Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 385 Horrifying Dream

When I woke up again, I was lying on the bed.

It was quiet all around, and the scent of tea floated in the air.

Isn't this my antique store?

How did I end up back here? Weren't you at Laogang's house just now?

Could it be that I was dreaming everything just now, or did I fall for one-shot tricks?

I have never experienced anything like this since I entered the industry. I shook my head hard, trying to wake myself up more.

Outside the bedroom door, I heard a rush of footsteps, going back and forth, which was particularly familiar.

No need to think about it, it must be Li Mazi.

I get so angry when I think about him.

Damn it, it’s all that bastard Li Mazi. If he hadn’t caused me so much trouble, I would have been living a relaxed and happy life drinking tea in an antique shop. How could I have experienced so much? Ordeal?

If God gives me another chance, I will use all my strength to kick Li Mazi away as far as I can. It is best to send him to Siberia and never see him again in my lifetime.

I got out of bed dizzily and opened the door gently.

Outside the door, Li Mazi was circling anxiously. Hearing the sound, he immediately turned his head in surprise: "Brother Zhang, are you awake?"

According to the normal plot progression, I think I should reply to him: "Wake up, you're not asleep at all, okay?"

But this sentence stuck directly in my throat, making me unable to make a sound.

Li Mazi looked at my face carefully: "What's wrong? Brother Zhang? I think you don't look well. Could it be that you have a nightmare?"

More than just a nightmare, this is far scarier than a nightmare.

I sorted out my thoughts and tried to sound normal: "Li Mazi, you didn't come to me to help your friend Lao Gang solve a problem, did you?"

"Brother Zhang, stop making trouble. Can you still sleep and lose your memory? Didn't we just agree? You take a nap and follow me when you wake up. If you don't go, my brother will kill you." Hang up..." When Li Mazi said this, he suddenly came to his senses and looked at me in disbelief: "No, how did you know his name was Lao Gang? I remember I never mentioned his name to you."

Li Mazi was stunned, and I wasn't much better either.

What the hell is going on? I waved to Li Mazi and motioned for him to come to me.

Li Mazi leaned over in confusion.

I quickly raised my hand and slapped him without saying a word.

Li Mazi was completely stunned by me this time. He forgot to say anything and looked at me in confusion with half of his face covered.

I asked him: "Does it hurt?"

Li Mazi nodded mechanically.

"Since it hurts, it's not a dream..." I muttered quietly.

Li Mazi jumped up in anger: "Holy crap! Are you in a trance? I wonder if it's a dream. You won't slap yourself. Why are you slapping me?" As he spoke, he raised his arms and gritted his teeth. The ground wants to fight back.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble." I pushed him away seriously.

"Whoever makes trouble with you, I will never suffer a loss, please show me the left half of your face." Li Mazi said reluctantly: "Seriously, do you dislike me and have you wanted to hit me for a long time? "

"Okay." I was afraid that Li Mazi would continue to pester me, so I said with a straight face: "Do you want my help? If not, just slap me back, and then I will go back to the house to sleep."

Li Mazi rolled his eyes and hurriedly said with a smile: "Aren't I just joking with you? We have been through life and death so many times, what kind of relationship is that? If this were in ancient times, we would have become brothers of the opposite sex long ago. Don't It's just a slap, but even if you make my face swollen, I can't say no, I have to take the initiative to bring the other half of my face over."

I snorted.

Li Mazi asked flatteringly: "Then let's set off now?"

I took a deep breath. To be honest, the vagina this time was really weird. It was the first time I encountered such an interesting thing since I started in the industry. My curiosity was successfully aroused by it.

Although I don’t know whether everything that happened before was a dream or reality, I have decided to have a good fight with this one-word clock.

I glanced at Li Mazi casually: "Why are you still standing there? Lead the way!"

Li Mazi shouted: "I have the order! Let's go!"

Just after taking two steps, I suddenly stopped him: "Wait a minute, I'll wash my face first. I have to pay attention to my personal image."

Li Mazi couldn't brake in time and slammed into the door panel.

Appearing in front of the wealthy people's villa area again, I felt a sense of embarrassment that I couldn't laugh or cry.

Li Mazi said: "Brother Zhang, please talk to me. You didn't say a word during the whole journey. I was so scared that I peeked at you several times, thinking you were out of breath."

"Damn, can you talk? Are you cursing me?" I immediately glared at Li Mazi with dissatisfaction.

Li Mazi laughed along. The left side of his face that I had beaten was swollen, and there were five fingerprints clearly printed on it. He stretched out his hand and patted his mouth gently: "Hit your mouth for being unable to speak. Brother Zhang, I said something wrong. Don't be the same as me."

I looked around, thought for a while, and then asked, "This friend of yours is developing really well. The houses in this area are all in five figures, right?"

"No way!" Li Mazi's tone was full of jealousy: "I heard that it was already worth five figures when I bought it. It has been many years and it has already appreciated in value."

Li Mazi's answer was exactly the same as before.

Not only him, but even the security guard at the entrance was as cautious as before. He carefully interrogated Li Mazi and I three or four times before letting us go with a look of alarm.

