Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 416: The talent is exhausted

There was no business for a period of time, so I opened the shop as usual every day, drank in the shop, read books, and spent the day leisurely.

That day Yin Xinyue came to me and said, "Brother Zhang, please help me."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I have a friend who is a screenwriter. He has been complaining to me for the past two days, saying that he has entered a writing block period and racks his brains every day but cannot write a manuscript. Do you think you can use your means to help him?" Yin Xinyue said.

I frowned and put down the book, and said to Yin Xinyue solemnly: "It's best not to use Yin objects indiscriminately. There is no such thing as pie in the sky. When you get something, you will also pay a corresponding price! I can't write It’s just a manuscript, it’s not a big deal, maybe it’ll be fine if we let him go on a trip, relax and adjust his mood.”

Yin Xinyue sighed: "I told him, it's useless! You don't know how fierce the competition is in this industry. Every year, hundreds of writers try to get into the screenwriting circle, and second- and third-tier screenwriters grab a lot of them. Well, if you don’t write it, someone else will. If you didn’t collaborate with a certain director this time, you might not have the chance to collaborate again in the future.”

"He said that it doesn't matter if he encounters a ghost or loses his life, as long as he can find creative inspiration. That's what people say, so you should show kindness and help him once. Only you can help him. ." Yin Xinyue begged bitterly.

Usually I always feel that there are too many domestic dramas, and some scripts are as bad as shit. I thought that just one person can be a screenwriter. It seems that no bowl of rice is delicious.

So I asked Yin Xinyue to tell that friend that I would help him find a vaginal object in the near future, but I may not be 100% sure.

"Okay, okay, I have its business card here. You should get to know it first."

After Yin Xinyue finished speaking, she took out a business card from her wallet and handed it to me. On it was written the famous film and television screenwriter: Meng Dongye. I thought about it and asked: "Isn't he the screenwriter of this year's popular Qing palace drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan"? "

"Yes, that's him!" Yin Xinyue smiled and narrowed her eyes.

Meng Dongye is not only an editor, but also a big V on Weibo. He often appears on some talk shows, talk shows and so on. I am a little excited to think that I am collaborating with a celebrity this time.

Yin Xinyue told me that his new script will be handed in in the second half of the year, so I must hurry up.

So I posted a message in the circle that night, saying that I wanted to find a feminine object that could provide inspiration. It had the best safety and insurance, and price was not an issue.

Within a week, someone called me. It was Viagra, who I had cooperated with several times before. He was also a femininity dealer, but he didn’t collect it himself. He collected it from various channels. I often help matchmaking with peers and charge an agency fee or something.

I used to have several vaginal objects, and I found buyers through him.

Wei Ge said that he had something in his hand that had only been stored for a few days and was still warm. It definitely met my requirements and asked me to arrange a time to meet him. He specifically told me not to go to the bank for cash transactions. He recently Being targeted by a police officer.

I asked him how much it would cost so that I could prepare. He responded boldly, "Friendly price, 300,000 is not a lot, right?"

I arranged a time when both parties were free and asked Yin Xinyue and Meng Dongye to come together. We went to the place designated by Wei Ge. It was an unfinished building that almost no one went to. Wei Ge lived there like a homeless man. , hired someone to bring him food and drinks every day.

Meng Dongye is a well-mannered bearded man wearing round glasses. When he saw the unfinished building, he asked me a little uneasily: "Boss Zhang, is your friend reliable? Why don't I feel like a serious person?" ah?"

"You can rest assured about the person I recommend. He must be wanted by the police and is hiding here." I smiled bitterly.

As I expected, Wei Ge complained to me as soon as I met him, saying that he had purchased an antique a while ago and resold it for twice the price. Who knew it was a national second-class cultural relic? I wonder who leaked the news or deliberately tricked it. He and the police quickly focused on him. During this period, the police were squatting at the door of his house every day, so he had to move to this place.

After saying this, Wei Ge greeted Yin Xinyue enthusiastically: "Hey, is this sister-in-law? She is so beautiful, like a big star."

Then he patted Meng Dongye on the shoulder: "Screenwriter Meng, I have admired you for a long time. I have watched all the anti-Japanese dramas you wrote. They are so wonderful! What are you writing recently?"

"Qing palace drama." Meng Dongye replied. He was a scholar after all, and he couldn't adapt to a rough man like Wei Ge.

Wei Ge also realized this and said sheepishly: "I'm just a rough guy and don't understand etiquette, so don't be offended. But I've always been the most trustworthy in business, so you can rest assured!"

"Okay, I believe you." Meng Dongye smiled.

"Then let's sit down and talk business!" Weige moved over a few plastic benches, and we sat down face to face. In the middle was a box containing money that Meng Dongye brought, which was temporarily used as a table. Weige put a long The mahogany box is placed on top. Let us take a look at it first.

When you open the mahogany box, you will see a writing brush. The pen holder is made of bamboo, and the surface is very bright. Of course, it is not the result of machine processing, but the result of years of hand grinding. There are some strange patterns on it, but they have been worn to the point where they are almost invisible. There is an inconspicuous small hole at the top, and the wolf hairs on the tip of the pen are one by one, very beautiful.

"This pen can help me regain inspiration?" Meng Dongye couldn't believe it.

"Of course, you'll know its origins when you hear it." Weige took a cigarette and took a puff. I told him to stop being so pretentious, and then he said, "Boss Zhang, I know what you are doing." I have traveled extensively throughout the year and collected a lot of powerful gadgets, but I can guarantee that you have never seen anything like mine."

"What kind?" I asked.

"It comes with its own idiom story!" Wei Ge said.

I almost fell down. I thought it was something shocking. Yin Xinyue was also snickering beside me.

"Tell me, what's the story behind this sum?" I said, holding back my smile.

Wei Ge was silent for a while, and then said four words: "The talent of Jiang Lang is exhausted!"

Meng Dongye suddenly stood up and said excitedly: "You mean, this is the brilliant stroke in the story of 'The Master Has Exhausted His Talent'?"

"That's right, Meng Da's screenwriter is still educated!" Wei Ge clapped his hands: "Shenghua's wonderful pen, why didn't I expect it, now it comes with two idiom stories, isn't it awesome?"

Of course I know the story of Shenghua Miaobi.

It is said that during the Southern Dynasties, there was a famous writer named Jiang Yan. Because he made political mistakes, he was demoted to Pucheng as a small county magistrate. He was depressed all day long and did not think about food or tea.

One day he went for a walk outside the city. When he was tired, he fell asleep on a hill. As a result, an old immortal riding on clouds and mist appeared in his dream. The old immortal gave him a colorful magic pen, saying that Jiang Yan had saved his life in his previous life, and this pen was his repayment.

From then on, Jiang Yan suddenly became full of literary thoughts and wrote many poems that have been passed down through the ages.

Relying on his splendid articles and abundant knowledge, Jiang Yan's official fortune gradually improved and he became a minister. Until he was middle-aged, one night he dreamed of the old fairy again, saying that he lent you the five-color pen to make your career, and you can give it back to me today...

So Jiang Yan took out the colorful magic pen from his arms and returned it to the old god respectfully. Since then, he has never written a good article.

This is how the idiom Jiang Langcaijin comes from.

But I couldn't help but wonder, how come it was a colorful magic pen in the legend, but it turned into a broken pen tip made of bamboo when I saw it?

This deal looks very ordinary. Is this the difference between a seller’s show and a buyer’s show?

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