Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 404 The evil ghost will be reflected

At this time, Li Mazi noticed Zhuang Ning next to me, and immediately said with a vulgar expression: "Yo, yo, who is this girl? Brother Zhang, you can, put me aside, you and the girl We're on a date, and your sister-in-law is on a business trip, so you start to get wild."

I glared at him, but before I could curse, Zhuang Ning frowned and asked, "Who is this guy who doesn't look like a human or a ghost?"


I laughed so shamelessly.

Li Mazi's eyes widened and he said angrily: "Hey, you little girl, who do you think doesn't look like a human or a ghost?"

Zhuang Ning glanced at him disdainfully: "Do you believe that if I shout now, just based on what you are carrying, you will be immediately regarded as a suspect and sent to the police station by security guards?"

Li Mazi was stunned, pointed at me and said, "He asked me to buy this."

As expected of Li Mazi, the speed at which he betrayed his friends was absolutely unprecedented and unprecedented.

I gritted my teeth and said to Li Mazi, "Give me the stuff and you can get out."

Then he ignored Li Mazi and walked into the school gate with Zhuang Ning without looking back.

The security guard at the school gate stopped me: "Stop, what's going on with these things?" His eyes were full of suspicion, and his hand was already on the intercom. If I was not satisfied with the answer I gave, he would probably shout in the next second. people.

"It's like this..." I said with an honest smile: "This is my school girl, we are fellow villagers. He and the little girl who committed suicide before were in the same dormitory. Because of this incident, I was frightened and sick. It’s never been good! So I asked someone to buy an old farm hen with some duck blood. I planned to go to the canteen and ask the chef to open a small stove and help me make some chicken soup to replenish my body. "

The security guard looked at Zhuang Ning doubtfully, and Zhuang Ning coughed cooperatively.

The security guard sighed, waved his hand and let him go: "Okay, I'll just turn a blind eye today! This child is indeed seriously ill."

After entering the campus, Zhuang Ning said with admiration: "I found that you don't even need to draft a lie when you lie, you just open your mouth."

I replied awkwardly: "I learned from Li Mazi, that guy who doesn't look like a human or a ghost."

Zhuang Ning snorted slightly, looking very disdainful.

The two of us arrived downstairs in the girls' dormitory and sat on the bench. I handed the things to Zhuang Ning one by one and started to plan the operation: "After you go to that dormitory tonight..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhuang Ning turned pale with fright: "Night? You asked me to go to the dead man's dormitory in the middle of the night. Isn't it daytime?"

"Not during the day." I said calmly: "That thing is most active at night, and it is best during the time when Li Xiaoling committed suicide!"

Zhuang Ning swallowed nervously: "Can I find someone to accompany me?"

Looking at her frightened and frightened look, it was a bit hard to say 'no'.

Zhuang Ning sighed slightly: "Forget it, just do whatever you say."

I hummed and took the time to explain: "There are two pieces of red cloth here. You tear one of them apart and tie it to yourself in a cross shape. You have to lay the other piece on the spot where Li Xiaoling hanged herself. This hundred Put the Five Emperors Coin at the door of the dormitory. The Five Emperors Coin has strong yang energy, so it should be able to frighten that evil thing!"

"Female object?" Zhuang Ning stared at me curiously.

Yes, I have such a mouth!

I wish I could give myself two slaps.

"Didn't you ask me before what I do? I am a ghost object dealer who specializes in solving supernatural incidents. As you can see, this goldfish bracelet is a ghost object. Li Xiaoling's suicide and lip stitching incident are both related to This bracelet has something to do with it," I explained.

Zhuang Ning glanced nervously at the goldfish bracelet.

I continued: "Then there is the black dog's blood. You have to sprinkle the black dog's blood on the doors and windows of the dormitory to prevent the evil spirit from escaping. Once the evil spirit escapes, the consequences will be disastrous. I don't know how many lives will be caused."

"Finally, you have to kill the rooster with a knife and throw the head from where Li Xiaoling hanged herself..."

"What?" Zhuang Ning screamed: "You actually asked me to kill the chicken?"

Well, this kid was successfully stimulated by me and was on the verge of collapse.

