

This is too heartbreaking!

The man in the T-shirt took out a few charms from his arms, unfolded them in his hands like a fan, and said to me calmly: "The caster should be nearby. You go find him immediately, and I will hold this thing back."

"How can this be done? You can't handle it alone..." I was worried about the safety of the man in the T-shirt.

"Go quickly!"

I gritted my teeth and left through the door next to me, and there was a huge noise in the room.

The caster will never leave the golden armor warrior too far, because he must see the situation on the scene before he can command the golden armor warrior. I immediately thought of the control room and took the elevator to the first floor. Because the golden armored warrior suddenly came in, everyone in the hotel was so scared that they hid, but the police hadn't arrived yet.

I found the office area. The innermost room was the control room. As soon as I approached, I felt a strong aura.

The door to the room was locked, and I knocked it open several times.

I thought the person inside would be a rich woman, but when I opened the door, I saw that it was her fat secretary. The fat secretary sat alone in front of the monitoring desk. Two security guards who were knocked unconscious were lying on the ground. He was holding a gold medal in his hand. His hair was gray, his skin was loose, and his body was thin. He seemed to have aged thirty years in an instant. , his eye sockets were sunken, and two lines of bloody tears flowed from his eyes.

I couldn't help but frown. Even for more money, is it worth risking my life?

Seeing me barging in, the fat secretary let out a creepy laugh and coughed up blood while laughing. The gold medal in his hand fell to the ground and I took the opportunity to pick it up.

The gold medal was hot, with a string of dragons and phoenixes engraved on the front, and a big spider on the back with a skull on the spider's back.

This must be the thing that controls the red cannon. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a thing.

In the monitor, I saw the golden-armored warrior chasing the man in the T-shirt, suddenly spurting blood, and then transformed back into a rusty cannon.

The fat secretary stood up tremblingly with his hands on the console. I was really worried that he would fall to the ground and die at any time.

"You're late!" he laughed.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"This drama I am performing here is just to delay time and divert your attention. The contract should have been signed by now..."

"Impossible, the tycoon is in our hands!" I shouted loudly.

"Haha, you are so confused. Fortunately, you are still in this line of work. His body is indeed in your hands, but where is his soul?"

I suddenly understood that the rich woman pulled out the soul of the tycoon when he was undergoing surgery. This could not have been done by a layman. There was an expert present at the time. The reason why the rich woman wanted to kill those doctors was To prevent this matter from leaking out.

They must have spent a lot of effort to torture the tycoon's soul, and then found a corpse, let the tycoon's soul attached to it, and forced him to sign the contract. As long as the handwriting is consistent, it will be legally valid.

Thinking of this, I suddenly started sweating. I have never seen such vicious methods in my life.

I turned around and walked out, called Yin Xinyue and asked her where she was now. She said she kept circling nearby and didn't drive far.

"Bring them to the hotel immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, I called Shen Hongbin again and asked him to bring the T-shirt man down with him.

A few minutes later, as soon as Shen Hongbin and the man in the t-shirt got off the elevator, Yin Xinyue led the tycoon in from the front door. Shen Hongbin was shocked: "Why is my brother in your hands? I thought he was kidnapped."

"It's too late to explain. If you don't want your equity and inheritance to be taken away by that woman, just do as I say!" I said with a straight face.

I asked him to find a few things. Shen Hongbin immediately ordered him to go down. Then I asked a few strong bodyguards to push Yuan Chonghuan to the ground. He kept struggling and screaming. I thought that if the police came later and saw this scene We will definitely interfere, and then we will be in trouble.

Shen Hongbin saw my concerns and said: "Master, it doesn't matter, just go ahead and do it. I will stop the police when they come."

I briefly explained what happened, and everyone present was shocked. Yin Xinyue asked me: "Brother Zhang, what are you going to do now?"

"Recall the tycoon's soul again!" I gritted my teeth and said.

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