Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 381 The weird clock

After the red cannon incident, I divided the 10 million reward given by Shen Hongbin equally with the T-shirt man, Yin Xinyue, and Li Mazi. Even I can’t believe that I made so much money all at once, and I probably won’t need to open another business for a few years.

It's a pity that the red cannon was severely damaged and had completely lost its effect as a ghost. I discussed it with Yin Xinyue and simply donated it to a local museum. Its value as a cultural relic may far exceed that of a ghost. Moreover, There are many professionals in the museum who can restore it.

There was no business for a period of time, so I opened the shop as usual every day, drank in the shop, read books, and spent the day leisurely.

I was about to take a nap that day, but Li Mazi came to the door again with a flattering smile on his face.

"Brother Zhang, are you busy?" Whenever this guy has this expression on his face, I know something is up.

I glanced at him and said, "We have an old relationship. If you have something to say, just say it. Don't hide it and make it uncomfortable for others."

"It's uncomfortable, why is it uncomfortable?" Li Mazi smiled even weirder: "It's said on TV, don't hit the smiling person. I'm smiling like this at you, no matter how difficult the request I make, you will be embarrassed to refuse me. …”

I couldn't help but snorted: "Take more care of your son when you have time, and watch less nutritious TV programs."

After speaking, he picked up the teacup on the side and took a sip of water to moisten his throat: "Besides, you haven't caused me enough trouble, haven't you?"

"Look at what you said, how can it be trouble? Everyone has benefits and benefits." Li Mazi smiled even more intimately.

"Are you okay? I'm going to sleep if you're fine."

"Something's going on, something's going on. Brother Zhang, why are you so impatient? Are you getting angry in autumn? Do you want to drink some chrysanthemum tea to calm down the anger? I have a buddy who is in the tea business. If you can trust me, , I asked him to get you some fine chrysanthemum tea..."

Li Mazi was verbose and his mouth was like a machine gun.

I waved my hand at him: "If you don't say anything, I'll pop your anus first!"

Frightened, Li Mazi hurriedly hugged his buttocks: "I said it, I said it."

He came over mysteriously and whispered: "Brother from the Zhang family, it's actually nothing serious. It's just that I, the tea-making buddy, encountered some trouble..."

I nodded and motioned for Li Mazi to continue.

Li Mazi suddenly became energetic. Without even waiting for me to say anything, he moved a small bench and sat in front of me: "We have been exposed to a lot of yin objects in our cooperation. You know there is a yin object that can stop time." Not going forward?"

I was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked, "What does stagnation mean?"

"I don't quite understand. People who are recruited are like prisoners, trapped and die within a day. No matter what you do or what you do, when you wake up, you find that you are still in yesterday and can't get out. You The people around me are repeating what happened yesterday." Although the words came out of his mouth, Li Mazi himself didn't believe it a little bit: "Damn it, if this person wasn't an old friend of mine, I would have sent him away. Entered a mental hospital..."

I remembered that my grandfather once told me that time is yang and time is yin. There is a kind of yin thing that has the ability to confuse time.

I looked seriously into Li Mazi's eyes and said, "This friend of yours doesn't just have a clock, right?"

Li Mazi opened his mouth in surprise: "Brother Zhang, when did you learn to tell fortunes?"

"Forget it!" I scolded him angrily: "Since I met you, I haven't been able to rest for a day. Please tell me carefully what is going on with this clock."

"Don't mention it." Li Mazi looked irritated and sighed: "My buddy is in the tea business. Something happened to a partner I worked with before. The business can't continue. I owe him tens of thousands." A payment of RMB 10,000. As a result, my buddy brought someone to the house to collect the debt. Seeing that the other person’s family was very poor, and knowing that the other person was also in trouble, he agreed to use things to pay off the debt. As a result, after rummaging through the house, there was nothing valuable. Later, he found out This is an old clock, and my buddy has seen the world. Looking at the appearance of the clock, I knew it was a treasure, so..."

"So he accepted it? Send the bell to the end, which has an ominous meaning. He is quite courageous." I chuckled and continued drinking tea.

Li Mazi smiled awkwardly: "Yes, yes, I also scolded him for being blinded by lard and not caring about good things when he saw them."

