Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 415: Forefathers committed evil, and future generations will suffer.

When we got home, Erdan was awake. When he saw me coming back, he quickly told me that his father was gone.

When he saw the body on Li Mazi's back, Erdan was shocked and asked us what was going on?

Li Mazi briefly explained the situation to Erdan, while I walked towards the room where the corpse was placed. According to common sense, dead people cannot come back to life and walk, and they can also cry and eat dirt. This is incredible.

So there must be something wrong. When I opened the door to the room, I smelled a scent of perfume. I have smelled this smell before, it was Erdan’s wife’s smell. Because the perfume smell is very special, it is still fresh in my memory.

Just as I was approaching the bed, a white cat suddenly jumped out and ran straight to the door at a very fast speed. I was startled and frowned as I looked at the disappearing white cat.

I remember when I left, I reminded Erdan to close the door and not let small animals like cats and dogs in. But luckily for him, he actually let a cat in, which could explain Uncle Li Mazi's previous behavior.

After a person dies, if he comes into contact with cats or dogs, there is a high chance that the body will be deceived. In addition, this corpse is affected by the evil spirit, so it subconsciously feels that it is alive and will continue to go to the cemetery to eat dirt.

It’s just that I don’t understand. When we finally found him, why did he rush to strangle my neck? I didn't do anything.

At this time, I suddenly remembered the copper kettle, and hurriedly rummaged around the house, but there was no copper kettle in the house, it was already empty.

I ran out in a hurry and asked Erdan where the copper kettle had gone. He said he should put it in the bedroom, so I took it to look at it, but found nothing. I was stunned for a moment.

"Let me go, there won't be any burglars in your house, right?" Li Mazi felt unbelievable. After all, the conditions of Erdan's house meant that even if the door was left open, there might not be a thief coming to steal anything.

I think everything is pointed at Erdan's wife. There are only a few of us in the whole family, and things are always taken away, so she is the most suspicious.

I told Erdan that I wanted to talk to his wife. Erdan was a little hesitant at first, and it took a long time before he told me to talk to him tomorrow.

Li Mazi also spoke up and said, "How unbecoming is it for a man like me to see someone else's wife in the middle of the night?" After all, country people are quite concerned about these things, so Erdan was a little unhappy and let the matter go.

Early the next morning, I told Li Mazi that I was leaving. Li Mazi was confused at the time, hugged my thigh and said, "Brother Zhang, you can't leave. Isn't this matter not over yet?" You can promise to get to the bottom of it, and at worst I'll give you two bronze vessels."

I'm not doing it for the money, but it's just muddy water now. If I stay any longer, I'm afraid I'll get into trouble, and maybe my life will end up here.

But in the end, I gave up the idea of ​​leaving. Because Li Mazi released his ultimate move again, he cried, made trouble, and hung himself.

During breakfast, Erdan's wife also didn't come out. It was Erdan who brought the food in, and I followed Erdan's footsteps and entered the room together.

The room exuded that familiar fragrance, which was exactly the same as the smell in the room where the body of Li Mazi's second uncle was placed.

"Master, why did you follow me in?" Erdan asked in confusion, but from his tone, I could vaguely feel a hint of anger.

"I came in just to say a few words to your wife. You wouldn't mind, right?" I said.

It was also at this time that Li Mazi entered the room and called Erdan out. Erdan didn't want to go out, but he still listened to Li Mazi's words and chose to go out.

In this way, only Erdan's wife, I, and the little girl were left in the room.

Erdan's wife looked cautious, protecting the child behind her and staring at me.

"Let's not beat around the bush. Why do you want to harm their family? Their family has been honest villagers for generations. Wouldn't it be good for you to do this?" I said straight to the point.

Erdan's wife was silent for a long time, and finally smiled sadly.

"It seems that you know, yes, everything was actually done by me. My purpose is to destroy their family and avenge my great-grandfather!" After the woman finished speaking, two lines of tears fell, and she added With such a lovely appearance, I was at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it.

