Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 406: Mother-and-son coffins

I saw that he still had a spare shovel in his backpack, so I rolled up my sleeves and started digging with him.

Although I am not as good as Lao Yao, I still have some strength. In a short time, I dug out a wooden coffin from the soil.

Lao Yao told me that the goldfish bracelet was dug out from here. I asked Lao Yao if he could open the coffin? Lao Yao shook his head firmly.

Every profession has its own rules. Since Lao Yao said it’s not okay, it must not be okay. So I thought about it and said, “Keep digging, I want to see what’s weird about this coffin!”

Lao Yao talks very little, and he doesn't babble like Li Mazi. After listening to my words, he continued digging without saying a word. The two of us quickly dug out the entire coffin. This coffin was made of cypress. Judging from the craftsmanship and style, it must have been buried for decades at least. However, the coffin did not rot at all, which was obviously strange.

I walked around the coffin twice and asked Lao Yao who was sleeping inside.

Lao Yao thought for a moment and said, "Rich!"

She should be a landlady or something.

"Besides the goldfish bracelet, did you find any other treasures?" I asked.

Lao Yao hummed: "Yuan!" Lest I didn't understand, he made some gestures with his hands.

Laoyao should refer to the silver dollar, which was the currency of the Republic of China. Because it has Yuan Shikai's face printed on it, people call it Yuan Datou.

Ask a question, Lao Yao can only answer one word, and the rest depends on understanding. If this continues, when will we find the key to the problem?

Just when I was worried, Lao Yao suddenly took out four steel rods from his backpack and inserted them into the four corners of the tomb. Then he took out another roll of mat and fixed the four corners of the mat on the steel rods.

Mats cover tombs, this is the rhythm of opening a museum.

I looked at Lao Yao with some confusion. Lao Yao gave me a weird smile and pointed at Li Mazi who was still stealing corn in the cornfield. He meant that he couldn't do it himself and let Li Mazi open the coffin.

This is also a good idea!

I immediately understood and shouted to Li Mazi: "Li Mazi, come here! I have something to trouble you."

When Li Mazi heard this, he immediately ran over: "What's the matter? Did you find something valuable?"

I smiled at him and asked Li Mazi to go down and pry open the coffin.

"What, you want me to open the coffin?" Li Mazi's face turned pale and his brows knitted together.

"What, you don't dare anymore?" I smiled slightly.

"It's not that I don't dare." Li Mazi said in embarrassment: "Opening coffins is something we have done all the time. He has much more experience than me. Let's not take other people's jobs..."

After hearing this, Lao Yao kicked Li Mazi from behind and knocked him down into the grave.

Li Mazi immediately fell into disgrace and stood up with a curse.

I explained for Lao Yao: "This Coffin Lao Yao has already been prescribed once. There are rules in the industry. Since he said he can't prescribe it a second time, he must not prescribe it a second time! I have to work hard for you."

Li Mazi said angrily: "If the old medicine doesn't work, don't we still have you?"

I had to say that I had to stand on top to deal with emergencies. If there was any evil spirit or something, I could deal with it as soon as possible.

Lao Yao also followed him down to the tomb, directing Li Mazi word by word beside him. Li Mazi was so angry that he yelled: "Damn it, can you tell me everything? It's broad daylight, and you're playing like a monkey."

Lao Yao said silently: "Silly!"

I mentally completed the last word for Lao Yao.

After wasting a long time, Li Mazi finally pried open the coffin lid. Perhaps it was because the old medicine had been prescribed once. Although there was still an unbearable corpse odor, the smell had faded a lot.

I went to the side and took a look, and found that although the coffin was intact, the body inside had rotted away, leaving only a pile of white bones. Lao Yao is definitely a conscientious tomb robber. He only takes money and does not destroy people's bodies. Every bone in the coffin is arranged in the shape of a human being and has not changed at all.

But the treasures have long been sold by old drugs.

Li Mazi stretched his neck to take a look and cursed: "Old Yao, you bastard, your hands and feet are really clean, there is nothing left."

Lao Yao glared at him but said nothing.

Why are there no other goldfish bracelets in this coffin? Am I wrong? The root of the problem is not in this tomb.

But Li Xiaoling committed suicide in such a short time, how could she have the power to surpass the Ghost King?

What went wrong?

At this time, Lao Yao seemed to have discovered something. He suddenly squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil, put it under his nose and smelled it. His eyes suddenly lit up and he was gesticulating happily.

I hurriedly asked Lao Yao what he had discovered?

Lao Yao pointed to the tomb and told us that there was another tomb below.

Li Mazi suddenly laughed like crazy and cursed rudely: "Fart, who buries someone with coffins stacked on top of each other? Fortunately, you are still a veteran, and you can say such deceitful words."

Lao Yao ignored him, but picked up the shovel and dug up the soil quickly. I quickly picked up the shovel and dug together with Lao Yao.

But until it got dark, we still dug out only soil and nothing else.

Li Mazi said leisurely on the side: "How is it? I'll just tell you, Lao Yao is a cheater."

As if he didn't hear it, Lao Yao put down his shovel, pointed at the sky and said, "Wan."

It was too late to continue digging.

There are rules for tomb robbing, so I had no choice but to crawl out with Lao Yao.

Li Mazi repeatedly urged us to go back to bed, but Lao Yao sat down next to the coffin, indicating that we would sleep here tonight and continue digging in the morning.

Li Mazi was so scared that he peed his pants, but I very much agreed with Lao Yao's words: "Okay, let's do it like this."

Li Mazi could only shake his head in despair: "Crazy, all crazy! An old madman leads a young madman."

"Don't talk nonsense. If you're not used to it, you can go back and sleep by yourself. But this place is in the wilderness, and it will take at least a few hours to go back. If you encounter something dirty..." I deliberately scared Li Mazi.

Li Mazi quickly sat down next to me, not daring to say a word. Lao Yao probably often sleeps in the wild, and soon a bonfire was lit. We roasted some half-cooked corn, ate a few bites, and then wrapped ourselves in our clothes and went to sleep.

Although we were in the wild, luckily there was a fire to keep me warm, so I fell asleep quickly.

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