Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 414 T-Shirt Man Rescue

The person in front of him was none other than Li Mazi's dead second uncle. Unexpectedly, he actually came back to life, and his every move was the same as before, his face was pale, like a walking corpse.

He lay down next to the dry well again and cried sharply for several hours.

Li Mazi didn't know where he got an earplug and plugged his ears tightly to avoid being devastated by the sound. After waiting for Uncle Li Mazi to leave, I came to the well, stuck my head in and took a look, and doubts arose in my heart.

"What, did you find anything?" Li Mazi asked.

I smiled and nodded to Li Mazi, motioning him to look at the bottom of the well.

"Brother Zhang, are you kidding me? How do you go down this well? Can you still get up after going down? You don't want to make money or kill yourself." Li Mazi looked at me cautiously and couldn't help but step back. He took a step forward and looked at it like that, which is funny.

I have also taken Li Mazi, what can I do to harm him?

If I want to find out the secret of this well, I have to go down, so I gave him a hard look.

Li Mazi thought for a while and could only bite the bullet and agreed. I grabbed the abandoned well rope and slowly lowered Li Mazi down. To be honest, I almost didn’t hold it firmly when I lowered it at the beginning. Li Mazi was too heavy. If he didn’t have some strength in his hand, Li Mazi would definitely It will fall directly.

After half a minute, Li Mazi reached the bottom of the well.

Li Mazi took out the wolf-eye flashlight to illuminate. This wolf-eye flashlight was different from ordinary flashlights and had a much better focusing effect. An ordinary flashlight can shine for about ten meters, which is considered good. But the wolf-eye flashlight can shine for thirty to forty meters, so it is perfect for use in this environment.

When Li Mazi went down, I was quite worried up there, but if we went down, no one would pull us up. So I could only squat by the well and smoke, waiting for news about Li Mazi.

"Brother from the Zhang family, little brother from the Zhang family, pull me up quickly! Hurry up, I've made an important discovery, there are dead people's bones down there." Soon Li Mazi's voice came from down the mine, and without saying a word, I just pulled the The well rope pulls up.

Li Mazi came out with a happy face and something in both hands. Because it was dark, I couldn't see very clearly. What I was holding in my left hand seemed to be the bones of a dead person, and what I was holding in my right hand seemed to be some kind of object.

I briefly asked about the situation at the bottom of the well, and Li Mazi told me that the well was not as simple as it seemed. There is actually a purpose below. There is a coffin inside. The patterns carved on the coffin should be from the Qing Dynasty.

Only then did I notice what Li Mazi was holding. Li Mazi first handed me the dead man's bones and let me take a look.

I took the bone and looked at it carefully. The bones looked like those of a woman. They were very small and had many signs of wear and tear. The deceased should not be old.

What I am most concerned about is another thing in Li Mazi's hand. Li Mazi is secretive about that thing, as if he doesn't want to show it to me.

I forcefully snatched it from his hand, only to find that it was also a copper kettle, just like the one dug out by Li Mazi's second uncle, except that this copper kettle was twice as small. I looked carefully at the light, expecting to find something on the copper pot, but there was only a pattern on the pot, without any writing.

This made me wonder, what is the relationship between the tomb owners of these two tombs? Could it be that they are a couple?

If they are husband and wife, they should be buried together. Why is one in the cemetery and the other at the bottom of the well?

Moreover, in ancient times, a safe entrance was important. Why was this woman buried in the well? Wasn't this a curse that would never allow her to be reincarnated?

"Brother Zhang, what should we do now? Go to the cemetery to find my second uncle? Just tell me whether my second uncle is dead or alive." Li Mazi asked nervously. When I didn't answer, he became even more anxious.

In fact, I don't know how to answer him. The whole thing is like a mystery. If we don't find a thread in the puzzle, we can't solve it at all.

In desperation, I could only take Li Mazi to the cemetery. The wind was blowing along the way, and we were a little scared, so we could only dispel the fear by chatting.

This conversation turned to Erdan's wife. I was really curious. How could Erdan, an honest farmer like Erdan, have never been out of the countryside a few times in his life, be able to marry a beautiful little wife?

It was during this conversation that Li Mazi told me something about their family.

In fact, Erdan only has the advantage of being honest, and other than that, he has nothing else. In Huanghuai Village, he belongs to a poor household. He eats the subsistence allowance provided by the government, and he can barely survive by farming some land and raising pigs.

It can be said that with Erdan's family conditions, it is basically impossible to get married in this life.

But one day, when Erdan went out to do farm work, he found a fainted woman in the field. Erdan was kind and rescued the woman.

After that, in order to thank Erdan, the woman took the initiative to marry him.

But the woman has one condition, that is, she must bring her daughter to live with her. How could Erdan refuse? In his situation, if he can find a wife, it is God's blessing.

So that kid is not Erdan. No wonder I didn’t think he looked like Erdan at all before.

While lamenting Er Dan's good luck, we arrived at the cemetery. Li Mazi and his second uncle were still kneeling on the grave and eating dirt.

It was just our arrival that made my second uncle, who was still eating dirt, stop. He slowly turned his head and looked at us with his dull eyes, which looked unusually penetrating in the darkness.

Just when Li Mazi and I felt bad, his second uncle had already walked towards us.

Li Mazi was anxious and hurriedly hid behind me and asked me what should I do? I was also confused. Is this a dead person or a living person? I can handle living people, but what should I do if this is a dead person?

I didn’t bring any magic weapon with me this time.

Just when I was confused, my second uncle Li Mazi had already swooped up and grabbed my neck. I instantly felt difficulty breathing, and my whole body seemed to be lifted up by the other party.

Li Mazi on the side was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground and shouted frantically for help.

I tried my best to break free, but I didn't have any strength at all. I just felt like I was going to die here, and there was a wave of unwillingness in my heart. How could I die like this?

Just when I thought I was about to lose consciousness, a white figure suddenly appeared in front of me. I only heard the sound of a long sword being unsheathed, and the hands that were holding me suddenly let go. I fell to the ground, gasping for air.

I looked up and saw that the man in the T-shirt was the one who saved me.

He still had the same cold look, with his back to me, looking like a lonely traveler under the moonlight.

"You are really capable of causing trouble. Fortunately, I didn't go back to Hong Kong, otherwise you would be dead." The man in the T-shirt said coldly, then turned and left.

I wanted to say a word of thanks, but his figure had disappeared into the darkness.

I am not a pretentious person. I owe him this favor and I will pay it back in the future.

But when I looked back, I was a little dumbfounded. This T-shirt man was really capable of killing. That sword cut off Uncle Li Mazi's hands. Uncle Li Mazi didn't know whether it was because of this sword or some other reason, but he fell down. The ground looked like dead people.

But after thinking about it carefully, he was indeed a dead man. Out of caution, I went to check for his breathing.

It was found that Uncle Li Mazi's whole body was cold, he had not breathed for a long time, and there were dead spots on his neck.

With doubts, I helped the frightened Li Mazi up. Li Mazi was also quite hopeless, he couldn't even stammer a word.

"Let's go, let's carry your second uncle back first..." After saying that, I took the bronze and went back with Li Mazi.

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