Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 408 Strange Disease

Since the goldfish bracelet incident, I haven't seen Li Mazi for a long time.

I heard that he took Ruxue and Li Xiaomeng to Australia for a trip and wouldn't be back for a while. It just so happened that I wanted some peace and quiet, so I closed down my business with peace of mind and hid at home alone, drinking, eating meat, and watching Korean dramas. I was ready to get ready. Take some time to rest.

This is my personality. I would rather live a poor life than risk wealth and wealth. Besides, one business can sustain me for two to three years, so there is no need to take risks for money.

I thought I could live such a peaceful life for several months, but I didn’t expect that one night a week later, I had just returned from buying late night snacks and found a familiar figure squatting in front of the antique store.

That person was none other than Li Mazi. Li Mazi was lying next to my door panting. He was covered in dust and it looked like he was in a hurry.

I couldn't help frowning and asked in surprise: "Li Mazi, didn't you take Ruxue on a trip? Why are you back so soon? What do you want from me? If you want to borrow money, you don't have to talk. I'm poor. I have to jingle, I don’t have any money to lend you.”

Li Mazi was choked by my series of words. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and said angrily: "What you said, am I, Li Mazi, a casual borrower? I came to you this time for a serious matter. A life-saving thing.”

When I heard the word 'help', my heart suddenly jumped up. His attempt to save me was like pushing me into a pit of fire. In the past few times, which one didn’t almost make me die?

Nothing good would happen this time, so I refused on the spot.

But Li Mazi directly told me that the matter was going to be done this time, and all the rewards would be mine, and he wouldn't take any of it. This made me a little excited, and I quickly asked about the reason for the matter, first to see if it was difficult or not? If it's not difficult, I'll go. If it's difficult, I'll retreat. After all, my life is important.

Li Mazi nodded repeatedly, then walked into the antique shop and drank a cup of tea, and then briefly told me the situation.

This time it was his second uncle in the countryside who had a problem. Li Mazi was also vague about what the problem was. Anyway, his second uncle had recently contracted a strange disease. Every time he got sick, he would do some things that were difficult for ordinary people to understand. Like a lunatic.

But Li Mazi's second uncle used to be a very normal person, but he only got sick recently.

When I heard this, I frowned immediately. If you have a mental problem, you should go to the hospital. I am just a trader of supernatural things, not some great god. Why do you come to me with all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases?

"You should send him to the hospital for a good check-up. I'm not a doctor, so I can't control it." I shook my head, said everything in my heart, and turned around to push Li Mazi away.

Li Mazi just refused to leave. He hugged me tightly with both hands, looking pitiful. He looked at me and felt inexplicably soft-hearted, and then gave Li Mazi a chance to continue.

It turns out that Li Mazi's second uncle's condition cannot be solved by doctors. His second uncle goes out every night after the sun goes down and doesn't come home until dawn the next day. When he comes back, his mouth is full of dirt, not only on his mouth but also on his teeth. All of them, as if they were possessed by evil spirits.

However, during the day, he was very normal, chatting and laughing, and doing things like fetching water and chopping firewood. But often when he had a bowel movement, he couldn't poop out and would scream in agony all by himself in the toilet. The family had no choice but to send Uncle Li Mazi to the county hospital for examination. After taking an X-ray, they found that his stomach was full of dirt. All the soil is stuffed into the intestines and stomach, so naturally there is no way to poop...

In the end, the doctor decided to perform gastric lavage on Li Mazi's second uncle, but that evening after the lavage was completed, his second uncle still went out and came back with a mouth full of dirt. The family had no choice but to take him to the hospital again for cleaning. This time, the family members learned the lesson and tied Uncle Li Mazi to the bed with hemp rope before evening, preventing him from moving. I thought it would be fine, but early the next morning, I still saw his second uncle coming back from outside, his mouth full of dirt.

Later, the family became completely anxious and thought of Li Mazi.

After all, Li Mazi has been out there for so many years and is still somewhat famous. His second uncle's family called him personally. Can Li Mazi not help? So I had no choice but to return home early to discuss it with me.

I was also puzzled. According to local customs, wouldn't it be more reliable than me to find a magician to perform this kind of dance?

After all, they are professionals, so I just sell yin objects. Maybe I can deal with the yin objects causing trouble, but this situation is very much like a ghost. How can I understand these things?

