Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 396 Red Dress

Li Mazi suddenly became angry and slammed the table: "What do you mean by this?"

Zisu pushed up her glasses and said: "There are so many scammers now, so we have to be on guard against them. Besides, I am a poor student, so I post online for help. If you come here for money, you may be disappointed..."

"What?" Li Mazi gritted his teeth and cursed: "Little classmate, you are just acting like a monkey. How can you ask for help if you don't have money? Do you think the two of us are working as Lei Feng when we have nothing to do?"

His voice was surprisingly loud, which attracted the eyes of the customers in the cafe.

I gently pulled Li Mazi's clothes: "Pay attention to the impact."

Li Mazi shouted: "What are you looking at? I've never seen a handsome guy."

After saying that, he put down the coffee cup: "Brother from the Zhang family, what are you still doing? You have to pay and leave. Hurry up, don't waste time here."

A flash of disappointment flashed in Zisu's eyes, and he looked at me numbly, not daring to say anything.

I smiled at Li Mazi: "Li Mazi, were you the one who contacted me about this matter?"

Li Mazi nodded: "Yes."

"Did you decide on that place?" I continued to ask.

Li Mazi hummed: "But..."

"Then stop talking nonsense and start working." I waved my hand and said.

"Brother from the Zhang family." Li Mazi came over and looked at me in disbelief: "When did we stop charging money for our work? It would be embarrassing if this spread among the circles."

I whispered: "If you don't tell me, who can know? Besides, this matter has really aroused my interest. How about... let's go back and play mahjong with Senior Shu?"

"Let's get started." Li Mazi said with a pale face.

It seems that playing mahjong with Senior Shu has caused a strong psychological shadow on Li Mazi.

Li Mazi sat back on the chair angrily and said unkindly: "Little classmate, you are lucky today because you caught up with our Poverty Alleviation Day, so you won't be charged this time. But don't waste our time. If you have something to say, say it quickly and if you have a fart, say it quickly."

Li Mazi's ferocious expression frightened Zisu once again.

I looked at him funny and asked softly: "Have you been posting online for a while?"

Zisu nodded, acquiescing.

"Is anyone paying attention to you?"

Zisu shook her head.

I smiled: "Isn't that enough? No one paid attention to you after you posted, and only the two of us came to the door. Don't worry about why we came, why don't you just talk to us briefly, maybe we can Can you help me?"

Zisu thought carefully for a while and then replied: "Okay, I am a sophomore student at Wuhan University. It's inconvenient to say my real name. You can just call me Zisu. Li Xiaoling, the girl who committed suicide before, is my classmate. She is relatively introverted and not very good at interpersonal communication. Many people only found out about the existence of this student after she committed suicide."

"Because we have collaborated on a project before, we still have some friendship..."

Li Mazi tapped the table with his fingers impatiently: "Tell me the important point!"

Zi Su blushed and said with some embarrassment: "Of course, we are just ordinary classmates, and my concern for her is limited to this. She committed suicide on the 7th of last month, wearing black stockings in the dormitory. The hanging..."

"Wait a minute." I suddenly thought about Zisu's words: "Isn't it night when Li Xiaoling died? Why was there no one in the dormitory at that time? Why didn't anyone stop her from committing suicide."

"Oh, you may not have noticed that the 7th of last month was a Saturday." Zi Su smiled politely: "On the 7th, a sister in their dormitory happened to have a birthday, so we invited everyone to have dinner and sing together. Of course, it was not Li Xiaoling was not invited. Because Li Xiaoling had a bad relationship in the dormitory and she liked to be alone at school. When they came back at noon the next day, Li Xiaoling had already..."

When Zisu said this, he lowered his head with some regret.

"How many people usually live in each dormitory at Wuhan University?" I asked.

Zisu replied without hesitation: "Six people."

I thought about it and then asked, "Did anyone in their dormitory have their lips sewn shut later?"

"Of course." Zi Su said: "After Li Xiaoling died, there were five people left in the dormitory, four of whom had their lips sewn. And the victim of the first lip suture incident at Wuhan University was a person named Tang Shuangshuang in their dormitory. , this Tang Shuangshuang..."

Li Mazi suddenly became impatient: "I wonder why you, such a big man, are so nagging. Tell me the key points!"

Zisu defended embarrassedly: "What I'm talking about now is the key point."

Li Mazi glanced at him with disgust and said to me: "This cafe is too air-conditioned. I feel suffocated. Let's go out and take a breath."

I suppressed a laugh and nodded.

Li Mazi stood up and quickly walked out of the coffee shop.

After sending away the God of Plague, Zisu became more courageous: "Where did I just say?"

"Tang Shuangshuang."

"Oh, yes." Zi Su slapped her forehead: "This Tang Shuangshuang is just a mobile gossip machine. She especially likes to create scandals! Some students just kissed in the classroom, but when she passed it on, they turned into pornographic photos. The door was closed. At first, everyone thought she was quite interesting and liked to get close to her. After all, she was a young person, and she was full of curiosity. But later, everyone discovered that Tang Shuangshuang had a particularly bad outlook on life. She seemed to enjoy it very much. She had the feeling that everyone was surrounding her as an audience, and in order to always have this feeling, she started to spread rumors out of thin air, and I don’t know how many people suffered under her words, and then everyone started to stay away from her."

Speaking of this, Zisu suddenly came over: "After the accident, many classmates's enough for a person like Tang Shuangshuang to have his mouth sewn up. Maybe someone who has been maliciously hurt by her is looking for revenge on her." . Not only did it feel very satisfying every time it happened, but then the second and third lip-suturing incidents happened, and everyone started to get scared."

