Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 384 The evil sect is just the beginning

Li Mazi saw something wrong with my expression and hurriedly chased after me: "Brother Zhang, are you okay? It's still too late to leave now..."

I turned around and glared at him fiercely: "If you want to leave, you can go by yourself. Don't be nagging. Who told you to tie the dog chain to my hand? But I put the ugly words ahead. If you dare to walk out of this door today, in the future, Just don’t expect to come to my door again.”

Li Mazi was so choked by me that he couldn't speak. After a long time, he let out a long sigh: "Okay, okay! If I don't go, I won't go! Is this okay? I am just too kind and soft-hearted." He said, humming "Heart Is Too Soft" while carelessly following him to Lao Gang's bedroom.

I grabbed him by the collar and carried him back: "Why are you following me in?"

"Then why should I go?" Li Mazi said dissatisfied: "Besides, I'm already here, why don't you let me see what that baby looks like."

I gave Li Mazi a strange laugh twice: "It's okay, but..." I deliberately prolonged the sound.

"But what?" Li Mazi turned nervous.

"It's just...if that evil thing gets stuck on you, don't come to me."

As soon as Li Mazi heard this, he turned around and walked to the living room: "Brother from the Zhang family, please pay attention to your safety. My brother is waiting for you outside the door. If anything goes wrong, just shout and I will immediately go in with an ax and chop the ghost. thing!"

The speed of his steps and the swiftness of his figure almost made me hallucinate. The person who was in front of me one second, was already running to the corner of the living room happily unpacking the express delivery from Laogang.

What can you say about him?

I was too lazy to pay attention to him and followed Lao Gang's footsteps into the bedroom.

The curtains were also drawn in the bedroom, and there was no light. In the darkness, there was only the crisp sound of the clock ticking.

Like water droplets falling in mid-air, gently hitting the stone. Every sound is like a special spell, so far away and so clear.

Lao Gang sat by the bed with an expressionless face: "That's it, I'm almost going crazy from the torture. If this continues, I will probably die..."

I found the switch on the wall and clicked on the light.

In Lao Gang's horrified eyes, all the sounds in his ears disappeared. The moment the light occupied the bedroom, the clock suddenly stopped running.

The hour hand, minute hand, and second hand all stopped.

There was deathly silence all around, only Lao Gang opened his mouth in shock.

The clock is placed quietly on the bedside table. The dark brown wood has been polished to a shiny color due to its age. A small glass cover is covered with scratches, as if a piece of fine jade has become fatal. of flaws. The hands are made of pure copper. Due to moisture and improper storage, the hour and minute hands have developed a faint patina.

At the top of the one-word clock, the shallow one is particularly obvious, like a deep valley that suddenly sank in the plain, which is very dazzling.

Lao Gang stared at the clock face in shock, with a hint of disbelief: " actually stopped, it didn't move."

It seems that although this evil object is evil, it has a fatal weakness, that is, it is afraid of light.

Wherever there is a weakness, there is a solution.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Before I could finish breathing, there was another familiar ticking sound in my ears.

The clock started running again.

In fact, I feel that its speed is much faster than before.

Lao Gang, who was originally full of expectations, was so frightened that he opened his mouth wide, like a goldfish that was abandoned on the shore, breathing laboriously, desperately waiting for death to come.

The last bit of sparkle in his eyes seemed ready to disappear at any moment.

People are not afraid of not having hope, but they are afraid of not having the will to fight. If you don't even have the will to live, what else can you do except die?

I'm a little worried about Lao Gang. It doesn't look like I can stay in this bedroom for long.

"Li Mazi! Li Mazi!" I called loudly to Li Mazi who was in the living room.

As a result, there was no response after calling several times. I walked out of the bedroom in confusion, only to see Li Mazi running to the door at some point and looking cautiously into the house.

I laughed angrily: "You bitch, just now you said you were waiting outside the door. I just shouted and you came in with an axe. Is this what you call waiting? You were already waiting at the fucking door. ?”

Li Mazi curled his lips aggrievedly and pitifully: "Brother Zhang, you really can't blame me, I...I didn't find the axe!"

This excuse is quite good, I can't wait to give Li Mazi a thumbs up immediately.

"You coward, luckily you were reborn late and caught up with the good times. If this had happened during the Anti-Japanese War, you would have turned traitor and become a traitor." I glanced at him disdainfully.

Li Mazi hated 'traitors' the most. When he heard what I said, he immediately blushed and yelled: "Who is a coward? I...I am here to find a way out for us. That ghost is too evil. If anything happens, If we can't fight, we have to find a way to escape!" As he said, he straightened his back and walked in the door with a pretentious attitude: "Who is afraid? Do you think I am afraid?"

If it weren't for Lao Gang's bad condition, I would really want to scare him at this time.

For the sake of Lao Gang, I decided to let Li Mazi go temporarily.

I asked Li Mazi to help Lao Gang out of the bedroom. As soon as Li Mazi entered the bedroom, his eyes fell on the one-piece clock: "Such a little thing has such power?"

I said impatiently: "Hurry up and help the person out, and then close the bedroom door." I turned around and walked into the living room and saw the parcels that Li Mazi had opened earlier.

All the goods are exactly the same, and they should have been bought by Lao Gang before the accident.

Evil, so evil!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the bedroom. I hurriedly turned around and ran towards the bedroom door, and found that Li Mazi fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Lao Gang seemed to have lost his mind, standing blankly in front of the clock, carefully reaching out and rubbing the shallow word on the top of the clock.

Li Mazi cursed feebly: "Damn it, Lao Gang, you're fucking crazy, and your tactics are too cunning. I... my ribs seem to be broken, and the medical expenses have to be calculated separately."

I suddenly remembered Lao Gang's huge hand before entering the door.

Lao Gang's current state is close to madness. I called him worriedly: "Lao Gang, are you okay?"

Lao Gang was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly he raised the clock with force.

"Lao Gang!" I was startled and wanted to step forward to stop him.

Lao Gang suddenly raised his face and grinned at me strangely. The smile touched every blue blood vessel on his face, and the whole face was distorted. At that moment, I felt like Lao Gang had changed. His open mouth was like a deep dry well, so dark that it had no end.


The word Zhong fell to the ground hard.

Along with that huge sound, I felt as if someone had punched me hard on the back of my head. I had a splitting headache, and then I fell straight down.

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