Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 399 Republic of China actress Ruan Lingyu

I decided to go to Wuhan University again.

Nowadays, the technology of forging ID cards can be said to be very sophisticated. After I showed my student ID card, I entered the school gate easily.

The rain gradually subsided, and I walked leisurely along the path holding an umbrella.

Finally, he stopped outside the girls' dormitory building.

I casually wiped off the water stains on the bench, sat down on the cold chair, and stared at the third floor window where Zisu had guided me before.

That dormitory was occupied by Li Xiaoling. What happened that caused her to commit suicide?

After a long time, the rain stopped.

A girl wearing a thick sweater walked out of the dormitory building. I looked back and saw that it was Zhuang Ning.

She frowned slightly and looked at me: "Why are you here again?"

"It's nothing, there's something I can't figure out, so I came here to take a look." I smiled slightly and said, "I just went to the hospital to visit Tang Shuangshuang. Her condition is a bit not good."

Zhuang Ning curled his lips and looked like he didn't care: "Really? She deserves it."

I found that Zhuang Ning was very hostile to Tang Shuangshuang.

"You hate her?" I asked.

Zhuang Ning nodded very calmly: "I don't hate her, I hate her!"

When he said this, Zhuang Ning's expression even gritted his teeth.

I froze for a moment.

Zhuang Ning sighed, then sat down next to me and said, "Tang Shuangshuang is such a mean-mouthed person! Do you think I'm a little unkind? No matter how bad a sister in the dormitory is, she's almost disfigured now. I should forget the unpleasantness of the past and care for her. Haha, but I just can't do it."

I laughed silently: "What on earth did she do to make you hate her so much?"

"There are six people in our dormitory. Except for Li Xiaoling who committed suicide, everyone else has been hospitalized or went home to recuperate. At that time, I also witnessed Li Xiaoling's death. I was also frightened, but you know why I still insisted on staying. Are you at school?" Zhuang Ning glanced at me.

I shook my head and said I didn't know.

Zhuang Ning said helplessly: "My hometown is in a mountain village far away. It has been my lifelong dream to go out to study. My tuition fees are all raised by the whole village. I stay in Wuhan to work every winter and summer vacation. I couldn't bear to buy a train ticket home. Last semester, I spent a lot of effort to get an on-campus job, helping the school leaders organize information. At that time, Tang Shuangshuang was competing with me, but she was passed because of her poor image. When she learned that I was selected, she told the classmates around me that I got this job only because I slept with the school leader every day. The word spread, and I instantly became the Pan of the school. Jin Lian, in order to avoid repercussions, the school leaders can only re-select a boy as an assistant."

Speaking of this, Zhuang Ning suddenly turned around and looked at me calmly: "Tang Shuangshuang thought she just said a word, but in fact she ruined my work and ruined my reputation! I'm looking for her When questioned, she smiled and said it was just a joke."

I nodded in understanding: "Did you hate Tang Shuangshuang because of this incident?"

"You can't be grateful to her, right?" Zhuang Ning sneered, "What have you found out?"

"No progress yet," I replied.

Zhuang Ning obviously didn't believe it, but she changed the subject very smartly: "Sir, why are you interested in this matter? Who came to you? You are not a student of Wuhan University, why are you involved in this matter? .”

"Because I'm too busy. I'm a businessman who specializes in collecting evil antiques..." I smiled bitterly.

My answer surprised Zhuang Ning.

Zhuang Ning raised his eyebrows at me, stood up and was about to leave: "Curiosity killed the cat, I advise you to take it easy!"

I hurriedly stopped her: "Zhuang Ning, you told me last time that Li Xiaoling left a suicide note before committing suicide. Have you read that suicide note?"

Zhuang Ning nodded: "I've seen it."

"What's written on it?" I asked.

"There are only four words, people's words are terrible." After saying that, Zhuang Ning walked into the girls' dormitory.

Are people's words to be feared?

I chewed on these four words over and over again, wondering why these four words were so familiar.

I hurried back to the antique store and turned on my computer to search. Sure enough, I found a piece of information.

There was once a movie star from the Republic of China who wrote these four words in his suicide note when he committed suicide. This movie star is the famous Ruan Lingyu. Ruan Lingyu was so beautiful that she captivated everyone and was called the first of the four beauties of the Republic of China. Not only did she act well in movies, but she was also a social butterfly, but it was a pity that she was ruined at the hands of her ex-husband. His ex-husband always depended on Ruan Lingyu for eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. As long as Ruan Lingyu didn't give her money, he would always speak ill of Ruan Lingyu and call her a mistress. She is a bitch, she has slept with countless men.

In the end, Ruan Lingyu couldn't bear the humiliation and committed suicide by taking poison, leaving the words "people's words are terrible" in her suicide note.

Isn't this a coincidence?

Then, I thought about the gold and jade bracelet that Li Xiaoling wore on her wrist before she died. Could it be...

I frantically typed the words "goldfish bracelet" into the computer, but nothing came of it. I had no choice but to find Ruan Lingyu’s black and white photos and scroll down one by one.

When my eyes were so sore, I finally saw the black gold and jade bracelet on Ruan Lingyu's white wrist in a yellowed photo.

Even though this is a photo image from the Republic of China period, the black bracelet is still very eye-catching, and the goldfish on it is vivid, as if it will swim out of the screen at any time.

Could it be that this time the evil object is this goldfish bracelet?

Just as he was wondering, Li Mazi walked in the door carelessly: "Brother Zhang, have you eaten?"

"not yet."

"That's just right. I haven't eaten yet, so I'll have a meal in your shop." Li Mazi finished speaking easily, and then leaned comfortably on the sofa.

The whole set of movements was so smooth that I was stunned.

"Damn it, Li Mazi, are you using my shop as a canteen?" I flew up and kicked towards Li Mazi: "When I look for you, you don't even see a ghost. When I don't look for you, You wander around in front of my eyes every day."

Li Mazi groaned and said aggrievedly: "When are you going to find me and I'm not here anymore?"

"I have something arranged for you now." I scratched my messy hair, yawned and said, "Didn't you brag to me before that there was no one you didn't know in Wuhan? Go and find out for me. , has anyone bought a black goldfish bracelet at the flea market in the past two months?"

"Goldfish bracelet?" Li Mazi narrowed his eyes with a greedy look: "Is it valuable?"

I looked at him expressionlessly without saying a word.

Li Mazi smiled coquettishly and said: "Okay, I'll go, I'll go right away. Don't say it's a flea market. If the little brother says, I, Li Mazi, will go through mountains of swords and seas of fire, but only after I have a full meal can I have the strength to work." "

I kicked Li Mazi again: "Get out of here quickly!"

"Brother Zhang... there are seven or eight flea markets in Wuhan. I'll go and inquire about them one by one. Is it okay if you don't treat me to a meal?"

I thought seriously for a second and bowed gratefully to Li Mazi: "Thank you for your hard work." Then I closed the store door and went back to the house to sleep, leaving Li Mazi alone outside the antique shop cursing.

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