Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 403 Five Emperors’ Money, Rooster Blood

But Li Mazi was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder: "I'm talking about Lao Yao, are you tired of jumping out word by word? Can you finish a sentence? I'm so exhausted from listening to it."

Lao Yao rolled his eyes at him and returned to the room holding the book.

Li Mazi cursed and said: "Okay, okay, you old bastard, if you ask me for help in the future, see how I deal with you!"

After saying that, Li Mazi spat on the ground: "Brother Zhang, let's go!"

Watching Li Mazi's retreating figure, I shook my head with a wry smile, then saluted toward the room and said, "Senior, let's take our leave."

After listening to my words, Lao Yao suddenly came out and put a crumpled piece of paper into my hand.

I looked down and saw a simple route drawn on it, marking the location where he dug out the goldfish bracelet.

To a native, a tomb is like a bowl for eating. Without full trust, a native would never tell outsiders the location of the tomb.

I looked at Lao Yao with some surprise, wondering where his trust in me came from.

After all, it was just the first time we met.

Lao Yao looked calm and then closed the door with a bang.

I couldn't help but feel funny. This old medicine is really interesting.

When I left the door, Li Mazi was already waiting impatiently: "Brother Zhang, we were wrong from the beginning. We really shouldn't have paid attention to that forum post, otherwise we would still be in the store right now. Drinking tea and chatting, my little life is interesting."

"Who made you greedy for money? Once a fetish merchant takes over, you can't quit halfway. You know this better than I do." I walked out of the dock with a smile.

Li Mazi followed closely: "Brother Zhang, you can't blame me entirely. I don't want to make some money for retirement."

"Li Mazi, don't just focus on money! Sometimes if you do more good deeds, you will accumulate virtue." I gave him a very meaningful look: "I will treat him as your son."

Li Mazi immediately shut his mouth.

Despite Li Mazi's poor moral character, he was really good to his son.

At first glance, he looked like his biological son.

On the way back, I kept thinking that Li Xiaoling was wearing a goldfish bracelet when she committed suicide. She even cut her pulse. All the resentment and blood were absorbed into the goldfish bracelet. The Yin Qi in the goldfish bracelet must have increased several times!

It seems that we still have to find the goldfish bracelet.

I just don’t know how Li Xiaoling’s body was disposed of. It would be troublesome if it had been cremated.

No, I still have to go to Wuhan University to talk to Zhuang Ning, but it’s getting dark now, so Li Mazi and I can only go back to the store first.

Li Mazi gave me a meal of KFC and left with satisfaction, while I stayed up all night studying the map Lao Yao threw to me, got up early the next morning, washed up, and went straight to Wuhan University.

When I arrived at Wuhan University, it happened to be time for students to have breakfast.

What's even more coincidental is that I met Zhuang Ning at the intersection!

She was still not in a good condition, her face was pale, and she was wrapped in a winter down jacket.

When she saw me, she burst into laughter: "You really like Wuhan University so much, why don't you just pay the tuition and go through the admission procedures! You won't have to run here every two days. I really don't know how to describe you. Nowadays students are scared." You have to live outside without a care in the world, you are the only one who likes to go to school."

I found that every time I met Zhuang Ning, my eloquence was a little behind.

Or maybe I'm the dumbest every time I face a girl. This was also the case when I was chatting with Yin Xinyue.

I took a deep breath and said helplessly: "Actually, I came here today specifically to find you."

"Looking for me?" Zhuang Ning stared at me with some confusion: "Can I help you?"


"That's great." Zhuang Ning nodded: "It just so happens that my breakfast hasn't arrived yet. If you treat me to a meal, I will help you."

have to! There are always people asking me for help these days. It seems that my wallet is going to be bled today.

Fortunately, the prices of food in the canteen of Wuhan University are quite affordable, and Zhuang Ning can't eat anything too greasy. We each had a bowl of millet porridge and sat down at the window seat. I looked at her with some worry: "You are so sick. , why doesn’t your boyfriend come to take care of you?”