"Your great-grandfather? Could it be that general named Niu Colu." I couldn't help but think of the words on the copper pot.

The woman nodded and said, "He is my great-great-grandfather. The reason why my great-great-grandfather died tragically is because of the Li family. Now that I have found the descendants of the Li family, I must make them pay the price with their blood!" "

This time, I seemed to understand a lot.

In fact, the copper pot was not scattered in the field, but the woman deliberately buried it in the place where Li Mazi's second uncle often farmed, which triggered what happened next.

"What do you get by doing this? Do you know that you killed an innocent life." I couldn't help but get angry. To be honest, I hate this kind of person the most.

"They all deserve to die. Only death can repay the debt!" The woman's eyes were full of malice. She only wanted revenge, but she didn't know that she was also killing people.

"Bang." The door suddenly opened, and in came Li Mazi and Erdan.

Erdan's eyes were filled with tears, his hands were shaking, and he was unable to say a word while pointing at the woman.

He never imagined that his wife, who was usually gentle and considerate to him, would actually be a murderer. With a slightly trembling body, he slowly approached the woman step by step.

"Since you hate our family so much, why don't you attack me? You attack me directly. Why do you want to hurt my father? Why do you..."

Erdan raised his fist high, wanting to hit the woman, but he put it down again.

He couldn't do anything, after all, a couple's kindness lasted a hundred days.

Li Mazi and I felt that it was inappropriate to be there, so we found an opportunity to sneak out. This is their family matter, and I can't control it at all, and I don't want to care about it, so I want to go back quickly.

Because after thinking about it for a whole night, I have already guessed the result very well.

The reason why the woman didn't kill Erdan was because she was really moved by Erdan's sincerity and wanted to continue living with Erdan.

But she couldn't break her family's oath, so she had no choice but to kill Erdan's father.

I don't want to care about it, just because I thought of this level. I originally thought that sacrificing one person would be worth it in exchange for the future happiness of two people, but if I think about it carefully, as long as it is a lie, it will be exposed one day. The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain, so let them solve it by themselves!

I asked Li Mazi to clean up and prepare to leave. Li Mazi obviously didn't understand what I meant. He held me back and didn't want me to leave. He also said that he didn't even get the bronze. Wouldn't it be a loss if I left?

This stay allowed me to see a more tragic scene, probably a more tragic scene for Li Mazi. Erdan committed suicide, and the woman also committed suicide, and they hugged each other.

All died, for so-called revenge.

Afterwards, Li Mazi stayed to attend to the funeral, while I returned home alone.

The whole story is full of drama, and it also gave me a lot of insights into life. After returning home, I first promoted the two bronzes in the circle, and soon a buyer came to the door.

In the end, such a pair of antiques was sold for one million.

When I sold it, I told the buyer the story behind the antique.

During the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a martial arts champion named Niu Colu. Although he had great ambitions, he did not give a gift to an examiner named Li. As a result, he was belittled as useless in front of the emperor.

In the end, Niu Colu only got a job as an Eight Banners general, guarding a small city at the border.

However, the official surnamed Li fell in love with Niu Colu's wife and resorted to countless vicious methods. Niu Colu's wife refused to obey and was insulted by the official surnamed Li and then killed in a well.

The heartbroken Niu Colu buried his wife on the spot and wrote more than a hundred blood letters to express his grievances to the emperor. However, they were all stopped by officials surnamed Li, who demoted Niu Colu to a commoner and confiscated his family property.

Niu Colu starved to death in the cold and hunger. Before he died, he told his children to make a poisonous oath to take revenge by killing all the descendants of the Li family...

The predecessors planted trees for future generations to enjoy the shade; the predecessors committed evil and future generations suffered disaster.

This is a simple truth, but many people still don’t understand it.

If the official surnamed Li could understand Niu Colu's ambition to serve the country.

If Niu Colu could see away everything before he died.

Presumably Erdan and his wife will live happily together, right? It's just that I will never see this scene again.

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