Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 395: Female Ghost of Wuhan University

Recently, Li Mazi and I have been playing Tencent Mahjong with Senior Shu.

We were beaten day and night. As long as Senior Shu’s hands were itchy, we would be on call as soon as he called, and we would obediently take care of him.

Who allowed Senior Rat to help us so much?

To be honest, although Senior Shu is extremely smart, he is actually very bad at playing mahjong. Li Mazi and I worked for him together, and sometimes we couldn't win, and we took advantage of outsiders.

For this reason, Senior Shu angrily unplugged the network cable countless times!

Li Mazi communicated with me privately: "Brother from the Zhang family, it seems that when it comes to playing cards, Senior Rat is just a scumbag with a combat power of five."

Within a week, Senior Mouse lost all his game points and lost tens of thousands of points. This made Senior Mouse lose his temper and threatened to quit gambling. As expected, he was not seen again in the next few days.

I also had some free time, and Li Mazi and I made tea and sat in the antique shop, eating melon seeds and chatting.

In order to thank us, Laogang not only gave us a reward of two million, but also gave me a whole box of the best Yuqian Longjing on the market, just in time to try it.

"Li Mazi, you seem to be a lot more honest recently, and you haven't caused any trouble for me?" I said after taking a sip of tea.

Li Mazi shook his head seriously: "It's not because I see you are so miserable and tired, little brother, and I want you to have a good vacation, so I reluctantly refuse to take the job."

"Speak humanly." I glanced at him lightly.

Li Mazi looked like he was idle, slumped on the chair and said: "Brother Zhang, you said that in our industry, there should be no peak seasons and off-seasons. Why were there so many jobs before? The endless phone calls, but they have stopped too much recently? Even a mouse doesn’t come to the store anymore.”

I scolded you, "You have such a stupid brain. If you have no job, why don't you go to the countryside to look for some antiques?"

Li Mazi suddenly stood up excitedly: "What are you talking about, little brother, life has been too monotonous recently. You are used to living an exciting life, are you a little restless?"

"Fart!" I yelled at Li Mazi without thinking, "I'm worried that Ruxue and Xiaomeng will suffer with you."

Li Mazi looked like he had seen through me: "Really? Then I have to thank you very much."

"Thank you, uncle." Li Mazi's eyes were so lethal that I hurriedly called to order takeout.

When I came back, Li Mazi was sitting in front of my computer with a lewd expression on his face.

Not good!

"Li Mazi, are you using my computer to view unhealthy websites again? I was misunderstood by Xinyue because you didn't delete your browsing history before. It's really a dog that can't change and eat shit." I immediately stepped forward to find it. Li Mazi settles accounts.

Li Mazi pointed at the computer screen and said, "No, no, no, no, I'm thinking about business."

"Oh, really?" I looked over in disbelief, and saw a red post on the city's forum that instantly caught my attention: A supernatural incident occurred at Wuhan University, please give me some advice.

Li Mazi smiled mischievously and said: "Brother from the Zhang family, isn't it you that this expert is talking about? I see business coming..."

I ignored him and clicked on the post out of curiosity.

The post was made by a person named ‘Zisu’. According to his post, a female student named Li Xiaoling from Wuhan University hanged herself in her dormitory.

There is a lot of pressure in today's society, and there are always college students who do stupid things, and there's nothing new about it. The strange thing is that just seven days after the female student named Li Xiaoling committed suicide, terrorist incidents began to occur one after another in Wuhan University. Every night at midnight, a student's lip would be sewn!

The so-called lip suturing is to use thread to seal the victim's upper and lower lips together. Now they are dripping with blood and are extremely scary.

When the first lip-stitching incident occurred, the school leaders did not pay too much attention to it. They thought it was a conflict between students in the dormitory and just punished several other people in the dormitory. But when the second and third incidents occurred, the school began to feel that something was wrong. Although they continued to explain, they still could not calm the students' panic.

There was no choice but to hire a group of security guards to patrol around the dormitory 24 hours a day. The student union also went to each dormitory every night to conduct night checks, but the horrific lip-stitching incidents continued to occur.

According to Zisu, most of the lip-stitching incidents occurred at night, around the time when Li Xiaoling committed suicide.

Students who have their lips stitched feel nothing at all, as if they were given anesthesia. They often sleep soundly, but when they wake up the next day, they find that their mouths have been stitched shut! At this time, strong and severe pain came in waves, and they howled heart-piercingly in pain. With this scream, their mouths immediately opened, and blood was sprayed everywhere in the dormitory.

This is a bit evil.

Zi Su, the poster, also believed that this incident was too weird and unlikely to be something a human could do, and it might even be related to Li Xiaoling's death. After all, all the lip-stitching incidents happened after Li Xiaoling's first seven years of life, so it doesn't seem like a coincidence.

Therefore, she posted a post online, hoping that someone with expertise could discuss it.

"Brother Zhang, how are you? Are you interested?" Seeing that I had closed the webpage, Li Mazi immediately put his head over.

I stretched and said, "Just so-so."

Li Mazi said with a mischievous smile: "Idle time is idle, why not find some work to relax your muscles and bones, mosquito legs are also meat, maybe you can trick the school!"

I nodded slightly, agreeing.

Li Mazi gave full play to his expertise, and in less than half an hour, he contacted the poster, Zisu, and arranged a meeting place.

I think it's a pity that Li Mazi is not a diplomat.

We probably had too much free time, so Li Mazi and I changed our clothes and set off, arriving at a cafe near Wuhan University an hour early.

Because it is right opposite Wuhan University, most of the customers in the cafe are college students. I listened carefully and found that the college students in the shop seemed to be talking about the lip-stitching incident mentioned in the post.

"It's so scary! I saw it with my own eyes. The door to the dormitory was intact, but the next day my roommate's mouth was sewn shut inexplicably. The thread was black and thick, and it stabbed his mouth for more than a dozen times. There was a big hole, and the whole quilt was covered in blood.”

"Well, I'm not in the mood for class anyway. If this continues, I will be driven crazy."

"I'm ready to drop out of school. I'm really afraid that this matter will be my turn. After all, I know Li Xiaoling..."

"Shut up, are you crazy? You are still mentioning her name now. Don't you know that she is now a famous female ghost from Wuhan University?"

"Forget it, stop talking, I'm getting goosebumps."

Several young students who looked like students closed their mouths in frustration and quickly paid and left.

It seems that this incident has spread in Wuhan University. I am very surprised, why has no newspaper or reporter reported this incident?

Aren’t today’s reporters very eager to make big news?

There is something strange about this matter, there is something to write about, why do they all choose to turn a blind eye.

The arrival of ‘Perilla’ solved my confusion.

He was in his early twenties, with a fair complexion, wearing elegant black-rimmed glasses and jeans, dressed like an otaku from head to toe. After meeting Li Mazi and me, a flash of vigilance flashed in his eyes.

He sat on the chair nervously and asked in a suspicious tone: "Are you the experts who contacted me online?"

(ps: Thank you for your support. Please pay attention to Laojiu’s WeChat public account. WeChat-Add-Search: Daomen Laojiu, there are unexpected surprises! And a horror legend will be updated every day.)

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