Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 418: Great Screenwriter Meng Dongye

Wei Ge put on his clothes and said: "But you can intervene now. Anyway, I have sold the things. I know you will be able to take them back. When the time comes, it will be worth hundreds of thousands when it is changed hands. This is called a win-win situation."

I cursed: "Win-win is bullshit, you're calling this fraud!"

"Don't say it so harshly. Everyone is in this business. How dare you swear that all the products you sell are safe and reliable, and that you have never tricked anyone? Don't deceive yourself. This business is just like selling drugs." , I know it’s not a good thing, but there are always people holding their thighs and begging you to sell it to them, what can you do? It’s just for a living, don’t make it so hard for yourself.”

I really have nothing to say about Viagra’s professional ethics.

He packed his things into a big box, dragged it away, put on a pair of sunglasses, and looked high-spirited. Before leaving, he said to me shamelessly: "Boss Zhang, I owe you a favor this time. Let’s work together again when we have time!”

After he left, I sat down weakly and held my head. Yin Xinyue asked me what was wrong, and I said, "I'm a little doubtful about my professional life now."

She comforted me and said, "You can't think like that. I think everything is fine as long as you have a clear conscience. You can't guarantee that everyone will be happy. Besides, some people are willing to trade the blessings of the rest of their lives for temporary glory. This is all What you choose has nothing to do with you..."

Yin Xinyue was still the one who could comfort people. My mood improved a little and I asked her to keep in touch with the screenwriter these days. If anything goes wrong, I would come forward to help him out for free.

well! It's really disturbing to have something like this happen.

After returning home, I immediately started preparations, looking through information, and drawing a few talismans to prepare.

However, a few days passed, and there was no news from Meng Dongye. I also followed his Sina Weibo, which was updated every day. The content was nothing more than some lyrical insights, or that I was in good condition today and was writing particularly smoothly.

Shenghua Miaobi seems to be working steadily.

Nearly half a month later, I was so busy with this and that, I almost forgot about it. When Yin Xinyue was having dinner that day, she said that Meng Dongye had handed over the script to the director in advance, and the director had a very high overall evaluation of the work, saying that it had achieved The quality of a Hollywood script! There are just a lot of typos, and some places are confusing and confusing. You have to find someone to polish it before you can use it. Meng Dongye graduated from the Chinese Department and had good literary accomplishments. It stands to reason that he would not make such stupid mistakes. The director guessed that he might have rushed the work too quickly.

I asked Yin Xinyue: "How many words does a script have?"

"For someone with more than 40 episodes, he must have more than 800,000 words."

"Oh my God!"

I have a high school classmate who works as an online writer. He only earns 10,000 words a day when he is exhausted. A subscription for 1,000 words only costs a few cents. He is as tired as his grandson and only earns 200 yuan a day.

Although writers seem to be quite prosperous, with free control of their time and no need to be scolded by their bosses, the level of hard work is no less than any other job.

What is the concept of writing 800,000 words in half a month? He has to write more than 50,000 words a day, and creation is not just bricks and mortar. Sometimes he has to stop, relax his brain, and conceive, not to mention writing it. Even if he is given a ready-made manuscript and asked to copy it, he still has to sit in front of the computer for ten minutes every day. more than hours.

With such intense mental work, I was a little worried about Meng Dongye's physical condition, so I suggested to Yin Xinyue to visit him in the afternoon, and Yin Xinyue agreed.

In the afternoon, Yin Xinyue and I drove to Meng Dongye's home, which is a mid-to-high-end residential area. His current marital status is divorced, and he has two children who were sentenced to be given to his mother. He basically just stays at home coding, and occasionally goes to talk to her. Meet with the director to discuss the plot.

I pressed the answering machine downstairs, and it rang for a long time before the other party answered. I immediately identified myself, and Meng Dongye replied in a very tired voice: "I'm sorry, please come back. I'm writing something, and it's not convenient to pick up guests now." !”

"Isn't he finished writing the script? Why is he still writing?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"I'm afraid this is an obsession." I frowned secretly.

"Then can we get in?" Yin Xinyue said.

"Of course you have to come in!"