Zhuang Ning smiled lightly: "I don't have a boyfriend at all, it's all made up to lie."

"Why do you want to make up a boyfriend?" I asked in confusion.

Zhuang Ning smiled and said: "The world of girls is like this, everything has to be compared. Because I often go out to school to work, I don't want to be criticized, so I said that I have a boyfriend. If you have any questions, just ask!"

"How was Li Xiaoling's body disposed of?" I asked.

Zhuang Ning almost spit out the porridge: "I rarely have an appetite. Do you have to ask this while I'm eating?"

I smiled awkwardly, my question seemed a bit disgusting.

Zhuang Ning put down the spoon, sighed and told me that Li Xiaoling had not been buried yet, and her body was parked in the funeral parlor. It was Li Xiaoling's father's wish.

I asked where the goldfish bracelet went?

Zhuang Ning said that the goldfish bracelet was put away by Li Xiaoling's father, saying that he wanted to keep it as a souvenir.

Fortunately, the goldfish bracelet is still there!

After finishing the porridge, Zhuang Ning's face turned even more ugly. She clutched her down jacket tightly and asked me tremblingly: "Is there anything else I can do to help?"

I gave her a surprised look.

Zhuang Ning looked very contemptuous of me. She said calmly: "The matter is too violent. If it continues like this, my studies will be affected. I do it for myself."

"If I asked you to go back to your previous dormitory, would you agree?" I asked tentatively.

Zhuang Ning's face changed drastically in an instant, and he looked at me with fear: "Go back to the dormitory where Li Xiaoling committed suicide?"

I nodded seriously: "I want you to go back to that dormitory and do something for me."

Zhuang Ning took a deep breath and said: "You don't really think that the lip stitching incident is related to Li Xiaoling's suicide, do you? Li Xiaoling has passed away, how could it be possible..."

Zhuang Ning couldn't speak anymore. She seemed to have thought of something and stared at me in disbelief, her eyes widening.

I explained calmly: "Sometimes when a person dies, it is hundreds of times scarier than when she was alive."

"Ghost?" Zhuang Ning asked nervously.

"The King of Ghosts." I spat out four words calmly.

Zhuang Ning gasped: "What on earth do you do? You are not a Maoshan Taoist priest, are you?"

My forehead instantly became black. Why do I think of Maoshan Taoist priests when I mention ghosts...

Zhuang Ning was silent for a long time before asking: "If I go to that dormitory, can you promise to solve this matter?"

"It should be okay." To cheer her up, I said with absolute certainty.

Zhuang Ning was inspired by my success and agreed: "Okay! Then I will move my things back to the original dormitory now."

"Don't be busy yet." I stopped her: "I have some things to prepare. It's best to get the goldfish bracelet that Li Xiaoling wore when she committed suicide."

Zhuang Ning lowered his head and thought for a while: "Is it a goldfish bracelet? Leave this to me."

My original plan was to ask Zhuang Ning to tell me the address of Li Xiaoling's home and let me take charge of it, but I didn't expect that she directly took on this important task.

Zhuang Ning said: "Anyway, Li Xiaoling and I have been dormitory friends for more than a year. After her death, her father and I also met. I should be more trustworthy than you, a stranger."

Zhuang Ning is right, but I am worried about her health.

Can she really go out like this? Zhuang Ning smiled bitterly and said: He won't die in a while.

After leaving the gate of Wuhan University, I called Li Mazi. Li Mazi said very sadly on the other end of the phone: "Brother Zhang, where have you gone? I went to visit you early in the morning, but you were not at home."

I see you paralyzed, I must be here to get some food.

I gritted my teeth and did not directly expose him: "I went out to do something, Li Mazi. Raising an army takes a thousand days to use it for a while. I have raised you for so long, and it's time to send you on your way."

"On the road?" Li Mazi was startled.


I quickly changed my words: "Come on, make a grand entrance."

