Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 407 The truth comes out

Early the next morning, it was Lao Yao who woke me up. Seeing that his face and body were covered with dirt, it was obvious that he had gone on his own before dawn.

I glanced at him sheepishly, and Lao Yao hurriedly dragged me to the tomb. He dug down more than two meters, and a bright red coffin was exposed in the soil. The color of the coffin was like blood, which made me feel scared.

Unexpectedly, this tomb turned out to be a series of coffins composed of two children.

There is a coffin on the top and a coffin on the bottom. Either the son supports the mother, or the mother supports the son. Such a tomb will attract Yin Qi from dozens of miles around, and is the most likely to produce evil spirits!

Lao Yao smiled happily at me, and I continued digging with Lao Yao without saying anything.

When Li Mazi woke up and found the red coffin, he changed his tone from yesterday: "Damn it, it's an old medicine after all. He has a unique vision."

Lao Yao worked silently, and the two of us worked until the afternoon, and finally the prototype of the red coffin below appeared.

Compared with ordinary coffins, this bright red coffin is obviously twice the size. I have never seen such a coffin.

Lao Yao excitedly took out the crowbar and prepared to open the coffin. I originally wanted to go up and help, but Lao Yao waved his hand at me and gently pushed me aside.

Lao Yao opened the coffin, doing the whole thing in one go. Before opening the coffin, he even lit a white candle under the coffin.

When the coffin was pried open, Li Mazi and I covered our noses at the same time. As a result, there was no corpse odor. Instead, there was a turbid red gas lingering around the coffin that did not dissipate for a long time.

Lao Yao was startled and quickly pushed it aside.

I know it is resentment, the same resentment as Li Xiaoling! It seems that the source of the goldfish bracelet is here.

After a few seconds, the candle placed by Lao Yao was extinguished in a flash. Tufuzi had rules. You cannot take money when the lamp is extinguished, otherwise you will be killed by the ghost in the coffin.

Lao Yao was stunned for a moment and put the candle in his pocket.

Li Mazi and I came forward to take a look, and were stunned. There was a young woman in her mid-twenties lying in the coffin. This woman had light foundation on her face, phoenix eyes and red lips, and she looked like a It looks like a movie star stepping out of the painting. She was wearing a bright red cheongsam. Judging from the style and color, it must have been from the Republic of China period.

After so many years, the body has not rotted at all. It must have been nourished by vaginal substances!

Lao Yao suddenly pulled my clothes and pointed in the direction of the woman's wrist. I looked in the direction he pointed and was stunned.

The woman's slender wrists were actually wearing three black goldfish bracelets.

I immediately pulled down the woman's collar and instantly saw the deep black marks on her neck. Could it be that she was Ruan Lingyu, the movie star of the Republic of China who committed suicide because of rumors?

We rummaged through the coffin for a while. Although Ruan Lingyu was a popular movie star back then, the only burial items were three goldfish bracelets and a black-and-white photo.

The black and white photo shows her with a handsome man.

This man was naturally Tang Jishan, the lover Ruan Lingyu met later. Although Ruan Lingyu was a social butterfly, she was born in a rural area. She worked hard in Shanghai alone and experienced countless ups and downs. Later, she married Zhang Damin, but it turned out that Zhang Damin was a gangster gambler. Not only did he ruin Ruan Lingyu's hard-earned family fortune, but he also forced Ruan Lingyu to drink with other men to pay off his debts. Ruan Lingyu couldn't bear this kind of life, so she divorced Zhang Damin.

Later, she met Tang Jishan, the major shareholder of the film and television company. Tang Jishan was suave and handsome, and took good care of Ruan Lingyu. Naturally, Ruan Lingyu could not resist Tang Jishan's love offensive, and soon lived with Tang Jishan.

This was an enviable talent and beauty, but Ruan Lingyu’s ex-husband Zhang Damin continued to extort Ruan Lingyu’s money and even spoke ill of her everywhere. Good things didn’t go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. In the end, Ruan Lingyu became a A 'bitch' who can do anything she can. In the end, Ruan Lingyu couldn't bear the ridicule of the people around her and hanged herself with stockings. Before she died, she left behind four words: People's words are terrible.

