Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 393 Past Events

Old Liu Tou thought for a while: "In a dry well in the back mountain, the old people in the village said that there was a family living there a long time ago. Later, it gradually became deserted. The wall collapsed and the house collapsed. There is nothing left." , there was only an abandoned dry well left. The mistress was not doing his job properly, he thought about reaching the sky every day, saying that maybe there might be some treasures that could be dug out there. I couldn’t stop him, so he went there with his tools. In the end, he actually dug it out. ..." When Old Liu Tou said this, his eyes turned to love and hate when he looked at Yi Zi Zhong: "If it weren't for it, my mistress wouldn't have to die."

As he spoke, he began to sob and cry.

A person with white hair giving a person with black hair has always been one of the heaviest pains in the world.

Old Liu Tou soon got drunk. Li Mazi and I helped him get on the bed and covered him with a quilt. Then we wrapped the clock and left Old Liu Tou's home. We decided to stay in the carriage overnight and set off to Dry Well the next day to look for clues.

The night in the mountain village is extremely quiet, not even the chirping of crickets and frogs in the woods. The sky is also gloomy, and the moon is hidden behind a large dark cloud. Li Mazi was so bored that he unbuttoned his clothes and said, "This day will also cause chaos. It seems like it's going to rain."

We returned to the car in the dark and found that Lao Gang was still sleeping deeply. Li Mazi sighed, his teeth itching with hatred. I secretly glanced at the one-piece clock. Sure enough, there was no ticking sound, and the one-piece clock stopped again.

It seems that what I thought was right, Lao Gang's time has been stopped by the clock, so he will always maintain this sleeping position.

Although it was a jeep, the cabin was not necessarily very comfortable. Mazi Li and I curled up and leaned on the back of the chair and closed our eyes. Probably because we were really exhausted, we fell asleep quickly.

Then I had a strange dream. In the dream, I saw many things that had happened in the past. The past flashed before my eyes like movie scenes.

The picture shook faster and faster, so fast that I couldn't breathe.

I woke up from my sleep in a cold sweat, and the car was filled with a stench. The sticky mud had spread to my neck. I was startled and opened the door without thinking.

The car door couldn't be opened, so I hurriedly pulled Li Mazi next to me and found that his entire face was covered in mud.

No, if this continues, everyone will die here!

I reached out and groped around in the mud, but couldn't touch anything. I forced myself to calm down, and suddenly...I thought of one word. I thought of the turbulent flow of time after Lao Gang dropped the clock. Then without thinking, I found the clock with difficulty and smashed it against the windshield.

After a loud noise, my head sank so much that I felt as if I was in the sea. My whole body was so small and insignificant. My body slowly sank and was eventually submerged in the mud.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a dark space.

My nose was full of smelly sludge. I instinctively opened my mouth and took a few breaths. I thought I would be filled with sludge, but what I got was fresh air.

I'm no longer in the car.

I cleaned the sludge from my nose and felt around cautiously. There was nothing all around, so I cautiously took a few steps forward and finally touched a wet wall. The walls were arc-shaped, and the cracks between the bricks were filled with disgusting moss.

This is a dry well.

I have come down to the well.

I tried to calm myself down a little bit, and then I started groping for anything on my body that could illuminate me.

It's a pity that I don't have anything on me except the Yizhong.

Even my Sirius Whip, Umbrella, and Peach Soul Flower were all left in the car.

I think I'll probably have to explain it here tonight.

I put the clock down from my arms and carefully untied the red cloth, and a dazzling light came on. The one-character clock actually gave off a dazzling light.

The ticking sound in my ears was extremely clear, getting closer and closer, as if it was right next to my ears.

Along with this mechanical sound, I found that the pointer was turning backwards very quickly.

Then the picture in front of me suddenly changed!

On a hot summer day, a man with long braids and Qing Dynasty clothes hurriedly took out the key from his trouser pocket and tried to open the door of a remote courtyard.

His appearance is not bad, but his face is full of lustful expression, which makes him not a good person at first glance.

Soon the door clicked open, and when he saw the enchanting woman looking in the mirror in the yard, the man walked directly behind her and hugged her: "Baby, guess what birthday gift I brought you?"

The woman's smart eyes shone with curiosity: "What is it? Take it out and show it to me."

The man raised the red cloth bag in his hand, deliberately not showing it to the woman.

The woman got impatient and grabbed it, unfolded it, and revealed a brand new Western chiming clock inside.

"Hey, foreigners' things are so rare. How did you get them?"

The man smiled triumphantly and said, "It's a waste of my hard work, but if I can make you smile, it's worth it no matter how much suffering or fatigue I endure."

Having said this, he obscenely put his hand into the woman's clothes, which made the woman's face instantly turn red with embarrassment: "You can be a man with a wife and raise me secretly in this place. Aren't you afraid of being discovered by your wife?" ?”

"Baby, be good. In a few months, I will divorce that tigress at home, and I will marry you Fengfengguangguangguang." Seeing the woman's anger, the man became bolder and forcibly unbuttoned the woman's clothes. .

I seemed to be an invisible person, no one noticed me, so I boldly came closer. However, the moment I got closer, the scene in front of me suddenly changed again like a marquee.

It was still a hot summer day, but the sky was so gloomy that it made people breathless, and it seemed like it was going to rain at any time.

At this moment, the woman was sitting in the yard, her long black hair flying in the wind. She said to herself: "It's been three months, why hasn't my husband come yet? Has he forgotten me?"

"No, no, sir, he said he wanted to marry me..."

I don’t know how many days the woman hasn’t showered or had a haircut. Her hair has fallen to the ground, and she even smells moldy.

She held the Western chiming clock in her arms like a psycho and started caressing it gently.

Every stroke is so gentle, accompanied by the ticking sound of the clock.

Suddenly, the courtyard door was knocked open.

A well-dressed fat woman came in fiercely with a group of servants. When she saw the woman, the fat woman's eyes almost popped out of her head with anger: "Okay, Dong Xiaowan, you are the one who seduced my husband-in-law, right?" ? You can be considered as being caught by me."

The woman searched in panic, and finally found her man's voice in the crowd. She shouted loudly: "Sir, sir, save me!"

However, the man shivered and hid behind the fat woman, not daring to say a word.

"Are you talking about this pretty boy? He eats from our family, lives in our family, and secretly uses our family's money to support you, our little lover. If I don't give him any expenses for a month, he will do it for me honestly. Kneel down and beg for mercy, I sold you, haha, is this the gentleman you love?" The fat woman laughed loudly: "Come on, doesn't this little bitch like to seduce other people's husbands? Let her serve a group of husbands today."

The servants behind her suddenly laughed obscenely, and eagerly pounced on the woman like a pack of wolves.

"Honey, isn't this bad for Miss Dong?" the man said unbearably.

"If you dare to stop me today, you will cleanse yourself and leave the house immediately. You won't even get a tael of silver!" The fat woman put her hands on her hips and cursed.

The man was immediately frightened by the fat woman and turned his head as if he hadn't seen her.

At first, the woman was still crying for help in pain, but faced with her man's indifference, she finally gave up. In the end, she didn't even cry out for help, and just allowed a group of servants to tear her clothes apart.

In the quiet courtyard, only the ticking sound of the Western clock sounded clearly.

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