Li Mazi swallowed: "What on earth is going on?"

"Go and help me prepare something." I explained seriously: "One hundred Five Emperors coins strung with yellow rope must be genuine. Even one copper coin is a fake! I also need a big rooster, two feet tall. Red cloth, and prepare some black dog blood."

Li Mazi heard something unusual: "Brother Zhang, do you want these things to deal with that evil thing?"

"I asked you to prepare, why did you talk so much nonsense!" I hung up the phone directly.

Zhuang Ning heard it from beside him and asked me in a low voice: "Copper coins, roosters... I saw in the movie, these are used to deal with evil spirits, right? Are you going to use them to deal with Li Xiaoling?"

I smiled comfortingly at her: "Don't worry, the operation is very simple. I'll tell you again in a while, and I'm sure you can do it after just one lesson."

Under the sun, the corners of Zhuang Ning's mouth twitched in fear.

As Li Xiaoling's roommate, Zhuang Ning knew the specific location of her home.

Zhuang Ning explained to me that Li Xiaoling had been absent from class for a week, and the teacher specially took her to visit her home, so she had some impressions. But such a normal home visit was still described by Tang Shuangshuang as seducing the teacher into renting a room, which was really speechless.

Li Xiaoling's family lives in a high-end community in the city center.

After arriving downstairs in the community, Zhuang Ning said to me: "You stay here and wait for me! Li Xiaoling just passed away, and his father gave the white-haired man to the black-haired man. He would not be in a good mood and would be resistant to meeting strangers. of."

I'm actually a little uneasy. Zhuang Ning is a little shaky when he walks. Is it really okay? But she still rejected my kindness and went upstairs alone.

I waited downstairs for nearly an hour. During this period, Li Mazi called me and asked me nonsensically: "Brother from the Zhang family, the Five Emperors can't raise that much money! How much black dog blood do you want, a bottle or a bucket?"

After scolding him so much, I secretly regretted it.

Zhuang Ning shouldn't be allowed to go alone. Who knows if the ghost in the goldfish bracelet will come to Li Xiaoling's father? If that were the case, wouldn't Zhuang Ning be in danger?

But I didn't know the specific location of Li Xiaoling's house, so I could only stand there and worry. After about half an hour, Zhuang Ning went downstairs with a pale face.

I hurriedly walked over and asked, "How's it going?"

"I got it." There was a rare smile on Zhuang Ning's gray face: "I told her father that this goldfish bracelet was originally mine, but Li Xiaoling liked it so much that she put it on on her own initiative while I was not in the dormitory that day. Originally, It's nothing, but the goldfish bracelet is a relic left by my grandma to me, and I have to get it back. Her father didn't believe it at first, but later he gave it to me..."

After Zhuang Ning finished speaking, he carefully took out the goldfish bracelet from his pocket and handed it to me.

Perhaps because it absorbed Li Xiaoling's blood, the goldfish in the black jade bracelet appeared more vivid and dazzling, as if it had come to life, and the red one was a bit dazzling.

Zhuang Ning's fingers trembled slightly, as if they were extremely cold: "What should we do next?"

I thought for a while: "Go back to Wuhan University."

I called Li Mazi on the way and asked him to meet me at the gate of Wuhan University. When I arrived, Li Mazi was holding a live rooster in one hand and a bottle of black dog blood in the other, attracting various student security guards to watch.

I just felt that everything was dark in front of me, and I wanted to step forward and kick him to death. Could you please pay attention to the impact and wait for us quietly in the corner?

As expected, the students passing by were talking a lot.

"Is there blood in the bottle? What does this person do?"

"He's still holding the cock, is he going to do it?"

"No, maybe they are delivering food to the canteen..."

Li Mazi stretched his neck to see me, and walked over with a smile: "Brother Zhang, how are you? I got you a hundred pieces of Five Emperor's Coins, one or more. Did you complete the task successfully?"

What a complete shit, I wish I could kill Li Mazi.

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