I put down the teacup and said, "You still have the nerve to scold others? It's as if you are much better than them."

Li Mazi apologized and said with a smile: "They are not the same kind of people. They cannot enter the same door. This is like a fish looking for a fish, a shrimp looking for a shrimp, and a toad looking for a frog."

I suddenly felt like I had been slapped in the face.

Li Mazi immediately reacted: "Of course, Zhang family brother, you are not from the same family as us. You are an expert, an expert."

"Stop rambling around and get down to business."

Li Mazi nodded: "Although the meaning of sending a bell is not very good, my brother Li Zi didn't think too much about it, so he took the thing back home. He even asked an expert to identify it and said it was from the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. The Western clock should be worth a lot of money. When my buddy heard this, he was so happy that he even planned to pass this treasure on as a family heirloom. By the way, he even took a photo of this thing and posted it to his circle of friends. Find it out and show it to you.”

Li Mazi quickly took out his mobile phone and opened his circle of friends. After a while, he put the phone in front of my eyes and said, "Look, that's it."

It is an extremely exquisitely crafted Western self-ringing clock. The pattern on the dial is very simple. Although it is old, it is still very precious because it has been properly preserved. But on the top of the clock, there is a shallow notch, like the word '一'.

This word should have been engraved later.

Seeing that I didn't answer, Li Mazi asked nervously: "Brother Zhang, is it difficult?"

Seeing that I had been staring at the word '一', he couldn't help but said: "This word was not carved by my buddy. Maybe someone didn't know the value of the treasure when he handled it earlier, so he carved it on it."

"One word is the end of life and the beginning of death. This clock is a very dangerous thing!" I said.

Li Mazi's face turned pale with fright: "Brother Zhang, I didn't know before that you could also test words?"

"There are still many things you don't know."

Li Mazi tightened his voice: "How fierce is this fierce thing? Is it more powerful than what we have encountered before?"

"Not necessarily. I don't dare to say anything without seeing the real thing."

"Isn't it easy to see the real thing? Let's go to my buddy's house right now. He has been waiting for you to come." Li Mazi smiled and was about to walk out the door.

I yawned lazily: "What are you in a hurry? Wait for me to take a nap first."

"Ah?" Li Mazi was dumbfounded: "Human life is at stake, why are you sleeping?"

I waved at him and walked to the bedroom without looking back: "What you care about is not human life, but money."

Li Mazi suddenly wilted.

I had a very restless sleep this night.

Li Mazi was walking around outside, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, wanting to crush the floor of my house.

I had no choice but to get up from the bed.

When Li Mazi saw me coming out, a smile rarely escaped from his nervous face: "Brother Zhang, are you awake?"

"Wake up, I'm not asleep at all, okay?" I glared at him fiercely: "Honestly, how much did your buddy pay you? You're so anxious that it feels like there's a fire in your butt. "

"Hehe." This time Li Mazi pretended to be stupid and said nothing: "Jianghu loyalty, Jianghu loyalty, talking about money is so tacky."

"With those little mung bean eyes of yours, can you recognize anything else besides money?" I turned around and walked to the bathroom.

"Brother Zhang, you can't say that. Apart from money, gold, silver, emeralds and diamonds are all available to me. We won't choose."

The mouthwash almost choked me to death.

I quickly washed my face and went out with Li Mazi.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived at the famous wealthy area of ​​the city.

I looked at the beautifully decorated single-family villas in front of me and said with envy: "This friend of yours has developed really well. The houses in this area have grown to five figures, right?"

"No way!" Li Mazi's tone was full of jealousy: "I heard that it was already worth five figures when I bought it. It has been many years and it has already appreciated in value."

"These days, if you have money, you still have to buy a house." I sighed, and walked towards the community with Li Mazi.

The security guard was obviously suspicious of our appearance. He stopped us and questioned us carefully three or four times before letting us go with a look of alarm. Li Mazi and I walked far away, and when we turned around, we found that he was still staring at us as if he were guarding against thieves.

Li Mazi immediately became angry: "Damn it, what does this guy think of us?"

With that said, he turned around and went back to argue with him.

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