After walking far away, Li Mazi turned around and saw the security guard still staring at us. Li Mazi immediately became angry: "Damn it, what does this guy think of us?"

With that said, he turned around and went back to argue with him.

I didn't even look back and just strode forward.

Li Mazi ran a few steps, and seeing that I had no intention of stopping him, Sansan ran back to me: "Brother Zhang, I want to go back and argue with him, and teach him not to look down on others."

"Well, go ahead." I nodded perfunctorily.

Li Mazi was stunned: "Maybe he will take action."

"Yeah." I waved my hand at him like a fly: "Let's go slowly without seeing him off."

Li Mazi was dumbfounded: "Given our relationship, why don't you go with me? By the way, you can also embolden me and help me out?"

"You are so skilled, won't I cause trouble for you if I go?"

"If I start using my hands, fists and feet, if I hit him too hard and beat him to a second-level disability, won't you stop me?"

I stopped and smiled at Li Mazi with a bright smile on my face: "You can stay there for a few years with peace of mind, and I will visit you often. Don't worry, I will definitely treat your son as my own son, and I will find another one for Ruxue." A good husband."

"Damn it, you made a careless friend!" Li Mazi followed me forward languidly, never mentioning that he was going to argue with the security guard.

If I had known he was such a coward, I shouldn't have stopped him before.

A waste of breath.

Just like what happened before, Li Mazi and I arrived in front of Lao Gang's villa. Li Mazi stepped forward and rang the doorbell, and Lao Gang quickly opened the door.

Everything happened before, Lao Gang grabbed Li Mazi's hand like a lifeline, and the pain made Li Mazi cry for father and mother. Then, the bell rang.

Three more sounds, still so weird.

Lao Gang let go of his hand and collapsed on the ground as if he had lost all his strength.

Nothing more, nothing less, everything is such a coincidence.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Li Mazi turned his head and looked at me aggrievedly: "My friends are like this, how can you still be in the mood to laugh?"

I deliberately bypassed him, entered directly, and turned on the light with ease.

Lao Gang stared at me nervously: "Don't turn on the light! You...who are you?"

Li Mazi introduced at the side: "This is the master I mentioned to you. Lao Gang, to tell you the truth, you are lucky to have a friend like me. If it were anyone else, you wouldn't be able to invite him." Touch him. Our experts can solve a small problem like yours with just a flick of the finger, so you don’t have to worry about it. Are you ready for the reward for both of us?"

I saw Li Mazi bragging endlessly, without blushing or out of breath, so I couldn't help but interjected: "Hey, hey, it's not easy for herdsmen now, please take it easy, don't blow away all the cattle, turn around." I won’t let you go if you can’t drink the milk!”

Li Mazi's face didn't change at all after I exposed him ruthlessly. He even patted Lao Gang on the shoulder without shame: "My brother is good at everything, but he is too humble. I will criticize him when I have time later."

When did I become your family?

Li Mazi didn't give me a chance to speak and just walked towards the kitchen. In order to avoid not having someone handy to help when something happens, I stopped him and said, "Can you have a little fun? Don't be busy drinking just yet, business is more important."

Li Mazi was startled: "Brother Zhang, are you so awesome now? How did you know that I was going to find a drink?"

Seeing that I ignored him, Li Mazi had to brag to Lao Gang: "Did you see that? I'm not fooling you, are I? This expert in our family has extraordinary abilities. Just stick your butt out and he will Know what you want to do..."

Why does this sound so awkward?

After hearing what Li Mazi said, Lao Gang had no reaction at all on his face, he still looked like he was distracted.

Compared with the previous meeting, Lao Gang was obviously weaker.

Soon after 3:15, the courier came to deliver the express on time again. This time I didn’t ask Li Mazi to sign for it, so I walked to the door myself. The courier still had the same standard tone: "Chen Fukang, right? Please sign here."

I took the pen he handed me, signed it, and asked politely: "Have you been here every day to deliver express delivery lately?"

The courier was stunned for a moment: "No, right? There are so many couriers that I can't remember them all."

I nodded and smiled at him.

After the courier left, I called Lao Gang aside and asked carefully: "Where did you get this one-piece clock? Think about it and tell me carefully."

Lao Gang rolled his stiff eyes: "From one of my clients, he owed me a sum of money, and he was going to use his family property to pay off the debt. I saw that his family was impoverished, and only this thing looked like an old thing, so I was happy. I moved back home happily, who knew..."

"Where is the customer? Do you have his contact information?" I asked.

Lao Gang thought hard for a long time, his brows furrowed tightly, and after a long time he nodded with a painful look on his face: "It seems so."

Li Mazi listened on the sidelines and immediately shouted with dissatisfaction: "If it is, there is it, if it is not, it is not. What do you mean it seems to be there? You have watched too many Korean dramas and you are playing amnesia with us."

Before Li Mazi could finish speaking, I slapped him on the back. The pain made him grin: "Why are you talking so much? Go drink your beer and don't get in the way here."

Li Mazi muttered: "I helped so sincerely, and you actually said I was in the way. My heart is bleeding." As he said this, he happily ran to the kitchen to find beer.

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