Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 387: Clap your hands if there is no evil in front of the door

Senior Shu took it in his hand, took out a magnifying glass from his pocket, looked at it carefully, and shook his head with some regret: "It's something from the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. The self-ringing clock made by foreigners used... The workmanship of the popular locust wood at that time was quite exquisite, and the craftsmanship of foreigners was just that. However, it was a rare treasure in the old age. It's a pity..." He pointed the magnifying glass at the one on the top of the clock. ', and said regretfully: "This mark is too obvious. A priceless treasure was ruined just like this."

He put the clock on the bed and said with a strange expression: "Boy, I have been in the business of selling yin objects all my life. Until today, I have never accepted any yin objects like clocks. Do you know why?"

"Why?" I asked.

"It's tricky, difficult to handle, and thankless for your efforts. If you get it right, everyone will be happy, but if you don't get it right, your reputation will be ruined, or your life will be lost." Senior Rat stood up and patted my shoulder: "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but they are also afraid of tigers. You can't just blindly seek death. You kid still doesn't think things through. Fortunately, you are not my grandson, otherwise I would beat you three times a day!"

I can only apologize.

"As for what you just said about turning back time, it should be the credit of your yin and yang umbrella. A clock will make you live on that day forever, but the yin and yang umbrella can break the yin and yang, which can just compete with it. I remember that I had to do it for this umbrella. , Your grandpa and I..." When Senior Shu said this, he suddenly stopped talking, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I'm a fucking old fool, why do I keep talking about this?"

"You mean that everything that happened before was actually a warning given to me by the umbrella?" I asked with some confusion.

"You can understand it this way, but it is also possible that the one-word clock is too powerful. In order to protect you, the Yin-Yang Umbrella sent you back to before the incident happened." Senior Rat sighed: "The one-word clock is used Made of locust wood, Jiulin, let me ask you, how do you write the character locust?"

Senior Shu rarely calls me Jiulin. He has a weird temper. One moment he is still funny, and the next moment he has a stinky face, wishing that we would never interact with each other until we die, so I really respect and fear him.

He suddenly called me this, and for a moment I couldn't turn around.

Senior Rat raised his voice and cursed: "Speak! Are you mute?"

I thought about it and came up with it: "The word "槐" is a word for wood plus a...a..."

Senior Shu looked at me with a stern look on his face: "What?"

"A ghost word."

"That's right." Senior Shu nodded, with a little excitement in his voice: "Since ancient times, this locust tree has been regarded as an unlucky tree because it has the word "ghost" in its name. Most common people are not aware of this. The tree is quite fearful, just because it likes to grow in cemeteries. There is a saying among the people that 'If you don't plant mulberries in front, don't plant willows in the back, and if you don't plant willows in front of the door, the ghost will clap his hands', and the ghost clapping his hands is referring to the locust tree."

I nodded instructively.

Senior Mouse continued: "Foreigners didn't understand Chinese culture. They saw that locust wood was tough and durable, so they made clocks and clocks. At that time, the Qing Dynasty thought that everything made by foreigners was precious, and foreign goods were hard to come by. Who could have that? One or two things, the waist is straighter than others, who cares what kind of wood it is made of?"

Having said this, he patted the clock and said: "Sophora wood has always been the favorite of evil gods and ghosts, and it has also been made into something as ominous as a clock. Jiulin, you have made a mess this time. Ah! I advise you to stop as soon as possible and don’t get involved in muddy water..."

Although Senior Shu is a wretched person, I know that he is sincerely good to me, which is why he came so boldly to ask for help. After listening to his words, I suddenly smiled, and then took back the zhongzhong from his hand: "Senior Shu, you know that I have no other advantages but persistence. Whatever I have determined, don't do it." Even if it means hitting the southern wall, even the Great Wall, I have to break through it. This incident has really aroused my interest. The more you say this, the more I want to accept this evil thing. "

Senior Shu was so angry that he picked up his cell phone and wanted to beat me several times. Finally, he sighed helplessly: "You bastard, persistence is your advantage? At such a young age, I don't know how high the sky is and how thick it is. If you continue like this, Sooner or later you will cry."

