Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 398 I saw Li Xiaoling!

Goldfish bracelet?

I didn't have time to think about it, and listened carefully to Zhuang Ning's weak voice: "The bracelet was full of blood, and Li Xiaoling's body was swaying. It was very scary! Wang Nan and Ge Xiaofei fainted from fright on the spot, and I was busy looking for the dormitory. The teacher on duty..."

It seemed that the terrifying scene at that time made Zhuang Ning's head hurt even more. She sighed and said: "That's about it. Actually, I don't know much about Li Xiaoling. I am a stronger person. If others ignore me, I will never You won’t beg someone shamelessly! If you know Li Xiaoling well, I’m afraid only Tang Shuangshuang is the only one. You can ask her... No, her mouth has been sewn shut and she can’t speak. "

She looked like she was going to faint at any moment, but when she said the last sentence, she felt a bit happy and satisfied.

I couldn't help but take another look at her.

When she met Zhuang Ning's eyes, she was slightly startled, but she immediately reacted. He gave me a disdainful smile: "I'm a little uncomfortable, so I can only help you so much."

"Although I don't know what your purpose is? But I have to tell the truth. Your acting skills are too bad. It's better not to pretend to be a private detective in the future. Li Xiaoling did commit suicide. The suicide note she left and the evidence at the scene confirmed it. On this point, her father has been to the school and agreed with the police statement," Zhuang Ning said.

After taking two steps, she suddenly turned back and looked at me: "By the way, remember to do your homework in advance next time you try to cheat. Li Xiaoling has no mother, and she has always been dependent on her father. That's why her parents couldn't accept her suicide, so they hired you as a private servant." It’s better not to use the detective’s excuse again…”

After saying these words, Zhuang Ning entered the dormitory without looking back.

The feeling of being exposed in front of someone is really embarrassing.

I scratched my head, stood up and wanted to leave, but suddenly I found Zisu's figure flashing in the bushes not far away.

What on earth is this guy going to do? Why are you hiding in the corner and observing me?

I left Wuhan University with doubts. I was not in a hurry to meet Li Mazi, but turned into a small alley behind Wuhan University and looked for a place to apply for fake certificates.

When I heard that I wanted to apply for a Wuhan University student ID card, the shop owner immediately doubled the price: "Brother, it's not that I'm evil. You have to know that it's very difficult to get a Wuhan University student ID card now. You have to check it when you come in and out. It's almost difficult to get one card." Please!”

Raising prices from the ground up, isn’t this fucking evil?

Fortunately, the price was not too exaggerated. I was too lazy to ask him for more ink, so I paid the money and got the certificate. It would be easier to enter Wuhan University next time.

When he returned to the coffee shop, Li Mazi was already impatient: "Brother Zhang, why did you come back?"

"I met with Li Xiaoling's roommate and got to know her better."

Li Mazi curled his lips and said, "You don't have any money to make, so just let it be what you want, don't take it so seriously."

I patted Li Mazi on the shoulder and educated him in the tone of an elder: "Li Mazi, there are many things in this world that are more important than money, do you understand?"

"I don't understand." Li Mazi shook his head decisively: "In a market economy, everything has to be linked to money."

Yes, playing the piano to a cow is in vain if your hand is disabled.

Li Mazi followed me all the way home, and I looked at him puzzled: "Why are you still following me?"

"Food." Li Mazi replied shamelessly: "I don't have any wages, so you have to provide me with a meal, otherwise my whole day will be in vain."

Damn, that sounds like I got the money.

Dinner was two bowls of beef instant noodles. Li Mazi was very satisfied with the meal and even stole a can of beer and a salted duck egg from me from the kitchen.

I really feel like I've lost something.

After eating, he patted his round belly and left contentedly, while I sat down in front of the computer.

As expected, Zisu was already waiting for me online, and it would be no exaggeration to describe her as anxious.

"Have you met Zhuang Ning? What did she tell you?"

As a boy, Zisu is more sexy than I thought.

