Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 386 This person is dead

Lao Gang found a square wooden box from under the coffee table, opened the lid, and found it filled with business cards.

The breadth of communication is staggering.

It must have taken a lot of hard work to make Laogang what it is today.

Lao Gang stretched out his hand with difficulty, searched for a long time, took out a business card from the box and handed it to me: "That's him."

The owner of the business card is named Song.

Without saying anything, I dialed Lao Gang's landline. The phone rang several times, but no one answered. Dial it again, still the same result. I dialed the office phone number listed above again and found that the number had been canceled and became empty.

I couldn't get in touch with the person involved, which really bothered me.

I dialed the phone again and again, but no one answered. I thought about it and asked Lao Gang: "Since he is a partner, he must have cooperation with you, right? Is there anyone who knows you and him?" ?”

Lao Gang thought for a while, then found a business card from the business card box and handed it to me.

This time it went smoothly, and the call was quickly connected. The man on the other end of the phone had a low voice, with a somewhat tactful tone: "Oh, Laogang, what a rare visitor! How could you, a busy entrepreneur, think of giving me a call?" I call?"

"Hello, I am a friend from Lao Gang. I have something to ask you..."

Before I could finish speaking, the other party asked alertly: "Who are you? What happened to Laogang? Are you from the Public Security Bureau? Did Laogang commit any crime and went in? Comrade police, Chen and I Fu Gang is just a business partner, we don't have any personal friendship, and we have stopped cooperating a long time ago, and now we can't even be business partners. I don't know him very well, I don't know anything."

In just a few words, you can tell yourself that you are clean and honest. This sentence really makes sense.

I was almost speechless. It took me a long time to clear up my thoughts and explained patiently: "Nothing happened to Laogang. There is just a person who owes Laogang a sum of money and I can't get in touch with him now. So here I am." Let me ask you."

"That's it!" The other party's attitude obviously calmed down, and his tone immediately became condescending: "Who is it? If you don't pay back the money you owe Lao Gang, do you still want to work in the tea market in the future?"

I stated the name on my business card.

The other party was stunned: "It's him, Lao Song..."

"You know? Could you please tell me his contact information?" I asked excitedly.

The other party said with regret: "It's too late, it's too late. He is no longer here."

No one is here anymore?

I was surprised: "When did it happen?"

"Just a few days ago, he owed a huge amount of debt and was forced to jump off the building. I heard that his wife was also frightened and went insane. Now she is admitted to a mental hospital. She is so crazy and pitiful. "The other party sighed: "The person is gone, and everything in the world has been taken away. You tell Lao Gang and ask him to let go of his mind and stop worrying about the dead. Alas!"

After hanging up the phone, I found Lao Gang staring at me. His eyes looked very blank, like a lost child.

Li Mazi came back with a beer in his hand: "Brother from the Zhang family, can you take a few sips before getting down to business?"

Drink, drink, just know how to drink!

I gave him a nasty look.

"It tastes good..."

"Horse urine is also delicious, why don't you go?" I cursed.

Li Mazi quickly flashed back to the kitchen holding the beer.

The matter is very difficult, and the one-word clock is very evil. I am sure that this matter cannot be solved by me alone. I thought about it and decided to hire a foreign aid.

"Lao Gang, I want to take Yi Zi Zhong to meet someone. You and Li Mazi stay at home and wait for my news." I said.

Lao Gang was in a daze, but he suddenly stood up: "No, you can't take it away!" His tone was unusually firm.

"Don't worry, I will bring it back. Don't you want to solve this thing?" I persuaded.

"Well, I don't want to." Lao Gang nodded seriously.

At this moment, I was finally convinced that Laogang had been completely controlled by Yinwu. If the details of Yizizhong were not found out as soon as possible, the consequences would be disastrous. I immediately shouted: "Li Mazi, get out of here quickly."

Li Mazi ran out as fast as he could: "Brother Zhang, what's wrong?"

I pointed at Lao Gang and said, "Find a rope and tie him up."


I shouted impatiently: "Hurry up."

Li Mazi quickly found a thick rope from the kitchen: "Brother Zhang, is this okay?"