I looked at Zisu with some curiosity: "Then why did you connect the lip stitching incident with Li Xiaoling's suicide?"

Hearing my question, Zisu's face changed drastically. She looked around nervously, and after making sure there were no outsiders, she whispered to me: "Because Li Xiaoling was wearing a red skirt before she died! Didn't it say on the Internet? Wear it." Anyone who commits suicide in red clothes will turn into a ghost after death."

"She was wearing a red dress? How did you know?" I frowned and my tone became serious.

Zi Su is right, dead people cannot wear red clothes. If someone commits suicide with hatred and red clothes, the resentment will be magnified countless times, and there is a great chance of becoming a powerful ghost.

This can be tricky.

"Everyone in the school knows it." Zisu didn't think it was a great secret: "Li Xiaoling specially dressed up before she died. She put on a newly bought red skirt, put on light makeup and wore jewelry. She was probably dedicated to She begged for death, fearing that she would not die by hanging, and even cut her pulse... When her roommate found the body, blood was flowing all over the floor. The body was swaying on the electric fan like a wind chime. It is said that two people were stunned on the spot. A timid girl.”

"Then why did she commit suicide?" I asked with some confusion: "Even if there is a flaw in her character, it is not a reason to seek death. She wouldn't hang herself and cut her pulse, right?"

Zi Su said with some embarrassment: "I don't know about this, anyway, there are many things to say. That... In fact, before Li Xiaoling committed suicide, she was like air, with no sense of existence at all. If it weren't for suicide, many people would I didn’t even know there was such a person in our school. After she died, some people said that she suffered from depression and couldn’t think about things, some said that she was abandoned by her boyfriend, some said that she had conflicts with her family... all kinds of things, compared to TV series The plot is so bloody."

"Since there has been a commotion on campus, why hasn't any news come out now?" I asked.

Zisu curled her lips and said somewhat cynically: "Isn't it that our school is suppressing it? After the incident happened, the school leaders held a special meeting. They were afraid that if the incident spread out, it would cause social panic and affect next year's enrollment, so they specially blocked the situation. Because of the relationship, I followed the route of TV stations and newspapers. The reporters below naturally pretended not to see the first sentence. I have posted that post six or seven times, and all the previous ones have been deleted."

"So how are the students whose lips have been sewn shut currently dealt with?" I asked.

"They were all sent to the school doctor to recuperate, and some with more serious injuries, like Tang Shuangshuang, were admitted to the hospital. In order to appease the injured students, the school leaders specifically agreed to apply for scholarships for them."

There was a hint of cynicism unique to young people on Zisu's face. He drank a few sips of iced lemonade and looked at me carefully: "Well... what do you think about this?"

I smiled slightly: "It's indeed weird."

Zisu was obviously dissatisfied when she didn't get the answer she wanted: "Do you think the lip stitching incident is related to Li Xiaoling's suicide?"


The suspicion in Zisu's eyes became more intense: "Are you an expert? Are you a reporter from a TV station?"

After saying that, he looked nervously up and down the table: "Where is the hidden camera hidden?"

Do all children today have persecutory delusions?

I kicked him lightly and said, "Be honest, stop talking nonsense, and tell me are there any roommates in Li Xiaoling's dormitory who are still in school?"

"There seems to be another one named Zhuang Ning." Zisu thought seriously: "She is the only girl in the dormitory who has not had her lips sewn. Everyone says that she has the aura of the protagonist, so she must be protected."

"Can you take me to see her?" I asked.

"No!" Zisu rejected me without even thinking: "First of all, I haven't been able to confirm your identity, so I can't completely trust you. Secondly, except for classes, I spend most of my time in the dormitory. He watches movies and plays games, doesn’t interact with people much, and doesn’t know Zhuang Ning at all.”

This Zisu is actually another existence like Li Xiaoling.

Is it because of this that he paid special attention to Li Xiaoling's suicide?

I thought about it and came up with a pertinent plan: "How about you find a way to bring me into Wuhan University, and I will investigate the rest myself."

Zisu thought about it, but still felt a little worried.

I had no choice but to use my trump card: "Don't you want to know why Li Xiaoling committed suicide? Don't you want to know whether the lip-stitching incident has anything to do with her death?"

People are curious.

As expected, Zisu's eyes lit up when she heard what I said: "Okay, I'll take you to school. But if something happens, you must not accuse me!"

I nodded immediately.

For a poor student like Zisu, the arduous task of paying the bills naturally fell on me.

When I was paying, I glanced at Li Mazi, who was smoking outside the glass door.

Could it be that this turtle's soles were oiled just to avoid paying?

I thought with a little bit of a villain's heart.

After leaving the cafe door, I wanted to take Li Mazi with me, but Zisu refused: "He can't do it! Ever since something strange happened at school, there have been security patrols everywhere. In the past, I could just go in and out of the school at will." , now you have to show your student ID, you are still young, and as for him..." Zi Su glanced at Li Mazi with some disgust: "He looks like his student father."

Li Mazi went crazy on the spot: "You mean I look old?"

"It's not what you look like." Zisu seemed not to understand the deeper meaning of Li Mazi's words: "You are just very old."

Li Mazi was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "Brother from the Zhang family, I'd better stay here and wait for you! Otherwise, if I stay with this kid for a little longer, someone will definitely die. Either he dies or I die."

I rarely see Li Mazi being controlled by others, so I couldn't help but said with some evil intentions: "I think Zisu is quick to talk and will get along well with you."

Li Mazi gave me a look like "Damn, you're crazy too" and walked away to a corner to smoke a cigarette.

And I followed Zisu and walked towards Wuhan University.

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