Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 383 Express Delivery from the Underworld

How could Li Mazi care about Lao Gang's attitude? After finding the switch, he turned on the light directly and then closed the door rudely: "Why are you so fucking verbose? You have to do whatever the Zhang family's little brother asks you to do! I'm not A first-rate master, if you don't want to die, just be obedient."

Lao Gang was originally angry, but after hearing Li Mazi's words, he stopped completely.

Li Mazi was obviously very familiar with the Lao Gang family. He ran to the kitchen carelessly and took out two bottles of beer from the refrigerator: "Brother Zhang, take a few sips before doing business."

I shook my head and motioned for him to drink it himself.

And I looked around and carefully examined the Feng Shui arrangement of Lao Gang's house.

When the wind rises and the water rises, the purple air comes from the east. The door is filled with blessings, seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune.

It seems that Laogang's mansion has been viewed by a professional expert.

Li Mazi was not idle either. He came up to Lao Gang and asked in a low voice: "Where's the nanny?"

Lao Gang lowered his head and said in a muffled voice: "Fired."

"Why?" Li Mazi asked puzzledly.

"Ever since that broken clock entered the house, strange things have happened all the time. I'm afraid that I'll injure others, and I'm also afraid that the nanny will go out and talk nonsense and let my peers see my jokes..."

When Lao Gang said this, although he kept his head lowered, his eyes were swaying rapidly from side to side, as if he was looking at something.

"I didn't see it, you still have some conscience." Li Mazi said with a smile.

Lao Gang obviously became a little nervous and lowered his head.

I winked at Li Mazi, signaling him not to ask any more questions. Li Mazi was also smart and immediately understood what I meant. He drank his beer obediently and stopped talking as expected.

After a while, there was a harsh doorbell ringing outside the door.

"Huh? Who will come at this time?" Li Mazi threw the empty beer can on the coffee table, stood up carelessly and went to open the door.

"Delivering express delivery." Lao Gang's voice was trembling, and his body was shaking like a sieve.

"Ah? How do you know?" Li Mazi stopped halfway.

Lao Gang rubbed his hands nervously: "It's been like this every day lately. At 3:15, the courier will arrive on time."

"Fuck you, how could such a coincidence happen?" Li Mazi didn't believe it, so he walked over and opened the door.

Sure enough, there was a courier standing outside, his dark face covered with sweat. He held a small cardboard box and asked politely: "Is it Chen Fukang's family?"

It turns out that this is the name of Laogang.

Li Mazi nodded.

The courier handed the box over, pointed to the address of the recipient and said, "Just sign, just your name." He took out a pen from his pocket.

I kept staring at Lao Gang and found that although Lao Gang lowered his head, he kept mumbling. In order to hear his words clearly, I slowly moved closer to him.

After Li Mazi finished signing, the courier tore off the express delivery form and said with a smile: "If there is express delivery, please call me. I am responsible for the express delivery business in our community."

He was talking over there, and Lao Gang was repeating his words as if he were reciting a text.

When the courier turned around to leave, Lao Gang suddenly raised his head and stared at me with his desperate eyes: "Exactly the same, exactly the same! Not a word has changed, it's the same as yesterday, the same as the day before yesterday, it's been the same these days. so……"

Before he finished speaking, Li Mazi had already yelled: "I believed your evil deeds." He ran after him and grabbed the courier's clothes: "Who the hell ordered you to do this? How dare you? Are you here to play pranks and jokes? Why don't you go out and ask around, who are the people living here?"

The courier was stunned for a moment, and then immediately broke away from Li Mazi's hand: "What are you doing? What are you doing? Did you watch the video of bullying the courier on the Internet? Do you also want to bully others?" Because you were too anxious, your hometown dialect They all jumped out.

Li Mazi was furious: "Who the hell bullied you? I ask you what's going on, who instigated you, who asked you to deliver express delivery at this time every day?"

When the courier heard this, he immediately became energetic: "Are you sick? Don't you have to deliver if you have express delivery? In such a hot day, do you think I am willing to mess around?"

He glared at Li Mazi fiercely and rode away on an electric bicycle.

Li Mazi carried the cardboard box back to the house and looked at me in confusion: "What's going on?"

I was also confused.

Lao Gang suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the corner silently.

Li Mazi and I looked at his fingers and were stunned.

In the corner near the window, there were twenty or thirty cardboard boxes neatly stacked. The size, specifications, and even the location of the tape on them were exactly the same as the cardboard boxes in Li Mazi's hand.

Li Mazi screamed and threw the cardboard box in his hand as if he was holding a hot potato.

The cardboard box drew a beautiful arc in mid-air and fell to the ground with a 'pop'.

Li Mazi ran up to me with a nervous look on his face: "Brother from the Zhang family, this matter is a bit evil. It's different from what we have experienced before. Otherwise..."

I guess what he's going to say next is: How about we withdraw quickly?

To be honest, this femininity is indeed a bit weird. I am not very sure that I can conquer it, and I feel a little weak.

After listening to Li Mazi's words, Lao Gang next to him raised his head several times and wanted to say something. His lips moved slightly, but in the end he said nothing, closed his mouth and lowered his head.

I glared at Li Mazi with contempt: "Who told me about loyalty just now? Is this what you call loyalty? Isn't there something missing in your word "righteousness"? It's an x!"

Li Mazi explained with some embarrassment: "The key is that what happened this time is too weird. In order to earn a small amount of money from him, I would put my life on the line later. You can't do it! Brother Zhang, you know that I still have someone below me." As for my son, if I have a bad thing, what will my poor son do?"

I slapped him on the shoulder: "Stop talking nonsense, now my appetite has been whetted, are you going to withdraw as soon as you say?"

Li Mazi grinned in pain: "Brother Zhang, we are all civilized people. We should try to do as little as possible to solve problems that we can solve with words."

Without thinking, I kicked the ball flying, and Li Mazi dodged aside neatly.

I stood up, relaxed my muscles, and got ready to start working.

"Lao Gang, take me to see that negative thing."

Lao Gang raised his head in confusion: "Yinwu, what Yinwu?"

It turned out that he didn't know that the one-piece clock in his hand was a sinister object.

Li Mazi interjected from the side: "It's the baby bump that tortured you into such a ghostly state."

Only then did Lao Gang react: "A yin object, you said... you said that bell is a yin object? A thing used by dead people?"

"It doesn't necessarily have to be something used by dead people. In our industry, things that can harm people are usually called that." Probably because Lao Gang looked too pitiful, I rarely explained to him calmly. .

Li Mazi curled his lips sadly at the different treatment I received.

I pretended not to see it.

Lao Gang nodded mechanically, his face full of expressions of loss, regret, worry, and fear.

I patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, there will be a solution."

However, when I touched Lao Gang's shoulder, my hand felt like a sponge full of water.

Soft and lifeless at all.

I looked at Lao Gang's back and couldn't help but frown.

The current state of Laogang is very bad.

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