Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 412 Death of Second Uncle

Because we were so exhausted, we fell asleep on the bed when we got back.

As a result, before dawn, Erdan's heart-rending howling could be heard from the next room: "Dad, dad, what are you going to do?"

I originally wanted to ask Li Mazi to check out the situation, but Li Mazi slept like a dead pig, so I had no choice but to take action myself. I simply put on my clothes and walked towards the next room.

The scene that caught my eye shocked me. At this moment, Uncle Li Mazi was lying on the bed. His face was as white as a piece of paper, his eyes were turned up, and his mouth was filled with yellow-brown soil.

Erdan was crying so hard that his whole body was in a state of collapse. I wanted to ask him what happened? But before I could say anything, Erdan rushed towards me and strangled my neck with his strong hands.

I wanted to break free, but Erdan was born as a farmer and was incredibly strong. How could a city guy like me be able to handle it? My face turned red from being pinched, and the suffocating feeling gave me a hint of fear of death.

I wanted to scream for help, but I couldn't. Just when I thought I was about to die, Li Mazi arrived in time and kicked Erdan away, allowing me to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Brother, are you crazy? Do you know that doing this will cause death? Brother Zhang, are you okay?" Li Mazi quickly helped me up.

After Erdan saw Li Mazi coming, he gained some sense, but he still wanted to continue attacking me, but Li Mazi stopped him.

"Mazi, get out of the way and let me kill this guy. If he hadn't fooled around, would my father have died? It's all his fault. I don't care. I must make him pay for it with his life." Erdan looked at me angrily. That look could kill me hundreds of times.

"What are you talking about, the second uncle is dead?" Li Mazi obviously did not expect such a result, and was stunned for a moment.

What I saw in Li Mazi's eyes was also anger, but he was much more rational than Erdan. Because he knew that it was a fetus that killed his second uncle, not me, but his second uncle’s death was more or less related to my roommate.

"Did the trick of stealing the sky and changing the sun fail?" Li Mazi asked.

I shook my head and said I didn't know either. Although this is my first time to use this technique of stealing the sky and exchanging the sun, according to the records in the book left by my grandfather, it should be a success! So the problem is definitely not with me.

When I thought about it carefully, it seemed that every time when the subject of femininity was mentioned, Li Mazi and Erdan’s answers were very prevaricating. There must be something wrong with this!

So I immediately asked: "Is there something you are hiding from me, or is the vaginal object not lost at all?"

After hearing my words, Li Mazi and Erdan's expressions were obviously a little abnormal, as if I had exposed something, their expressions were very flustered, but they quickly hid them.

But this subtle change has been noticed by me.

This matter is definitely not that simple. It can even be said that Li Mazi and Erdan indirectly killed this innocent old man.

"Why don't you speak? You are dumb? Let me tell you, one person is dead now. If that evil thing comes to take your life again, I won't care." I roared, venting all the fire in my heart.

You asked me to help, but you didn't tell me the truth. Now that the person is dead, you still push me. Isn't this cheating me? I don't want to be taken advantage of.

Li Mazi seemed to feel that he couldn't keep it secret any longer. He shook his head and said, "Oh! It's all my fault. If I hadn't been greedy, nothing would have happened to my second uncle. It's my fault."

After Li Mazi finished speaking, he slapped himself, three loud slaps in a row, which exploded in the quiet room. It was Erdan who held him back, and he reluctantly stopped.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Li Mazi's mouth. It seemed that there was no moisture in these slaps.

"Mazi, if you want to blame me, blame me. I was obsessed with money and harmed my father." Erdan also started crying.

I was completely confused, how could this happen?

But I had no intention of watching them cry here, so I said angrily: "Tell me what happened, otherwise you will cry. Li Mazi, you go ahead."

After being silent for a few seconds, Li Mazi finally told me the whole thing.

In fact, they didn't lie to me much. His second uncle did dig a copper pot in the field and used it as a urinal, and then he started running out to eat dirt every night.

But the copper pot was not thrown away by their family.

At first they planned to throw it away, thinking it was too unlucky. But it happened that Li Mazi returned home that day and was rushing to see his second uncle for medical treatment. He happened to meet Er Dan who was about to throw something away.

Li Mazi had sharp eyes and could tell at a glance that the copper kettle was an antique. That's why he boasted to Haikou that he could cure his second uncle and sell the copper kettle at a good price. Then Erdan's benefits would be indispensable.

After all, Erdan was an honest man. When he thought that he could save his father and get money, he immediately agreed to Li Mazi.

But the placement of this yin object becomes a problem. If it is placed at home, as soon as I come and save someone, the yin object will naturally be taken away. So Li Mazi asked Erdan's daughter-in-law to take the copper pot to her parents' house. The woman's yin energy was strong and did not conflict with the yin thing, so she was not the target of attack.

That's how the following series of things happened.

In an instant, I understood why Li Mazi kept hesitating to me and why there were no women in Erdan’s family. They were plotting against me.

You Mazi Li, if I don’t kill you severely, my surname will not be Zhang!

I immediately said: "If you want me to continue to help, you can, but we have to discuss the price. Not only will the vagina belong to me, Li Mazi, you will also have to bleed!"

If it weren't for the fact that Li Mazi and I have been partners for many years, I would have just slapped my butt and left. Anyway, if they are unkind, I can also be unjust. Besides, this femininity object has violated the principle of "three no-takes". I don't want to touch a femininity object that can directly kill people.

But for this matter at hand, it’s impossible not to help. Seeing Li Mazi and Erdan acting like that, I couldn't bring myself to do anything, so I could only cheat them and then help them.

"I don't want a penny of the money for the evil things, and I will give you all the 100,000 yuan I saved. Brother Zhang, you must help us." Li Mazi said hurriedly.

"If you still think it's too little, I will sell this house. Please save my whole family." After saying that, Erdan knelt down and knocked his head on the ground three times in a row.

I couldn't bear to watch anymore and stopped Erdan's movements. At the same time, I told him that I would definitely help them, but I still didn’t want any of his property, since it wasn’t worth much anyway.

Seeing that my anger had subsided, Li Mazi asked me what should I do next?

I glared at him fiercely and asked him to buy a coffin to put his second uncle's body in. After all, his second uncle looked quite scary.

Then let’s bury it in a few days! After all, if he was buried suddenly, the villagers would become suspicious. Anyway, the weather is quite cool now, and nothing will happen if it is left for a few days. However, I also asked Erdan to put the coffin in the room and lock it, so that small animals such as cats and dogs cannot get in, otherwise it will Big trouble.

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