Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 390: The Strange Story of the Demonic Bell Demon

Along with his scream, a scream came from the room.

A woman in her fifties turned pale with fright and stuck her head out tremblingly: "You...who are you looking for?"

"We are friends of Lao Song. We are from out of town. We just went to the hospital to see my sister-in-law. I want to come to his house to see if anyone else is there and if there is anyone who needs help." I took a step forward and put together what I had thought about in advance. The lines were spoken.

Probably because of the words "I just went to the hospital to see my sister-in-law", the honest-looking rural woman in front of me obviously relaxed her vigilance and asked worriedly: "How is Mrs. Song? Is she doing well? I still want to I’m going to buy some things to see her these days.”

I nodded politely to her: "The situation is not bad, I just look out the window quietly and don't talk much."

"Alas." The rural woman sighed sadly: "Actually, Mrs. Song was already like this before Mr. Song's accident..."

Li Mazi pinched me gently from behind, indicating that I, a woman, knew the inside story and asked me to find out quickly.

Why didn't I notice it?

I asked her hurriedly: "Who are you?"

The rural woman answered honestly: "My surname is Chen. I come to the city from the countryside to work. I have been working as a nanny in Mr. Song's house for five years."

"Hello, Mrs. Chen." I greeted her friendly.

Sister-in-law Chen continued: "Before Mr. Chen went bankrupt, he couldn't provide me with expenses, so he fired me. There happened to be a family in the community whose children needed care, and they knew me well, so they asked me to come over and do some work. On the day of Mr. Song's accident, , I was so scared that I couldn’t sleep all night. Although Mr. Song has a bad temper, he is usually very kind to me and Mrs. Song. He is a good person. Who would have thought that he would be so upset..."

Mrs. Chen's eyes were red as she spoke.

I'm really not good at comforting people, especially when I don't want to see a woman cry. When I saw this, I comforted him a little hurriedly: "The deceased is gone, you don't need to be too sad."

Mrs. Chen hummed, as if she suddenly realized: "You guys have come all the way here, I haven't invited you in yet." After saying that, she opened the door: "But Mr. Song is bankrupt, and everything in the house is gone." It was sold off and is now an empty house. I heard that the court was going to auction it, so I happened to take advantage of my free time today to come over and help him clean it. After all, after so many years together, this is my last role."

Li Mazi and I entered politely. The room was very messy and the walls were empty.

Mrs. Chen said with some embarrassment: "There is no place to sit in the house, and there is no water. I have wronged you."

"It's nothing." Lao Gang was still in the car. I was a little worried about him, so I decided to get straight to the point, "Sister-in-law Chen, wasn't Mr. Song's business always stable before? How could it suddenly become so bad?"

Sister-in-law Chen made an embarrassed face: "I don't understand anything about Mr. Song's business affairs. Sometimes he and Mrs. Song discuss it at the dinner table, but I can't understand it even when I'm listening. But..." Chen When my sister-in-law said this, she seemed a little hesitant and didn't know whether she should continue.

"Sister-in-law Chen, we are here this time just to see if there is anyone who needs help. If you know anything, just tell us directly and don't let anyone know." I said with utmost sincerity.

Li Mazi nodded in agreement from behind.

Mrs. Chen breathed a sigh of relief: "It's not good to speak ill of dead people, but since last year, Mr. Song has been out with people and doesn't come back very often. Mrs. Song also started to have something wrong from that time. Mrs. Song used to She is very cheerful and cheerful. After learning about this incident, she and Mr. Song fought and quarreled, and then her temper became more and more erratic. I heard others say that this is called depression, and it is Mrs. Song who needs early treatment. Damn it, you won’t listen to my advice, even if you call Mr. Song, he is too busy to entertain me.”

Li Mazi and I exchanged glances.

Mrs. Chen continued: "Mr. Song has a tea planting base in the countryside, and he goes there seven or eight times a year to inspect it. I got a treasure from an old farmer there years ago, and I happily took it home and put it in a safe. Here. I have never seen what that baby is, but since it entered the door, all kinds of strange things have started to happen in the house..."

Finally got to the point.

Li Mazi and I pricked up our ears.

Mrs. Chen said: "From that day on, there were ticking sounds everywhere in the house, louder and quieter, making people unable to sleep. Sometimes I get up at night, not sure if it is my imagination, and touch the wall to find the switch. , I couldn't find anything, and the walls were weird and damp, and the house also had a musty sour smell. The floor of the house couldn't be cleaned no matter how hard it was cleaned. There was dirt and dust all over the floor, and sometimes it would suddenly appear. A large pool of black liquid appeared, and I don't know where it came from. By the way, come and see." Mrs. Chen led Mazi Li and me into an empty room that looked like a bedroom.

A snow-white wall has a large black trace flowing from top to bottom, which looks very strange.

"It happened again later. It wasn't so serious when I left the Song family." Mrs. Chen pointed to the black mark and said, "This happened after the baby got home. At first, I thought it was water leaking upstairs. Then I went upstairs and saw that nothing had happened. I searched the property twice more and checked again, but still no results."

When Mrs. Chen said this, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and she quickly took my hand and said, "By the way, this room was originally the bedroom of Mr. Song and Mrs. Song, and the safe was also placed here."

In other words, Yizizhong was originally placed in this room.

I slowly walked to the wall and reached out to touch the black mark. Although it had been a long time, I could vaguely smell a stench. Judging from the material, it should be ordinary smelly mud water.

"Mr. Song's business started to be sluggish from that time, and then... I left. When I was leaving, Mrs. Song's state was very wrong. She didn't speak much at first, but she always hummed during that time. Some weird tunes are very captivating to listen to. Sometimes when I see Mr. Song, I don’t speak politely. I stare at Mr. Song with a pair of bloodshot glasses, and say things like you men are not good at all. , frightened Mr. Song and sent Mrs. Song to the hospital quickly, but the hospital was helpless. Let me tell you, if Mr. Song had cared about Mrs. Song earlier, Mrs. Song would not have ended up in the situation she is in today..."

After she said this, she was stunned for a long time, then picked up the broom and started cleaning.

"Thank you, Mrs. Chen." I nodded to her gratefully: "We won't disturb you, so we'll leave now. When we have the chance, we'll visit Mrs. Song again."

Mrs. Chen sent us to the door: "You are all good people. Ever since something happened to Mr. Song, you are still the first one to come over and say hello."

Li Mazi and I laughed without confidence and rushed into the elevator without looking back.

When he walked downstairs, Li Mazi asked in a low voice: "Brother Zhang, have you discovered anything?"

"The one-character clock is indeed a bit evil. Since Lao Song also got it from someone else, it seems..." As I finished speaking, a loud bang suddenly came from behind me.

Li Mazi and I were both startled and turned our heads together.

Not far behind us, we saw Mrs. Chen lying on the ground in a very weird posture, her brains bursting out, and blood splattered all over the floor. The white broken bones pierced the skin and flesh, like broken wood, lying on the outside.

Her eyes bulged outward, so frightened and unwilling!

Since we were not far away, her blood splattered on our trouser legs. Being so close to a dead person, Li Mazi's legs softened and he fell directly at my feet. Even though I had experienced scarier scenes than this before, I was still so frightened that my face turned pale and my heartbeat quickened. I raised my head and looked in the direction of the 27th floor.

A thick black cloud hangs over the community!

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