Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 389 Mrs. Song

I stared straight ahead.

Li Mazi frowned: "Didn't you say that person has died?"

"Doesn't he still have a wife?"

"But his wife has also been admitted to a mental hospital! Do you think her sanity is any better than Lao Gang?" Li Mazi was skeptical of my proposal.

"You have to give it a try, lunatic. This is the only way we can do it." After saying this, I got angry and punched Li Mazi without thinking: "It's not you who caused trouble. Now I know I'm afraid." ? A mouse works as an escort for a cat, and you are risking your life for making money!"

Li Mazi giggled: "Brother Zhang, although I'm a bit stupid, I can't stand up to your wisdom and prowess. This is the real way to make up for your weaknesses! I won't talk too much and make you upset. Anyway, I will do whatever you say. , it’s all at your disposal.”

I hummed and concentrated on driving.

Li Mazi looked back at Lao Gang. This guy was probably exhausted physically and mentally from the torture of one hour, and he actually fell asleep in the swaying carriage.

Soon, Li Mazi's snoring started to sound.

After driving for two consecutive days, Li Mazi and I dragged our extremely tired bodies to a stop in front of the gate of the mental hospital.

Li Mazi glanced outside a few times: "Brother Zhang, don't worry. I scanned around and didn't find any police officers."

I unbuckled my seat belt, found a car razor in the car, and gave me a simple shave. Li Mazi laughed at the side: "Brother Zhang, I find you are very funny. As long as you go to meet the ladies, you will definitely pack up properly. It's urgent. Don't forget to shave." , The skill of picking up girls is so good that brothers can’t match it. I admire you, I admire you!”

"Get out! Get out of here for me!" I threw the razor at him: "I'm afraid that the people at the hospital will misunderstand that I'm also a mentally ill person, and they'll admit me by the way. It's not good to ask for anything! You're in the car I'm watching the old port here, I'll go down and check the situation."

"Okay." Li Mazi nodded in agreement.

I opened the door and got out of the car, straightened my wrinkled clothes, and walked into the mental hospital as easily as I could.

As I expected, the management here is not very strict. After expressing my intention to the registration nurse at the front desk and giving me a few seductive looks, the nurse volunteered to lead me towards the ward.

Along the way, she also told me about the situation: "Mrs. Song is very pitiful. Her husband committed suicide by jumping off a building. She was so stimulated that she had some mental problems. She was always talking to herself outside the window. , say something that others can’t understand. Oh, by the way, what is your relationship with Mrs. Song? "

"Oh, it doesn't matter. When I was in college, I received financial support from Mr. and Mrs. Song. I heard something happened to them, so I rushed over to see if there was anything I could do to help." I have known Li Mazi for a long time. , I have perfected my ability to tell nonsense.

The little nurse's good impression of me was written directly on her face: "Oh, in today's society, there are not many people like you who are so grateful to repay kindness."

I smiled at her.

Pushing open the door of the ward, I saw a woman sitting on the bed hugging her knees. She was wearing a loose hospital gown, her hair was messy, and her face was extremely pale.

She was staring straight out of the window. When she heard the footsteps, she slowly turned her neck and glanced in our direction, then slowly turned her neck back.

Her movements were extremely careful, like a robot.

The little nurse was used to it and didn't feel scared: "This is Mrs. Song. Go over and talk to her. I won't disturb you anymore. If you need anything, just call me."

I nodded gratefully to her, and the little nurse left the ward with a glowing face.

I walked slowly to Mrs. Song's window and called out in a low voice: "Mrs. Song?"

She seemed not to hear, still looking out the window intently.

I cleared my throat with some embarrassment and said to myself, "I have something to ask you. Do you know where your husband found this clock?"

As I said this, I carefully took out a clock from my bag.

The sound of ticking immediately floated over the ward.

Mrs. Song was dumbfounded, but after hearing this strange ticking sound, she suddenly came back to her senses and looked at the clock I placed on the bed in surprise.

"Mrs. Song?" I hurriedly asked, "Do you know where your husband got this bell?"