"Well, asking girls to kill chickens is indeed a bit cruel, but..." I tried to sound more solemn in my tone: "This may be the only way to conquer the goldfish bracelet."

"Maybe?" Zhuang Ning interrupted me again: "Are you not sure whether this method will work at all?"

I found that she was particularly good at finding faults between the lines.

This is the first time since I became a sex dealer that I have been so nakedly suspected!

I also showed a hint of displeasure: "There is no foolproof strategy in this world. I can only guarantee a 90% chance of success. Haven't you heard that a wise man will make a mistake every time he thinks about it?"

Zhuang Ning thought for a while and nodded seriously: "I made a mistake. I'm sorry."

"Okay, after throwing the chicken head over, you place the goldfish bracelet on the red cloth, drizzle it with chicken blood and you're done."

Zhuang Ning listened to my explanation and repeated it from beginning to end. After I confirmed that there was no problem, she asked me again: "What should you do? How will I notify you after I finish these things? Can I call you?"

"No. I won't leave Wuhan University tonight. I will hide in the bushes downstairs and wait for news from you." I said seriously: "But just in case, it's better to leave a phone number."

I reported my mobile phone number to Zhuang Ning. Zhuang Ning hummed and went upstairs with his things.

I called Li Mazi and told him that I would stay at Wuhan University tonight to capture Li Xiaoling’s ghost. Li Mazi said worriedly:

"Brother, please listen to my advice and go home as soon as possible! If you don't sleep in a comfortable bed, why are you going there to drink the northwest wind? What are you trying to do..."

I really want to tell him that there are many things more important in life than money.

But I didn’t think he would understand, so I hung up the phone after a few perfunctory words and went to the cafeteria of Wuhan University to have dinner alone. I deliberately lingered for a while and didn't leave until the cafeteria closed.

It was completely dark, and Wuhan University was shrouded in a strange darkness.

I paid attention to the movement around me, and after making sure nothing happened, I hid in the bushes below the girls' dormitory.

There must be no accidents, otherwise I will be arrested as a perverted lip slit maniac!

It was a dark and windy night, and I was hiding downstairs in the girls' dormitory. When the security guard caught me, I couldn't defend myself.

I shivered and wrapped my clothes tightly around me. If I had known I would have to stay in bed tonight, I should have put on two more thick clothes when I went out.

The night was getting dark quickly.

The cold wind blew from all directions, making me shiver.

I stared at the lights in the girls' dormitory building, hoping that time would go faster and that this matter would be over as soon as possible so that I could go home and have a peaceful sleep.

Soon the lights in the dormitory went out one by one, because the dormitory has regulations that the power switches will be turned on after ten o'clock in the evening. At this moment, except for the dim street lights, the entire Wuhan University was completely plunged into darkness.

There seemed to be a bit of wailing in the wind.

My eyes were staring straight at Li Xiaoling's bedroom window. Near midnight, a red figure floated past the window.

That thing is indeed there!

After a while, Zhuang Ning's figure appeared in the window. She tied a red cloth on her body according to my instructions.

It looks like she's already taking action.

I stared at the window uneasily. After a while, Zhuang Ning suddenly jumped over. She had a look of horror on her face and was holding a cell phone in her hand to dial a number.

I hurriedly took out my cell phone, and sure enough, Zhuang Ning's call came in.

Her voice trembled very much: "I...I did what you told me, but it's a little strange."

"What's wrong? Calm down, don't be afraid."

Zhuang Ning's breathing became more and more rapid: "I followed your instructions and poured the chicken blood on the goldfish bracelet, but with a bang, the red cloth on the ground burned up, and the bracelet kept jumping around on the ground."

Is the red cloth burning?

The bracelet is bouncing around?

A bad thought flashed through my mind.

Is there something more powerful that is using Li Xiaoling's resentment to cause trouble?

Goldfish live in groups, and there are four goldfish bracelets. If there is some special connection between them, could it be that other people's grievances are attached to Li Xiaoling's grievances?

Before I had time to think about it, I hurriedly shouted into the phone: "Zhuang Ning, get out of the dormitory right now, right now!!"

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