Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 394: Time is not reserved for beauties

Although I knew that everything in front of me was illusion and not reality, I was still furious and clenched my fists tightly. This man was such a fucking coward!

For a little money, he sold his sworn lover?

After all the servants left with satisfaction, only the disheveled woman was left in the yard. Her body was covered with scratches and bruises, but even so she still held the Western clock in her arms.

The fat woman pointed at her fiercely and cursed: "Okay, since you like this bell so much, I will let it be buried with you."

After saying that, she glanced at the man next to her: "Push your little lover into the well and I will forgive you..."

The man hesitated for a while, and finally led the servants, dragged the woman to the well, and threw her directly. In order to avoid her death, he picked up large rocks and threw them into the well.

The woman's body was bruised and bloody, and her limbs were twisted. She forgot the pain and only remembered the hatred.

She used her last bit of strength to use her nails to scratch a mark on the clock in her arms...


The heavy rain poured down, turning the entire dry well into a dark quagmire.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, only one word of the clock accompanied her quietly.

Seeing this, all the pictures in front of me disappeared, and I returned to the dry well again.

Then I felt the ground beneath my feet shaking, and a twisted, shapeless hand suddenly stretched out from the bottom of the dark well!

Then came another hand. The owner of these hands seemed to be trying hard to claw at the soil, trying to climb out from the bottom of the well.

Of course, when I lowered my head to look, I realized that the person crawling out was none other than Miss Dong whom I had seen earlier.

Miss Dong's neck was broken, her face was covered with blood, and only a pair of eyes were left staring at me fiercely.

She slowly crawled towards me, dragging her black hair several meters long.

It turns out that the Yin spirit hidden in Yizhong is her!

I was startled and instinctively stepped back, my back pressed against the cold wall of the well.

She crawled very slowly, and many of the bones on her body had penetrated the flesh, and were exposed in white, looking particularly terrifying.

She finally crawled to my feet and grabbed my calf fiercely. With this force, she actually climbed up my body bit by bit...

I only felt a huge centipede crawling on my body!

She finally stood up reluctantly, then stretched out her hand and snatched the clock from my arms.

Tick ​​tock.

The Yizhong seemed to have seen its owner and made a melodious sound.

At this moment, the ground under my feet suddenly became soft, and I felt as if I was sinking into a pool of mud. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break free.

Miss Dong looked at me fiercely with malicious eyes, and sneered in her mouth.

The mud submerged my legs and my shoulders bit by bit. Miss Dong said in a hoarse voice: "You men are all heartbroken. There is no good thing. All men in the world deserve to die..."

Hello! If you have been deceived by others, don't take it out on others.

Why am I not a good person?

Although I wanted to argue with her, my mouth could no longer speak at this time.

Damn it, do I have to explain myself here today?

At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly emitted from above my head. Miss Dong was so frightened by the light that she screamed and hurriedly hid in a corner.

An umbrella slowly fell from above.

My parasol is here to save you! I hurriedly held the handle of the umbrella and felt countless powers pouring into my body.

The yin-yang umbrella can balance yin and yang and is the most defensive yin object in the world.

My body is controlled by Miss Dong's yin spirit, so the yin-yang umbrella will naturally help me resist this yin energy!

Miss Dong huddled in a dark corner, gnashing her teeth and staring at me. Suddenly she exerted her strength and stretched out her sharp nails to grab at me. Without thinking, I kicked her away.

Bang, her back hit the wall of the well, and I bent down to pick up the clock from the mud.

Miss Dong let out a shrill scream, looking extremely unwilling.

She desperately hid in the darkness, moaning in pain.

well! Also a poor man.

I held the clock and hesitated for a moment, then gently threw it at Miss Dong's feet.

Miss Dong stretched out her weirdly deformed fingers, gently touched the clock, and whispered to herself: "I hope that every minute and every second that this clock runs from now on, you and I can be with you day and night, and never leave. .”

White maggots crawled out disgustingly from the corners of her mouth, but the expression on her face looked particularly focused.

Time seems to have returned to the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. In that hot summer, a man with long braids knocked on the door of Miss Dong's room, placed this Western clock in front of her, and said sincerely: "May this be Every minute and every second that the clock runs, you and I can be by our side day and night, never leaving each other."

The love words are still fresh in my mind, but the eternal vows are no longer there.

