Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 409: Copying Tombstones

"Precious things? Let me think about it." Erdan scratched his head and said.

"Tch, my family is so poor, where can we find anything valuable? Cousin, please don't talk nonsense. If you say something wrong, it may affect your second uncle's condition." Just when Erdan wanted to say something , Li Mazi hurriedly came up and grabbed Erdan, trying to stop Erdan from saying anything.

That Erdan was also honest. As soon as Li Mazi told him to shut up, he immediately shut up.

But I found some clues. Isn't there something wrong? If there was nothing, why would Li Mazi be so nervous?

Since Li Mazi wants to play this game with me, then I will play with him! I want to see what kind of medicine is sold in Li Mazi's gourd.

"If not, forget it, Li Mazi, should we solve the problem of food and clothing?" I changed the topic directly, and let's talk about food first. We rushed to this shabby village overnight, and we hadn't eaten breakfast yet, and there was still food in the morning. After walking such a long muddy road, my stomach was already growling with hunger.

Speaking of eating, Li Mazi seemed to be hungry too, and quickly asked Erdan to prepare something for us.

As a result, when the food was served, it was really hard to swallow. The porridge was dark and unhygienic at first sight. Then there are the old pickles. I don’t know how many years the pickles have been soaked. From a distance, I can smell a smell.

I didn't dare to eat the pickles, but simply drank a few mouthfuls of porridge.

While we were eating, Li Mazi's second uncle also came. It seemed that his spirit had returned to normal. His whole person had changed a lot from when we first saw him.

He was eating porridge and chatting with us. How could he look like a psychopath?

I took the opportunity to take a closer look at Li Mazi's second uncle, and instantly discovered something strange. Li Mazi's second uncle's rubber shoes are full of mud. It rained heavily all night yesterday. It's normal for there to be mud when walking on rural roads. But the color of the mud on his second uncle's shoes is different from ours. His color is yellowish brown. of!

If I'm not wrong, the soil will be yellowish-brown only near the grave.

Because coffins are basically made of wood, and after the wood is buried in the soil, it will slowly be corroded by the soil. As the soil becomes fertile, the color will be darker than that in other places.

The mud on his second uncle's shoes was exactly this kind of cemetery soil, which proved that the place where he went to eat dirt at night must be a grave.

Then, all the problems stem from that cemetery!

After Li Mazi finished eating, I told Li Mazi that I wanted to go for a walk. Li Mazi asked me where I was going, and I asked him to take me to the cemetery. When he heard the word cemetery, Li Mazi was surprised at first, and then asked me with a puzzled face why I went to the cemetery.

I didn't have the heart to say much to him, so I just told him to go and find out. As a result, Li Mazi kept mumbling to me along the way that it was unlucky to go to the cemetery in the morning and asked me to wait until noon before going, but I simply ignored these words.

I am no longer the Zhang Jiulin I used to be. Am I still afraid of ghosts?

Under the leadership of Li Mazi, we quickly arrived at the cemetery in Huanghuai Village. In rural areas, people who die usually choose to be buried in the same place, so their cemeteries here are relatively concentrated.

But I have to say that there is not much difference between this cemetery and a mass grave.

Because many of the tombs don't even have tombstones, and there are weeds growing everywhere, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable looking at them. I wanted to take a closer look, but as soon as I took a step forward, I was stopped by Li Mazi.

"Brother Zhang, let me tell you first. This place is very evil. If something happens to you, I can't explain it to my sister-in-law. I think we should wait until the sun rises at noon and let's take a look!" Li Mazi said cautiously, as if he was afraid of this place from the bottom of his heart.

It seems that something happened in this cemetery a long time ago, otherwise Li Mazi would not be so afraid. After all, he has been with me for so many years, so he has a lot of experience. The only explanation is , this place may be the psychological shadow of Li Mazi since he was a child. Only in this way can he explain why he is so afraid of this place.

I have a weird temper. Even when others tell me not to go, I still have to go, especially this Li Mazi. Nine out of ten of his sentences were lies, and I wasn't going to listen to him.

Seeing that he couldn't stop me, Li Mazi had no choice but to follow me.

I kept my head down as I walked. Li Mazi was very surprised by my behavior and asked casually. I told him what I had discovered this morning, saying that I was looking for the footprints left by his second uncle.

Fortunately, it rained heavily last night. Once the mud is soaked by rain, it will become extremely sloppy. As long as someone passes by, it will leave deep footprints. During this period, absolutely no one will come to this cemetery, because from Li Mazi's words, everyone knows that this place is evil, and no one dares to come to the cemetery in the middle of the night in the heavy rain.

Therefore, from last night to this morning, only the footprints of Uncle Li Mazi's second uncle would be left in this place.

As long as you find the footprints, you can find the place where his second uncle ate dirt!

After searching for a while, I found a lot of footprints. Needless to say, those footprints must be those of Li Mazi and his second uncle. I followed those footprints, while Li Mazi followed me timidly, mouthing something. Whispering something.

Not long after, Li Mazi and I reached the end of the footprints.

There happened to be an isolated grave in that place, but unfortunately it was covered up by weeds. In desperation, I had no choice but to dig it out with my hands. After removing the weeds, the tombstone was immediately revealed. The surface of the tombstone was covered with moss. It seemed that it was quite old.

However, the words on the tombstone are still relatively intact.

The deceased was a man named Niu Gulu, and apart from his name, there was nothing else on the tombstone.

According to common sense, other things should be left at the tombstone, such as when he died, how old he was, and who his children and family members are.

But there is nothing on it, just his name, everything is so simple.

It's like being buried here in a hurry!

In a corner under the tombstone, a large hole was dug out. It seemed that this was where Li Mazi and his second uncle ate dirt.

"Li Mazi, come here and help me dig this grave." I said.

Hearing my words, Li Mazi's face instantly turned green, and he said tremblingly: "Brother Zhang, are you kidding me?"

Li Mazi looked embarrassed. After all, digging someone else's grave was taboo. Putting aside everything else, if the family members of the deceased were to find out, Li Mazi would be beaten to the point of paralysis if not killed.

So how could Li Mazi dare to dig, and since there were no tools at the site, could he be asked to dig with his hands?

"Are you going to dig it up or not? If not, I can leave. I won't care about your second uncle's affairs." I threatened, and after speaking, I turned around and left.

Li Mazi was anxious, how could he let me go?

He hurriedly ran over and grabbed me, gritted his teeth and said, "Just dig, but you have to look out for me. If we find someone coming, we'll run away immediately."

I smiled and nodded.

In fact, I was just teasing Li Mazi. Who told him to hide something from me?

When Li Mazi saw me nodding, he had to bite the bullet and came to the tombstone. I enjoyed seeing Li Mazi's appearance of eating shit.

"Brother Zhang, if you think about it again, can we change our approach? Do we have to dig a grave to save my second uncle?" Li Mazi said with a cry, and I could feel his fear.

I also think it's enough to scare him, but it's not good to go too far.

Then he said straight to the point: "In this case, shouldn't you also tell me the truth? Tell me, what things were taken from your second uncle's house that you shouldn't have taken."

"No way. My second uncle's family definitely doesn't have it. You have to believe me." Li Mazi said righteously.

"In that case, you'd better dig it! Otherwise, just wait until you organize the funeral for your second uncle." I sighed slightly.

Li Mazi was really anxious now. He also knew that he probably couldn't hide it anymore, so he could only tell me the truth.

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