I was originally going to reject Li Mazi, but Li Mazi said a lot of things like how my second uncle's family was very good to me when I was a child and I couldn't be ungrateful. I softened my heart and decided to agree to go and have a look. But I had agreed with Li Mazi in advance that if I couldn't solve the problem, I would leave directly, and Li Mazi readily agreed.

In fact, I also thought that this was caused by yin objects, but Li Mazi never mentioned yin objects before and after, so I didn't understand.

Li Mazi drove me out that night. I originally wanted to go the next day, but Li Mazi refused to go, saying that he would leave early and come back early. In desperation, I had no choice but to agree, and after a night's driving, before the sun came up the next day, we finally arrived at Huanghuai Village, where Li Mazi's second uncle's family lived.

The roads in Huanghuai Village are also so bad that cars can't even drive in. So when we arrived outside the village, Li Mazi and I got out of the car and walked all the way into the village. It happened that it rained heavily last night, and our shoes were filled with mud.

It took half an hour to get to his second uncle's house. Seeing the dilapidation of his second uncle's house, he knew that their family was not wealthy at all. It's still an old, large tile-roofed house in the countryside. The conditions inside are described as bare walls.

There was no place to stay when I went in, because the ground was full of chicken and duck feces, and the guard dog was yelling at the arrival of strangers. The barking caught my attention. This dog was a A big black dog with shiny black fur, which makes people feel comfortable just looking at it.

But I found that its hostility did not come from me, so I looked behind me in surprise. Suddenly, I found an old man sitting behind me. The old man had gray hair on his temples and wrinkles on his face. He looked like he was in his sixties.

What caught my attention the most was the dirt at the corner of his mouth. Everything was exactly as Li Mazi said. Not only that, I also found that he was in a trance and his eyes were dull, as if he was controlled by something.

"Second uncle? Are you okay? My Mazi, do you still recognize me?" Li Mazi asked nervously, shaking his hand back and forth in front of his second uncle.

But his second uncle didn't realize it, as if he couldn't see the two of us, he walked into the room blankly. Li Mazi looked at me helplessly, with a melancholy look on his face. I also feel confused. This is the first time I have seen this happen.

In the past, I had only read on the Internet that poor people eat dirt, but today I saw that they really eat dirt. I don't have a clue right now. If I want to figure things out, I have to investigate further to find out what happened.

At this time, a middle-aged man came out of the room. At first glance, he knew that this man was an honest and honest farmer. He had a beard on his face and his eyes were full of exhaustion. It seemed that he was not worried about this matter. And worry less.

"Brother Li, you're finally here. Who is this?" The middle-aged man's originally tired expression immediately improved a lot after seeing Li Mazi. But his attention still fell on me.

Indeed, I look too young. Li Mazi said that he would bring an expert here, but I don’t look like an expert at my age.

Li Mazi was a person who was always observant. He immediately read something from the eyes of the middle-aged man. He immediately took me and introduced him: "Don't underestimate this brother of mine. Although he is younger, his strength is better than ours." In this line, it is one of the best, I am not bragging..."

Li Mazi blew it immediately, and I stood aside awkwardly, not knowing what to say, so I could only watch Li Mazi put a high hat on me.

"Come on, little brother Zhang, let me introduce you first! This is my cousin. People in the village call him Erdan. You can just call him Erdan too." Li Mazi introduced the middle-aged man to me. .

This name sounds like the name of an honest person, but it is also popular enough. In such a remote rural area, Erdan, Gou Shuanzi, Gou Wa and the like are all perennial names.

But when I called him Erdan, I felt awkward for a while, so I still called him Erdan brother respectfully.

After that, I directly asked Erdan to tell me what the patient’s condition was. This Erdan quite believed in Li Mazi. After Li Mazi introduced him, his doubts were completely dispelled. He called me master one after another, and I didn't even dare to agree.

The general situation he described was similar to what Li Mazi said. He would run away from home in the evening and return home early the next morning. After eating dirt all night, he couldn't even poop.

This makes me suspicious. Even if a ghost is possessed, it is impossible for a ghost to be possessed on time every day. This damn thing works better than an alarm clock. There must be something wrong with it.

"By the way, I want to ask, before your father got sick, did your family pick up or buy anything strange?" I didn't know how to explain femininity to an honest farmer, so I could only ask this.

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