Miss Dong's face, which was deformed by the stones, showed an expression of longing. Although her face was terrifying, her eyes were very soft.

I couldn't help but said: "If time can really go back, you'd better not get to know that scumbag."

Miss Dong was stunned and looked up at me, looking very confused.

I thought about it and said, "If you don't know him, you can probably live peacefully until old age and live happily with a man who truly loves you."

Miss Dong lowered her head and thought for a moment, then smiled sadly.

This is how people are, we think we have experienced all kinds of joys and sorrows, but in the end we still become the victims of love.

Miss Dong gently raised her hands and returned the clock in her hand to me.

At this moment, I knew she had let go.

She let go of her resentment without me surrendering.

I found that among all the Yin spirits, she was the only one who was kind to me...

Was it at this moment that she thought of her original self? That holy and elegant self.

I took over the clock and found that the shallow notch had disappeared and all the hands had stopped.

At this moment, the clock stopped running forever.

When I looked up again, Miss Dong had completely disappeared, leaving only a pool of black mud in the dry well. I sighed, took out a pack of cigarettes from my pocket, lit it and placed it at the bottom of the well as a memorial.

The Buddha said: Because of love, there is sorrow, because of love, there is hatred. If you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no hatred.

If I could really turn back time, I hope Ms. Dong would be a good girl and stop meeting those scumbag men.

At this time, the light of a flashlight suddenly shone down above my head, and I heard Li Mazi's voice shouting from above: "Brother Zhang, brother Zhang, are you down there?"

I nodded and said, "Yes."

"Amitabha, blessed by gods and goddesses from all walks of life." Li Mazi said it quite sincerely, which made me laugh out loud.

"What are you still doing? Pull me up quickly." I cursed.

Li Mazi said, "Do you need help? I brought the big man from the village."

I was speechless: "Why don't you come down?"

Li Mazi replied shamelessly: "Well...I have to support you from above. This work is too important. I don't trust it if it is left to others."

Pooh! Your mother's.

The rope was quickly thrown down, I tied the rope tightly around my waist, and then slowly climbed out of the dry well.

Li Mazi and the big man were so tired that there were beads of sweat on their heads. On the way back to the tea planting base, the big man continued to bargain with Li Mazi: "You can give me another fifty, and I will accompany you all the way here. One hundred yuan is too little."

"Hey, why are you raising the price on the ground? Didn't you agree on a hundred?"

"Then I even helped you get someone."

Li Mazi was impatient because of the quarrel, so he had to throw another fifty yuan to the big man. Then he walked up to me and asked: "Brother from the Zhang family,

How did you deal with that vagina? I see you didn’t take care of anything, just did it with your bare hands? "

I didn't answer Li Mazi's words, but asked seriously: "At Lao Gang's age, he should have a wife and children, right?"

"It must be true. My son is studying abroad and his wife is accompanying him."

I suddenly realized: "Then how can he live alone? Does he have some kind of mistress?"

Li Mazi smiled extremely ambiguously: "We are all men, so needless to say."

"That's right." I sighed faintly: "I'm full of resentment, and what I hate the most is the kind of person who empathizes with someone else. This is the case with Lao Song, and the same is true with Lao Gang."

"What about Mrs. Chen? Is she the same?" Li Mazi said in disbelief.

"Who knows, maybe only she knows."

By the time we returned to the tea planting base, Lao Gang had woken up and was sitting in a daze at the door of the warehouse. Seeing that Li Mazi and I were back, he stood up weakly and asked, "Mazi, why am I here?" ?”

Li Mazi chuckled and said, "There are still many things you don't know. I'll tell you in detail later."

In order to earn Li Mazi two extra bucks, the big man guarding the warehouse specially cooked a pot of instant noodles. We ate to our fill, and then got water to wash away the mud in the off-road vehicle.

Li Mazi asked while helping: "What happened last night? When I woke up, I found myself and Lao Gang lying here, covered in smelly mud. As soon as I saw you were gone, I knew it must be What weird thing happened? How about paying people to look for you everywhere without even thinking about it? Isn’t it so brotherly and loyal? I’m very touched?”

I made a disgusted expression: "Get away from me quickly, or I'm really going to vomit."

The one-word clock was quietly placed on the seat of the off-road vehicle.

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