Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 382 Tea Merchant

I grabbed Li Mazi and said, "He is also doing it for his own job. Life is not easy. Everyone has their own difficulties. Don't cause trouble. It's better to go see your friends first."

After listening to what I said, Li Mazi gave up: "It's his destiny. If I meet you, I have something important to do today, otherwise I will have to argue with him. When I came out to hang out, he was still shaking his nose and naked. His ass is running all over the street."

I didn't have the nerve to answer.

Li Mazi thought to himself and continued: "Besides, we are handsome, elegant, and suave. We can't be bad people at first glance. Good people, that's a lot of good people. If he doubts us, he is really blind."

I couldn't help it, so I took a closer look at the plain-looking Li Mazi and the moon-like bumps on his face, and coughed lightly.

Li Mazi reacted and smiled awkwardly at me: "I'm talking about you, it's you."

"But Li Mazi, I admire you for one thing." I rarely said seriously: "Although you are a bit oily, you have a lot of friends. You are from all walks of life, and there is no way you don't know..."

Before I could finish speaking, Li Mazi said excitedly: "That's right! People walk in the world with the word "righteousness". If you don't have friends, what are you doing? Brother Zhang, I'm not bragging to you. , in our area, there is no one whom I, Li Mazi, do not know. Whatever you want to do or which way you want to take, just ask me and I will keep it clear and proper for you, otherwise I will The character "李" is written backwards."

There was a bit of pride in his voice.

I smiled at him, fearing that if I said anything else, Li Mazi would go straight to heaven, so I had to change the topic: "You seem to have some wealth as a buddy."

"Shit!" Li Mazi curled his lips in disapproval: "Brother Zhang, we have an old relationship. I dare not hide anything from you. To tell you the truth, his ancestors, then He is notoriously poor. How poor can he be? I won’t lie to you at all. A beggar passed by their house and stayed overnight. Before leaving the next morning, he even threw ten yuan at his house."

I really couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

Li Mazi said with an apologetic smile: "Fortunately, my brother is still somewhat promising! The four brothers were in jail and died. In the end, he was the only one left who was fine. There was a tea merchant who happened to pass by their village. I guess Since there was really a shortage of people under his command at that time, and seeing that he was quite honest, he took him on as his apprentice. Otherwise, he would have starved to death long ago. This tea merchant died of illness within a few years of working, so my buddy took him as his apprentice. The business was taken over. Times were difficult in the past few years, so who had the time to drink tea? Therefore, the tea business is neither salty nor light. In recent years, things have become better, and everyone has slowly begun to know how to appreciate tea. Plus The weather in the south is suitable and the quality of the tea is good. My brother's life is getting better a little bit. Sometimes I wonder, where can you explain him? At first he was a beggar, but now he lives in a small villa and drives a luxury car. Cars, popular food and drink. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. People are really incomparable. Comparing people is infuriating."

After Li Mazi finished speaking, he stopped in front of an elegant villa.

"That's it right here." Li Mazi pointed at the gate and said.

There was a very strange aura surrounding the villa in front of me, and the air became weird and stuffy.

Something's not quite right.

"Take it easy." I said to remind Li Mazi to be careful.

Li Mazi stepped forward and pressed the doorbell with a cautious look.

Not long after, a gray-faced middle-aged man opened the door. He carefully opened the door a crack and stuck out half of his head alertly. After confirming that the other party was Li Mazi, he breathed a long sigh of relief and slowly opened the door: "Mazi, you're here."

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant, completely inconsistent with his appearance, like the voice of an old man who was about to die.

His face also looked like it had not been exposed to the sun all year round. There was no blood at all, and the blue blood vessels were particularly obvious, like blue and white porcelain, which was very scary.

Li Mazi was startled by his appearance: "Lao Gang, did you become such a ghost?"

Li Mazi was obviously frightened, and he couldn't use the opening words he had originally prepared. Even his right leg that had already stepped through the door was retracted in embarrassment.

In Laogang's home, there was not a trace of light in the entire living room, the curtains were tightly drawn, and the room was dark and strange.

Lao Gang grabbed Li Mazi like a life-saving straw: "Mazi, please save me quickly. If this continues, I will only die."

His sudden move frightened Li Mazi: "Um, am I here? Don't worry, I'm here to save you. Let go, let go first."

No matter what Li Mazi said, Lao Gang refused to let go and even knelt down to Li Mazi.

"I'm going, Lao Gang, let go quickly, your hand is too damn strong..." Li Mazi let out a cry of pain.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

At this moment, the dull sound of a clock suddenly sounded in the room.

It's three o'clock.

These three bells are very strange.

The first sound seemed very far away, like walking in the mountains and hearing the morning bell coming from a distant temple.

The second sound seemed to be very close to us, as if someone had tied our hands and feet and struck a big bell against our ears. The sound was deafening and almost pierced the eardrums.

The third bell was not so much a bell as it was a woman's shrill scream. The voice was full of unwillingness and resentment. I even faintly heard a strange sound, like long nails, scratching. Same as the floor.

After the three bells rang, Lao Gang seemed to have lost all his strength and sat down on the ground, his eyes becoming vacant and lifeless. He said tremblingly: "The bell is ringing, the bell is ringing..."

Li Mazi did not help Lao Gang, but turned to look at me with a cautious expression.

I was angry and funny: "What do you think I'm doing? Help me up quickly."

He was a good friend just now, but when he was really in danger, he would hide faster than anyone else. Li Mazi is a person. I can't find a suitable word to describe him even after looking through the entire "Xinhua Dictionary".

Li Mazi saw that my expression remained normal, so he slowly stepped forward and held Lao Gang's arm. There was a bit of hesitation in his movements. As long as there was something slightly wrong with Lao Gang, he would run away immediately.

Lao Gang remained motionless, like a stone.

Li Mazi breathed a sigh of relief, but just as he touched Lao Gang's clothes, Li Mazi immediately retracted his hand as if he had been shocked: "Brother Zhang, there's something... something's wrong." He was frightened even as he spoke. stammered.

"What's wrong?" I frowned and leaned over.

Li Mazi pointed at Lao Gang, who had dull eyes, and said, "Look, his clothes are all wet."

In just a few minutes, Lao Gang seemed to be seriously ill. He broke out in a lot of cold sweat and even soaked his clothes.

But the strange thing is that his face is still gray and white, without a drop of sweat.

This is a bit strange.

I pushed Li Mazi away and gently helped Lao Gang up.

Lao Gang seemed to have lost all his strength, leaning gently on me, and with the help of my strength, he reluctantly sat back on the sofa.

I turned around and told Li Mazi, who was still standing at the door, "Turn on the light."

"Oh." Li Mazi hurriedly found the switch.

Lao Gang, who had been quiet and seemed to have lost his mind, suddenly jumped up and his voice became high-pitched and thin: "Don't... don't turn on the light."

His voice changed so quickly that I was stunned for a moment.

What kind of femininity can torture a person like this?

My curiosity was successfully aroused.

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