Ruan Lingyu loved Tang Jishan so much that she only left one photo to be buried with her after her death...

It seems that Ruan Lingyu's resentment has been absorbed by the four goldfish bracelets. It has been brewing in this red coffin for decades. Could it be that she has the strength of a ghost king?

Li Mazi asked me in a low voice: "Brother from the Zhang family, it seems that it is her. How should we deal with it?"

I frowned and thought in embarrassment for a long time, but still couldn't come up with a result. At this time, Lao Yao suggested: "Burn!"

Yes, burn away all the resentment with a fire, let Ruan Lingyu reincarnate as soon as possible, and return to dust.

I nodded decisively: "Okay, let's find firewood!"

The three of us climbed out of the tomb, found a lot of dead branches and leaves in the woods, and piled them on top of the red coffin. There happened to be a bottle of old liquor in Lao Yao's backpack. I took a sip and sprayed it down. Then I took out my lighter and threw it on the liquor.

With a whoosh, the flames immediately started burning. There was a crackling sound, and I could vaguely hear a heart-rending howl coming from my ears.

The fire burned for two full hours, burning both coffins into ashes.

When the fire gradually extinguished, I walked to the tomb and looked down. I saw three dark goldfish bracelets lying there quietly in the thick ashes of vegetation.

We buried the soil again, Lao Yao packed up his things, and the three of us went back with mixed emotions.

Along the way, Li Mazi kept asking me, what on earth is going on?

I explained calmly that Ruan Lingyu's reputation was ruined by rumors during her lifetime, so her ghost lingered after she committed suicide and was attached to the goldfish bracelet. It wasn't until Lao Yao robbed the tomb that he took out one of the goldfish bracelets and sold it to Li Xiaoling. Li Xiaoling was also killed by rumors. Her resentment merged with Ruan Lingyu's resentment and began to take revenge. That's why Wuhan University had lip stitches one after another. event.

Rumors come from their mouths, and the best way to retaliate is to sew their mouths shut!

Tang Shuangshuang, as the first person to fabricate nonsense and maliciously slander Li Xiaoling, was naturally the first to have his lips sewn shut. However, as time went by, Li Xiaoling's resentment became more and more serious. Sewing her lips could no longer satisfy her desire for revenge, so she killed Tang Shuangshuang and Wang Nan one after another.

In fact, the beginning of the matter was just a rumor.

Except for Tang Shuangshuang, everyone else spread the rumor that Li Xiaoling was being kept out of curiosity and gloating.

As a result, they not only forced Li Xiaoling to death, but also harmed herself.

Therefore, you can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately.

Thinking of this, I glanced at Li Mazi.

This guy talks a lot, and it's all nonsense. Maybe one day I'll have a whim and sew his mouth shut.

A few days later, Zhuang Ning called me after he recovered and told me that the school was peaceful and no one was hurt anymore. She asked me if this matter was really over? What to do with Li Xiaoling’s goldfish bracelet?

"If you like it, keep it as a souvenir. If you don't like it, just find a place to bury it! Remember to prepare more tongues to put inside when you bury it." I said.

"Tongue?" Zhuang Ning asked in disbelief.

"That's right. Chicken tongue, duck tongue, pig tongue, or cow tongue are all fine. Li Xiaoling probably hates other people's talkativeness the most. If you bury them with her, Li Xiaoling will feel better." I laughed.

"You bad guy!" Zhuang Ning laughed a few times and hung up the phone.

After returning to the antique store, I spent a week Baidu-searching about suicides.

I sadly discovered that in recent years, countless female college students have committed suicide because of rumors. They were originally enviable young girls with a brilliant future and beautiful love. However, due to the slander of some villains, they were misunderstood by the people around them, and finally went to a dead end in despair.

Although I personally surrendered the goldfish bracelet, I know that this matter is far from over.

As long as there are rumors in this world, new goldfish bracelets will come out and sew their bad mouths shut!

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