Before I could answer, Lao Gang rushed up to me, pushed me away and fled to the bedroom.

"Damn, this guy is crazy." Li Mazi was startled.

I quickly stepped forward and grabbed Lao Gang's shoulders. Lao Gang was surprisingly strong, like a wild bull, charging forward without looking back. I had no choice but to pull him back violently, lift my foot, and kick him hard on the knee.

Lao Gang screamed in pain, bent his legs, and fell straight down.

I raised my head and glanced at Li Mazi, who was standing aside, and became very angry: "Are you there watching the fun? Come over and help!"

Only then did Li Mazi come up with the rope, and the two of us worked together to subdue Lao Gang, tie him up tightly, and throw him on the sofa.

Even so, we were still very busy and sweating profusely.

"Why did this guy's strength suddenly become so strong?" Li Mazi asked doubtfully.

"He is controlled by a fetus." I explained: "The fetus this time is a bit difficult to deal with. I'm going to find a real master for advice. You can watch him here."

"Can I do it alone?" Li Mazi pointed to his nose, with reluctance written all over his face.

"What's wrong, are you scared?" I looked at him provocatively.

"It's not that I'm afraid, I'm just a little scared..."

Before Li Mazi could finish speaking, I had already stopped what he was going to say next: "Since I'm not afraid, that's my decision."

I quickly walked into the bedroom, found a piece of red cloth and wrapped the clock, and went straight out of the door of Lao Gang's house.

Li Mazi hurriedly chased him out: "Brother Zhang, who are you looking for?"

"Senior Rat." I replied.

"Him?" Li Mazi was a little worried: "That old guy wants to dig a hole and bury himself. If you go find him, will he help?"

"You'll know if you try it." I looked at the red cloth bag in my hand: "Besides, I've never seen this kind of femininity before. After thinking about it, probably only Senior Shu knows it..."

Before I could elaborate, I patted Li Mazi on the shoulder: "You should be optimistic about Lao Gang and don't let anything happen to him, otherwise our efforts will be in vain."

"That's right, that's right." Li Mazi nodded clearly: "If he has a good thing and a bad thing, who do we care about asking for money? In this hot day, we can't let our work go in vain."

I looked at him speechlessly and quickly walked out of the villa area.

After driving back and forth several times, I arrived at the place where Senior Shu lived. I knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered.

It seems that I am very unpopular!

I took a deep breath and used my last trump card: "Old man, if you don't open the door, I will go to the printing factory to print your photo on the advertising flyer, paste it all over the streets and alleys on the telephone poles, and write your address. Clearly, let your enemies take revenge and take revenge..."

Before I could finish my words, the door was pushed open violently.

If I hadn't been able to dodge quickly, my nose would have been blown off.

Senior Mouse has a hunched body and wears a loose and fat Chinese mandarin jacket. Matching his shrewd and exposed appearance, he has the image of a bad landlord.

I quickly put on a flattering smile, but it seemed to have no effect.

Senior Shu glanced at me coldly: "Why are you coming here to me when you're not doing business in broad daylight?"

"Don't I miss you, senior?"

"Senior?" Senior Shu snorted disdainfully: "I don't dare to take it seriously. Didn't you just call me a dead old man?"

"Well..." I smiled awkwardly: "That's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

Senior Shu sighed, not knowing what to do with me, so he could only take me into the house.

The place where Senior Shu lives is still the same as before, dark and almost no different from a mouse hole.

Senior Shu turned on the light, sat down on the Grand Master's chair, and asked lazily: "There must be nothing good for you kid to come to the door! If you have something to say, just say it and fart. Don't delay my business, I have to play mahjong later. Woolen cloth."

"Aren't you going out? Who are you playing mahjong with?" I asked in surprise.

Senior Shu picked up his cell phone and tapped me on the head: "Thankfully you are still a young man. Now that we have the Internet, who still goes out to play mahjong? What if the enemy finds me?"

I quickly told everything about Lao Gang and Yizizhong.

Senior Shu didn't wait for me to finish, his eyes were shining brightly, and he asked excitedly: "Really? There is such a high-quality product? Show it to me."

I opened the red cloth bag in my hand and carefully handed the clock to Senior Rat.

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