"It's okay, I can't solve it, don't you still have it?" I flattered Senior Shu by the way.

Who knew that the flattery would not be in use. Senior Shu did not look happy at all. Instead, he said with a bleak expression: "We old guys, half of our bodies are buried in the coffin. I can help you this time, but what about next time? Daxia What about this time? You..."

His voice sounded so helpless and worried.

I smiled at him: "Don't think so far ahead. You can help me solve this problem first and then talk about it."

Senior Rat stood up silently and walked straight to the back room.

Is there any treasure that can conquer Yizhong? Senior Rat must have many powerful treasures.

I hurriedly followed him.

Senior Mouse entered the study and sat down in front of the computer. The light from the computer screen reflected on his ugly face, making it look particularly weird.

"Senior Rat..." I shouted.

Senior Shu ignored me and clicked the mouse lightly.

Is there any information online?

I slowly leaned over and stretched my neck to take a look, and suddenly there was a black line on my face.

Senior Mouse has entered the Tencent game platform and started a mahjong duel.

"Senior, your life is at stake, do you still want to play mahjong?" I shouted with some dissatisfaction.

Senior Mouse said unmoved: "This matter has nothing to do with me, why should I care about it? Oh my god, this idiot is kicking me with a blue diamond."

"Senior Shu, please help me for my sake!" I said.

Senior Shu didn't even look at me: "What's your reputation? Do I know you very well? Who are you?"

I took a deep breath: "You really won't help?"

"Let me go, can this card win two cakes? You blind cat!"

I gritted my teeth and bent over to unplug the computer's power cord.

The screen instantly went black.

"What's going on?" Senior Shu was startled. When he found out that it was me who had done it, he slapped me. Even though I was prepared and hid back in advance, my chest was still rubbed by him. I screamed in pain.

"Bad boy, I almost lost my temper." Senior Shu was extremely agile and grabbed my ear: "There is no good guy in your Zhang family. Your grandfather's old dog was playing dirty tricks when he was clearly not his opponent. Your kid is exactly like him, full of bad intentions."

He struck so accurately and cruelly that I felt my ears burning and the pain made me hurriedly beg for mercy: "Senior, senior, I was wrong, I was really wrong. You have a lot, please let me go, and I will teach you a way later. You win without losing and dominate the game!"

Senior Shu obviously relaxed his grip: "Really? There is such a way."

"How dare I lie to you!"

"What can I do? Let me tell you." Senior Shu let go of my ears.

"Tell me first, how can I surrender to this one-word clock." I started to bargain.

Senior Shu frowned: "You brat, you dare to play tricks on me now." He said, wanting to teach me a lesson again.

I hurriedly hid far away: "I'm not kidding you. I'll also register an account later and go into a room with you to play mahjong. I'll put the cards for you. I'll play you whatever you want. You won't lose." ?"

Senior Shu rolled his eyes: "Yes, why didn't I think of this method?" He thought about it carefully and then said: "Let that Zhang Mazi or Wang Mazi also register an account, and the three of us will work together to get one! "

At this time, I was sure that what he said would be what he said. I nodded repeatedly: "Okay, it's all up to you."

Senior Shu was very satisfied with my respectful attitude and could only sigh: "You are not a newbie. You have taken on a lot of business in the past few years and seen a lot of evil things. Why are you still so dumb? No matter how powerful a yin object is, it has its weaknesses, and as long as there are weaknesses, it can be conquered. This Zi Zhong has a locust tree as its root and must have absorbed a lot of resentment. Only by breaking its resentment can it be conquered. You first have to find out its Be careful about where you came from, don’t miss any clues, and you will naturally find a way to crack it.”

I nodded: "Is it that simple?"

His tone was full of doubt.

Isn't it that Senior Shu wants to send me away and deal with me casually?

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