Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 391: There is a ghost in the elevator

Without thinking, I rushed back to the unit building. The elevator showed the location on the 12th floor. It stayed still for a long time. I gritted my teeth, kicked open the emergency exit door, and climbed up the stairs.

I have probably never sweated so much or climbed so many steps in my life. I don’t know how long it took, but I climbed to the 27th floor out of breath, and my legs began to tremble involuntarily. The door of Lao Song's house was open. I calmed down and walked in cautiously.

As soon as I entered the door, I was greeted by a stench. My heart froze and I ran to the balcony without thinking. The balcony window was open. Although there was no wind, the window kept swinging rhythmically, squeaking, like the ticking of a clock.

The walls and floor of the balcony were covered with mud, mixed with dark green moss, which made people's hair stand on end. They were pouring out continuously along the walls.

What the hell is this?

Li Mazi also chased after him, still looking distracted: "Brother from the Zhang family..."

"Why are you here too?"

"You asked me to face a dead body. Wouldn't that cost my life? Let's evacuate quickly. Someone must have called the police if someone died. The police will come soon and we can't even explain it." After Li Mazi finished speaking, He didn't care about my wishes at all and dragged me out.

As the elevator went down, Li Mazi suddenly screamed: "No, there are our footprints in that room. The police will definitely find us. Should we go back and clean it up?"

"I never noticed before that you can still be so attentive? No wonder your name is Li Mazi..."

Before I could finish speaking, Li Mazi showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Brother Zhang, are you still in the mood to joke at this time?"

I was actually very nervous and scared, but what else could I do other than this?

I was breathing heavily and just wanted to comfort him, but the weird stench appeared in the elevator like a shadow.

"Li Mazi, is this my imagination? Why does the elevator smell so bad?" I said.

Li Mazi shook his head firmly: "It's not an illusion."

He pointed in the direction behind me: "Brother, look back."

I turned around and saw a thick stream of black mud falling down the elevator wall.

"Brother Zhang, think of something!" Li Mazi was so nervous that his voice changed.

I hurriedly pressed the button on the elevator several times. The elevator fell obviously much faster. Li Mazi opened his mouth and kept chattering: "Brother Zhang, please think of a way!"

"Shut up!" At times like this, I have to calm down more and more. I press my body against the elevator wall. When my hands touch the elevator wall, I suddenly find that the touch is not metal, but cold bricks. I even You can feel the rough texture and moist stickiness.

It's getting more and more evil.

Li Mazi's legs couldn't help but tremble: "It's over, today's instructions are here, what should I do with my son?"

Fortunately, the elevator opened with a ding when it was on the sixth floor. Li Mazi and I rushed out without even thinking about it. We bumped into a well-dressed lady holding a snow-white pet dog. We knocked her around. When the lady looked up, she found that the person was gone. She immediately cursed angrily: "Your grandma, hurry up." Going to the crematorium? Don't look at the road. This thing my aunt is wearing is a famous brand. You two migrant workers will never be able to afford it in your lifetime. Bastards..."

Li Mazi and I didn't hear the next words clearly. We rushed directly from the sixth floor to the first floor at the speed of a rocket. A group of people had already gathered around Mrs. Chen's body. Li Mazi and I didn't even dare to look, so we rushed towards Run outside the community.

You can vaguely hear whispers behind you.

"Ouch, isn't this too evil?"

"It's exactly the same as the death of Mr. Song before, even the posture is similar."

"Is this person the nanny of Mr. Song's family? I've met him twice before..."

Li Mazi and I ran back to the car faster than Liu Xiang and drove out without thinking.

After walking a long distance, Li Mazi, who was gradually calming down, gasped and said: "If we use this speed, we can both participate in the Olympics and win medals. We will definitely run faster than that Bolt."

I took a deep breath, but the stench still lingered in my nose.

Li Mazi looked back at Lao Gang in the back seat, pushed him twice, and found that he was still asleep. Li Mazi cursed with envy and hatred: "Grandson, we broke our legs running for him, but he slept It has to be like a dead pig.”

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, and the veins on the back of my hands popped out.

Li Mazi asked: "Brother from the Zhang family, what should we do now? Let me tell you, let's just leave this matter alone, and no one else knows about it, so it doesn't count as ruining your brand. If you keep going on like this, I'm afraid you'll have money It’s a waste of money.”

Thinking of Mrs. Chen's horrific death, I gritted my teeth and cursed: "You coward, you want to run away now? What were you thinking when you took the job? What's more, now that someone has died, can you run away? Even if you get into the bastard's shell Here, you can guarantee that Yi Zi Zhong will not find its way onto your head?"

Li Mazi looked at me sadly: "What should we do? Now that we have no clues, we can't just run around like headless chickens."

"Who said there were no clues? Didn't Mrs. Chen say that? Lao Song got it from an old farmer at the tea-growing base. Let's go to that tea-growing base now to find out the situation."

Li Mazi frowned in confusion: "But where is the tea growing base? We can't ask one by one, right?"

"It's okay to use your rusty brain, but don't leave it idle. Even if a person dies, he will still leave some clues when he is alive. Lao Song is an old man here and knows his situation. There must be quite a few of them." I drove into the city, found a tea shop with a nice-looking facade, and parked the car on the side of the road.

"I'll go down and inquire." I told Li Mazi a few words and quickly got out of the car.

As I expected, when I mentioned Lao Song, the owner of the tea shop nodded and said: "He is a big boss, so he definitely doesn't know me, but he is from the same business, and I have heard of him."

"Then do you know where his tea growing base is?" I asked.

"Of course." The boss said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, small merchants like us can only eat something from the teeth of their big bosses. These big bosses attach great importance to quality and use the tenderest and best tea trees. We can make a lot of money by collecting the leaves and making tea. We have no capital, so we can only seek help from tea farmers and ask them to help us sell inferior tea at a cheaper price.”

Hearing that I wanted an address, he immediately looked at me suspiciously: "Hey, sir, there are rules in the business. If you ask me for an address like this, I will definitely not give it to you. I don't do small business either. It's easy. If you come to snatch my supply, I will have to close down..."

"Don't worry, I'm not in the tea business." I promised sincerely.

"That's what I said, if you do it later, I can't call the police to arrest you." The boss still firmly disagreed.

I had no choice but to search all my pockets, collect a thousand yuan, and slap it on his counter: "I'll buy you an address, will you sell it?"

He rolled his shrewd eyes: "This price... is a bit cheap."

I collected the money and said, "Forget it, I'll go to the store in front and ask."

The boss quickly grabbed my hand: "Oh, sir, don't be impatient!" He took out a piece of paper from the counter, wrote an address on it and gave it to me: "This is it, but don't say it's me. Introduce me, otherwise I won’t be able to survive in this industry.”

I hummed, took the note and walked out the door.

As soon as he got in the car, Li Mazi asked: "Brother Zhang, have you heard about it?"

"That's right." I raised my eyebrows proudly: "If I take action, there's still something I can't do."

Li Mazi nodded repeatedly, "That's right, that's right."

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