Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 417: Killing Pen

Meng Dongye was also puzzled: "Brother Wei, it's not that I don't believe you. In this story, Jiang Yan got the five-color magic pen in a dream. Logically speaking, this pen does not exist!"

Wei Ge said with a smile that you can't just look at the surface of everything. Sometimes the truth is not as magical as the legend. This money was originally a hidden object. Jiang Yan got it from nowhere. His literary talent has greatly improved since then, but it is not good for outsiders to ask. To put it bluntly, just lie and say that I got a magic pen in a dream. Later, I gradually realized that the negative effects of this pen were too serious, so I got rid of it, and then told outsiders that the old fairy had taken away the pen.

"Screenwriter Meng Da, I am not bragging. Although you have read a lot of books about this line of work, some things may not be as clear as we know. Because some truths will not be written in the book at all. How to say that sentence? A letter is worse than no book at all," Wei Ge said.

I quite agree with Wei Ge on this point. Yinwu itself contains a lot of historical knowledge, which cannot be found in books. In the past two years of contact with Yinwu, I have gained a lot of knowledge.

Meng Dongye played with the brush: "You mean, this brush has a negative effect? ​​Can you elaborate on it?"

Wei Ge laughed loudly: "Don't worry, it's just a pen. It won't do anything to you. At most, it will take a few years off your life. Jiang Yan didn't want to throw it away until he was middle-aged. So it's not a big deal."

"How long does it take to live longer?" Meng Dongye frowned, as if he was fighting in his heart. It is not easy for most people to take this step, but once they take it, they often cannot come back. This is the greed of human nature.

Finally, he said: "As long as I can write a good work, I am willing to bear this price. The author's life does not depend on the length. A good work will naturally make the author famous forever."

"Happy person!" Wei Ge applauded repeatedly: "Firstly, I appreciate your happiness, and secondly, because of the reputation of screenwriter Meng Da, I will just give this to you for free, just think of it as a little thought from me."

"No, no, how can that work? It's not easy for you to do this business." Meng Dongye immediately pushed the box containing the money to Wei Ge.

Wei Ge was just talking politely, so he didn't insist anymore. He took the money and said, "I like to make friends. Can you sign your name for me later?"

"It's easy to talk about."

So both parties had money and goods, and the business was done. When Wei Ge reached out to take the money, I noticed there were blood stains on his arms, some were new and some were old. He noticed my sight and hurriedly Covered with sleeves.

I secretly suspect that things may not be that simple, and Wei Ge seems to be eager to get rid of this pen.

Meng Dongye asked him how to use the brush again. Wei Ge told Meng Dongye that there was a small hole at the top of the brush. He could feed it with blood from his own fingertips for three days. It didn't take too much, just feed it every six hours. When the blood soaks through the whole pen and the whole pen is dripping red, it is considered to be awakened, and then you can write whatever you want, ensuring that your thoughts will flow freely.

"Use it to write?" Meng Dongye asked.

Wei Ge laughed and said, "You're so funny. You can continue to use whatever you usually use to write. Yin objects can work as long as they are placed around you. You don't have to use a knife to ward off disasters and evil spirits to kill ghosts, right?"

"Okay, I understand." Meng Dongye showed a satisfied smile.

We said goodbye to Viagra and left this unfinished building. I specifically told Meng Dongye to contact me immediately if anything unusual occurs during use.

He agreed and left first.

I turned around and walked towards the nearby small shop. Yin Xinyue asked me what I was doing, and I said I was asking about something.

A female shopkeeper is sitting in the backstage of the small shop, eating melon seeds and watching TV. I came up and asked her if she could find out something? As a result, she ignored me. Later, I bought a pack of Soft China, and her attitude immediately changed.

"Auntie, let me ask you something. How long has this unfinished building behind been in ruins?" I asked.

"It's been two or three years," said the female shopkeeper.

"Do you know how you stopped in the first place?"

The female shopkeeper thought for a while and said: "It seems that there was some serious accident. More than a dozen migrant workers died all at once. Who dares to live in a place where many people died! All the houses that were originally sold in advance were returned, and the real estate developers took over Without recouping the cost, I owed a lot of bank loans and fled to Taiwan, and I have been rotting here ever since..."

She looked me up and down and asked me if I planned to buy this piece of land. I vaguely said that I was looking for it for a friend.

The female shopkeeper said: "Please advise your friend not to do this kind of thing of wasting money. Do you know where this place used to be? It was an execution ground. Prisoners were sent here to be beheaded. The real estate agent before I was just trying to be cheap and ended up causing a big mess. The feng shui of this place is terrible. I never stay here at night. It is said that there are often headless people walking around here."

I cursed secretly, I was deceived by Viagra!

I hurriedly walked back. On the way, Yin Xinyue asked me: "Brother Zhang, why does he want to live here in such a dangerous place?"

"He is fighting fire with fire. That pen is definitely not a good thing. In order to suppress the pen, he specifically chose a dangerous place to live." I explained hurriedly.

"Is it possible to fight poison with poison?" Yin Xinyue was a little confused.

I nodded. There was no harmonious relationship between wronged souls and ghosts. Generally speaking, ancient ghosts and modern ghosts were a bit difficult to deal with. I used to use the method of fighting poison with poison. Of course, it was used to deal with evil objects.

When I rushed back, I saw Wei Ge packing his things, humming a tune happily while packing. When he saw us turning back, he said with a stern expression on his face: "My wife just called and said that she found a basement for me. I always live here." It’s not a big deal, I’m just about to move there.”

"What a coincidence?" I sneered: "The thing about being targeted by the police is simply a lie! You did it to suppress this pen."

"Brother Zhang, you have wronged me. I, Dawei, have always done business properly. How could I sell questionable things to customers?" Wei Ge said carelessly.

"You like to hide here and there, don't you? Believe it or not, I will use some tricks to make you hide away for the rest of your life." I yelled angrily.

Wei Ge's face turned pale with fright, and he quickly begged: "No, no, I know very well who you are."

"It's good to know. Tell me quickly what happened to that sum!"

Wei Ge scratched his head, glanced at me sheepishly and said, "That pen...has killed people before."

I wasn’t too surprised by this and asked him to continue. He said that the pen had had four owners before. The first two were writers who wrote online novels, and the last two were writers who wrote physical books. After saying this, I remembered Yes, there was indeed news a while ago that an online writer committed suicide due to too much pressure in life.

This book can indeed give people unlimited inspiration and help people write like a god, but the negative effects are too great, and the owner will soon be tortured to the point of physical and mental exhaustion. What is even more frightening is that every time a person is tortured to death, his wronged soul will be bound to the on the pen.

Ever since Wei Ge received this pen, there has been no peace at home. Four evil spirits have been scratching and scratching him all day long, asking him to return the pen to them. He can't sleep or eat. crazy.

In the end, he had no choice but to hide here. This place was indeed haunted, but compared to the four menacing spirits, the ghosts here were as friendly as uncles.

Weige took off his clothes to show us. His body was covered with bloody scratches, and there was almost no intact skin.

I frowned and said, "Why don't you come to me?"

"Looking for you? Come on, everyone is a fan of vaginal things. Don't you understand the rules of this business?"

"What rules?" I was confused.

"If you intervene, doesn't this thing belong to you? If you resell it, is there something wrong with my head? I spent two hundred thousand to get this, and I'm not a philanthropist." Wei Ge said.

"Fuck! Do you want your life or your money?"

Wei Ge’s words almost made me angry: “I want them all!”

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