We waited downstairs for a while, until an aunt who came back from shopping opened the door with a key card, and we quickly followed.

Meng Dongye lives on the fifth floor. I stretched out my hand to knock on the door when Meng Dongye yelled in the room: "Get out, get out, don't bother me!"

"He doesn't recognize his relatives now!" I said, reaching out to knock on the door, but Meng Dongye just ignored me.

"He refuses to open the door, why don't we come back next time?" Yin Xinyue suggested.

"No! He's like this now. The longer I delay, the worse it gets. I have to see him today." I thought for a moment and said, "If you're not soft, I'll be tough. Find someone to pick the lock!"

"Now you need a police certificate to pick the lock." Yi Xinyue looked worried.

"There's no need to look for someone on the street, just look for Li Mazi!"

I immediately called Li Mazi and asked him to bring all the lockpickers. He had an important task to give him.

Not long after, Li Mazi ran over in a hurry. I asked him: "Li Mazi, are you familiar with your lock-picking skills? Show me your skills."

"Do you want to open this lock?" Li Mazi rolled his eyes.


"I'm not bragging to you, I could just poke open an ordinary anti-theft door lock like this with a toothpick." Li Mazi laughed.

As he said that, he took out his dick and started working. While he was working, he boasted: "You guys count down for me. The countdown is twenty seconds. If the time exceeds, I will be considered incompetent."

When I counted to one, he shouted "open" and pulled the door with his hand, but it didn't move at all.

"Did you fail to pretend to be better? That slap in the face really screamed!" I said with a smile.

"That's wrong!" Li Mazi lowered his head to study the lock: "This door is locked from the inside, and someone is inside!"

"There is someone." I replied.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Just knock on the door. You have nothing to do to test me, right?"

"Then you knock and take a look."

Li Mazi really knocked a few times, and the knocks got harder and harder. Meng Dongye suddenly shouted: "Get out! Get out! Don't bother me."

"Who is this? He is so angry. Has he eaten gunpowder?" Li Mazi wondered.

I told him the general situation and told him that he had to find a way to open the door today, otherwise Meng Dongye might die inside.

When Li Mazi heard that he was a client, he immediately became excited and blamed me for not telling him earlier. I told him that I was only half responsible for this incident, so it was voluntary labor and I had no money.

"I don't have any money to take." He was immediately discouraged upon hearing this.

"I'm not forcing you, you help me open the lock, and I'll give you a few hundred yuan to open the lock. Is that okay?" I said.

"Do you think I'm this kind of bastard who doesn't care about loyalty and only cares about money? Don't talk nonsense, I will open this door for you now." Li Mazi shouted.

As he spoke, he took out a hand drill from his bag and asked us to watch it for him.

Li Mazi drilled slowly with a hand drill. This process was boring. As he drilled, he turned to me and asked: "Brother from the Zhang family, how much is this wonderful pen of making flowers worth?"

"Look at you, you can't deviate from your true nature." I couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I'm just asking casually." Li Mazi curled his lips.

After drilling for a while, the entire lock cylinder was destroyed. Then Li Mazi inserted two small scratching hooks and fiddled with it a few times. He heard a click and the door opened.

After all, Li Mazi still had a skill that he could use.

As soon as I walked into the living room, I smelled a pungent smell. There were empty wine bottles, leftover lunch boxes, and cigarette butts everywhere on the floor. There were a lot of dirty clothes thrown on the sofa. The curtains were drawn. I didn’t know how long it had been since I had seen the sun. This house is almost moldy anyway.

"Oh my god, do all writers live such a dark life?" Li Mazi said, covering his nose.

"It depends on the person." I said casually, after all, I don't understand their lives.

Meng Dongye's roar came again from the bedroom: "Get out! Get out of here! You bunch of bastards!"

The three of us looked at each other, wondering what the situation was, why were we scolding each other, we didn’t do anything.

Of course, he also pried off a security door.

Finally, I decided to go in and see if he, a screenwriter with no hands, could still beat us?

As soon as I walked into the bedroom, I noticed a gloomy aura. When I looked inside, I was shocked. There was not one person in the room, but five people!

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