Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 413 Eight Banners General

At the same time, I also asked Erdan to bring back my wife. The return of my wife and children is secondary, and the most important thing is to bring back the copper pot.

Before I saw the copper kettle, I couldn’t do many things!

Erdan was very obedient and went out on his broken motorcycle without even eating breakfast. It took a whole day to go there, and by the time he got his wife back, it was already evening, and this trip was long enough.

After entering the house, Erdan handed me a package directly. The package was quite big. Looking at Erdan's sweating profusely, he knew that the package was not light. I quickly took it and almost fell down. This thing was so heavy. I didn’t know what material it was made of. It must have weighed several dozen kilograms.

Erdan's wife also came in with her daughter. I thought that his wife was just like the rural women, dark, old, and rustic. But I was completely wrong. His wife is not only fair, but also has a good temperament. She looks like a cultured person, in her early thirties at most.

She is also quite beautiful. She can be described as a spoiled wife. Damn it, I really made a mistake. I didn’t expect that this guy, who looks like an honest person, has such a handsome wife.

As for that daughter, she didn't look like Erdan at all. She had fair skin and big watery eyes, which made her look inexplicably comfortable. The three members of this family looked disharmonious, and if an outsider saw them, they would think Erdan was their servant.

"Master? Master, what's wrong with you?" Erdan saw that I was in a daze and immediately waved his hand in front of me.

"Nothing." I shook my head lightly.

"Let's talk. I'm taking my daughter back to the house first..." The woman gave me a meaningful look, then said something to Erdan, and then pulled her daughter away.

"Look, my cousin is still so shy. She doesn't even bother to greet us when we meet." Li Mazi said with a smile.

After everyone chatted for a while, I focused my attention on the vaginal object.

I placed the package on the table and was in no rush to open it. Instead, he found a bowl of unused black dog blood. Now he smeared a little on his hands before slowly unwrapping it.

"Brother Zhang, what are you doing? I've never seen you smearing black dog blood on your hands before. What's wrong? You've come up with a new trick." Li Mazi was still joking at this time, and I was convinced by him. , and immediately rolled his eyes at him.

The purpose of applying black dog blood is to ward off evil spirits. Since this evil thing can kill Li Mazi's second uncle, it can also kill other people, so I have to be careful to prevent capsizing in the gutter.

After the black dog blood was applied to my hands, it was sticky and had a strange smell, but I could only endure it.

When I opened the package completely, I found that the so-called urinal inside was not a simple thing. If I hadn't seen wrongly, this thing should be bronze.

What is the concept of bronze? Shang Yang's era was a period of high production of bronzes. If this thing belonged to that era, it would have cost several million. If it belonged to a celebrity, it might even cost 10 million. Just thinking about it makes me drool.

As long as you are human, you will definitely have greed. I feel that if this order is completed, I can be my little boss with peace of mind in the future and no longer have to interfere with the affairs of Jiangbei Zhang Family and Longquan Villa.

No wonder Li Mazi wanted to play tricks on me, that's what happened. I glanced at Li Mazi with joy, and Li Mazi could only smile, which was uglier than crying.

"Master, what should we do next? Are we going to use this urinal for cooking? If you need any materials, I will buy them right away." Erdan asked nervously. He really regarded me as a Taoist priest, and he couldn't help but The practice of opening a forum.

I told him that he didn’t need to do anything and went to make dinner first.

After putting Erdan away, Li Mazi and I continued to look at the bronze vessel. To be honest, this bronze vessel really looks like a urinal. No wonder Li Mazi and his second uncle would use it as a urinal.

I carefully stroked the surface of the bronze and found that there were many words engraved on it, but each word was as big as a mosquito and so densely packed that it was impossible to see clearly without a magnifying glass.

"Do you understand? Why don't you take it back and find an expert to take a look at it." After speaking, Li Mazi handed me a magnifying glass. I raised my head and smiled. This Li Mazi has really poisonous eyes. He knew it without me saying anything. What do I want anymore.

I picked up a magnifying glass and studied it, and the joy in my heart disappeared instantly.

Because the writing on this copper pot is not very old, so if nothing else, it should be from the Qing Dynasty!

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this thing?" Seeing my expression, Li Mazi lost his composure.

Alas, if this is something from the Qing Dynasty, it can only be regarded as an ordinary antique. It is far inferior to Shang Yang's era. The price has dropped countless times, with a ceiling of hundreds of thousands.

I was a little downcast, but I still read the text carefully. Because the copper kettle was covered with rust, many of the words were unclear, but I still had a rough idea.

This thing should be a burial object. The owner of the tomb is a Manchu Eight Banners general named Niu Hulu. Perhaps it was because the Qing Dynasty was too peaceful at that time, so he lived for more than ten years without being reused. In the end, he returned to his hometown without doing anything, and died with hatred. He lived a very miserable life before his death. He sold his armor and other items to a pawnshop just to exchange for a few steamed buns. In the end, he didn't even have to eat the steamed buns, so he had to eat dirt to fill his stomach. This copper pot was just a random The only thing of value he buried.

After understanding the cause and effect, I feel that there are still many doubts about this matter. I don't understand why this evil creature has such strong resentment? Li Mazi's second uncle was just a urinal. His crime was not punishable by death, right? This makes me wonder.

I thought the dinner would be sumptuous, but I didn’t expect that it would only be meat and vegetable. The vegetarian dish was loofah soup.

The meat dish is their own bacon. The bacon tastes pretty good, but the meat is too dry and hard.

When it came time to eat, it was only the three of us eating outside. Erdan filled two bowls of rice alone and sent them to the room for his wife and daughter.

Seeing this scene, I was particularly curious. Why do I have to hide it when I'm eating? Is it because I'm afraid of meeting strangers? I always feel that that woman is not simple, but I can’t explain why specifically.

After eating, Li Mazi and I simply tidied up and set off, this time without Erdan. Erdan is a layman, and it is useless to go there. He might as well be at home with his wife and children.

After going out, Li Mazi asked me if I could not go out at night next time, not during the day?

I could only glare at him fiercely. Do you want to be beaten to death by the villagers when you dig graves during the day?

I first took Li Mazi to the dry well. I wanted to see what the secrets of the dry well were. But just as Li Mazi and I approached the well, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from behind us.

This made Li Mazi and I feel alert. No one would come to this place at night, and those who came must be abnormal.

We immediately found a place to hide. Fortunately, there were many weeds in the countryside, so it was easy to hide.

When the man approached, Li Mazi and I almost died of fright.

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