I replied: "I saw her. She was not in a good condition. We just had a brief chat."

Zisu snorted, looking very disappointed, and hurriedly logged off.

Is there any connection between Li Xiaoling's suicide and the lip stitching incident? Will Tang Shuangshuang, the first victim whose lips were sewn, know something?

I decided to find Tang Shuangshuang and ask.

There is a saying that goes, there is no airtight wall in the world. If something like this happens at Wuhan University, even if reporters don't report it, it's impossible for no one to know about it. I did some research with people in my circle and found out which hospital Tang Shuangshuang was currently staying in.

I slept contentedly and decided to visit her the next day.

It actually rained the next day.

The hospital never affects business due to weather. It can be described as overcrowded. There are even extra beds in the corridor to provide patients with IV fluids. The air is full of the smell of formalin.

I quickly found the nurse on duty and asked about Tang Shuangshuang's condition.

The nurse was so busy that she had no time to talk to me. She just pointed to the innermost ward and said, "The person you are looking for lives there. However, she has some mental problems and her condition is not very good. You can visit her after a while." Let her rest quickly!"

I nodded immediately, then walked over and opened the door to the ward.

The ward was quiet. A chubby girl with short hair sat on the bed and stared out the window blankly.

Her face was frighteningly white, her lips were thickly swollen, and the dense black pinpricks, although scabbed, were particularly hideous and frightening.

I knocked on the door gently.

As if she couldn't hear it, she still sat there motionless without moving her eyes, as if there was something outside the window that attracted her.

"Tang Shuangshuang?" I shouted softly.

"Shh!" Tang Shuangshuang heard the voice and quickly raised his index finger to his lips: "Don't talk."

After being reminded of this sentence, she turned her head again and continued to look out the window in the same posture as before.


A flash of lightning suddenly flashed outside the window, frightening Tang Shuangshuang to scream and wave his hands wildly: "Don't come to me! Don't... don't come to me! It's not what I said, it's not what I said, I didn't say anything. !Didn’t say anything!”

She seemed extremely frightened, and her panicked eyes were full of helplessness. Finally, she was so frightened that she got under the bed, and kept repeating with trembling body: "I didn't say that, it wasn't me..."

I slowly squatted down and looked at her calmly: "Do you know Li Xiaoling?"

Hearing Li Xiaoling's name, Tang Shuangshuang became even more frightened. Her eyes widened: "I don't know Li Xiaoling! I don't know her! I didn't say anything bad about her. I didn't say anything. Don't sew my mouth shut." !I didn’t say anything.”

Because she was so excited, the wound on her lip burst open, blood splattered all over the floor, and her whole mouth was bloody.

I took a step back in fear.

Hearing Tang Shuangshuang's scream, the nurse rushed in: "What's going on? Where is the patient?"

After discovering Tang Shuangshuang under the bed, the nurse frowned impatiently: "Why are you hiding under the bed again? Come out quickly."

Tang Shuangshuang shook his head with difficulty: "No, I won't go out. There is... someone on the ceiling."

The nurse looked up and said helplessly: "There's no one here, come out quickly. I still have a lot of work, can you please stop making things worse for me?"

Speaking of this, the nurse glanced at me and said angrily: "Sir, who are you? Are you irritating her?"

Before I could explain, Tang Shuangshuang screamed under the bed: "There is someone on the ceiling. I recognize her. She is Li Xiaoling! Li Xiaoling, don't follow me. I didn't say that. I didn't say anything. Don't sew me." Q!"

The nurse pushed me out of the ward, and several powerful male nurses rushed in and tied Tang Shuangshuang to the bed.

Tang Shuangshuang was like a stubborn lion, hugging the bed legs tightly and not letting go.

Her howls got louder and louder, and blood splattered everywhere from her mouth.

The door to the ward was also closed by the nurse.

The moment I came out of the hospital, I was finally sure that the lip-suturing incident at Wuhan University was definitely related to Li Xiaoling’s death!

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