God willing, she will definitely provide me with some useful information.

I don't want to spend the rest of my life in prison with Li Mazi.

Mrs. Song's empty eyes rolled, and she slowly raised her neck, as if if she moved a little faster, her body would fall apart. She stared at me, opened her mouth strangely, and said word by word: "In the well!"

"What?" I couldn't believe that what I heard was true.

Was that bell fished out of the well?

Mrs. Song turned her head again and stared out the window, maintaining a stiff posture and ignoring me.

Next, no matter what I said or asked, she acted like a dead person and said nothing.

I walked out the door a little discouraged.

When I passed by the front desk, the little nurse smiled at me and waved, "Are you coming tomorrow?"

"Yeah." I nodded perfunctorily and quickly walked out of the courtyard and got into the car.

Li Mazi hurriedly came over: "Brother from the Zhang family, how are you doing? Have you gained anything?"

I shook my head with an ugly expression on my face: "Return without success."

Li Mazi was afraid that I would get angry, so he comforted me: "Don't be anxious, take your time."

I smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't this what I always say? Now you have learned to use it to persuade me."

"Put what you have learned into practice." After Li Mazi finished speaking, he leaned into the back seat and said, "This man's sleep quality is really good. He is still asleep and has not woken up. He has been sleeping for several days."

"It's a bit strange." I leaned over and gently pushed Lao Gang: "Lao Gang! Lao Gang!"

I called several times, but Lao Gang still didn't respond at all.

"Isn't he dead?" Li Mazi turned pale with fear.

"Don't talk nonsense, his body is still weak." That's what I said, but I didn't know what to think, so I hurriedly reached out and felt under Lao Gang's breath.

Breathe evenly.

"It's okay, I probably just fell asleep." I threw the clock in my hand on Li Mazi's lap, fastened my seat belt, and drove off.

Li Mazi fiddled with the one-hand clock for a while, and suddenly he seemed to have discovered something. He leaned to his ear to listen, then looked at the dial carefully, and said in surprise: "Huh? What did you do? Why didn't the one-hand clock stop? Moved?"

I braked suddenly, and Li Mazi almost fell onto the windshield.

"Brother Zhang, your driving skills are terrible. Did you buy your driver's license with money?" Li Mazi muttered dissatisfiedly.

I didn't have the intention to pay attention to him, so I grabbed the clock and checked it.

Time indeed stopped.

No, the clock was clearly running in the ward just now. Why did it suddenly stop after such a short time?

I scratched my head anxiously, and when I raised my eyes, I happened to see Lao Gang sleeping soundly in the rearview mirror.

Could it be...

Could it be that Lao Gang was not fast asleep, but that his time had stopped, so he remained in a deep sleep state?

I was startled by the idea.

Li Mazi pushed my shoulder: "Brother from the Zhang family, are you okay? If you have anything you can't think of, tell me, and I'll help contribute my brain cells!"

I shook my head, asked him to put the bell away, and started the car again.

Li Mazi asked: "Where are we going now?"

"Go to the community where Lao Song lived before."

Compared with Laogang, the conditions in Laosong were obviously lowered by a level. Although it is also a high-end community, the residential building is far less grand than the villa in Laogang.

Lao Song committed suicide by jumping from the balcony of his home on the 27th floor. There was almost no pain. The moment he fell to the ground, his life also ended.

Because of the death, the community seemed to be cast under a shadow. Most residents would avoid the area where the accident occurred, so that the downstairs of Lao Song's house seemed to have been forgotten, with a separate area isolated from the world. Space.

The blood on the ground has been washed away, but Li Mazi still stayed away with some concern.

I looked around and found nothing unusual, so I decided to go upstairs and take a look.

The elevator stopped on the 27th floor. I walked to Lao Song's house and patted the door gently.

As I expected, no one opened.

Li Mazi hid behind me and said, "You're so damn crazy, so crazy. Is there anyone else at home? If someone opens the door right now, it must be a ghost..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of Lao Song's house opened!

Li Mazi screamed and jumped up in fright.

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