Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 411: Stealing Heaven and Swapping Sun Formation

The wind was particularly strong at night, making Li Mazi and I shiver.

If Erdan hadn't prepared a piece of clothing for each of us in advance, we would probably be frozen like dogs by now.

I was also impatient with waiting, so I asked Li Mazi when his second uncle would go out. Li Mazi said that it was usually twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. It was almost here, only a few minutes away. When I heard that, I quickly got ready.

Li Mazi also hid outside the door. After a moment, he heard the door creaking.

The person who came out was Li Mazi's second uncle. At this time, his second uncle was the same as what we saw when we first arrived in the morning. His eyes were dull, his expression was dull, and he walked like a marionette.

Anyone who met him at night would be frightened to death.

Li Mazi also waved his hand to see if he could wake up his second uncle. But it was of no use. His second uncle was obviously possessed by a ghost, and he wouldn't wake up even if he was kicked.

Li Mazi and I quietly followed his second uncle. Although his second uncle walked very strangely, his speed was not slow at all. Li Mazi and I walked and ran all the way before we could barely keep up.

I thought that his second uncle would go straight to the cemetery, but that was not the case.

His second uncle took us for a walk around the whole village. This walk made Li Mazi and I almost exhausted. Finally, Li Mazi and his second uncle stopped at a dry well outside the village, and then suddenly knelt down and cried out in pain.

The sound he cried was extremely weird, like a wolf roaring in the mountains, sharp and harsh, making people very uncomfortable.

"What the hell, what is this ghost doing?" Li Mazi covered his ears and prepared to walk towards his second uncle.

I pulled Li Mazi and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I can't listen anymore. I'm going to go up and kick him awake. Don't stop me." Li Mazi looked uncomfortable. He felt like his brain would explode if he listened any more.

How could I let him go? If you anger that Yin spirit, it will be over.

After my warning, Li Mazi finally had no choice but to endure it, but it looked like he was in quite a lot of pain, with beads of sweat as big as soybeans on his forehead.

Later, I learned from Li Mazi that he would fall ill whenever he heard a sound similar to howling wolves. It felt like life was worse than death, as if thousands of ants were crawling on his body.

Looking at Li Mazi's second uncle's behavior, I couldn't help but frown.

This situation is completely different from what I thought. If he just comes here and cries loudly every night, where does he get all the dirt in his stomach? What is the explanation for the footprints left in the cemetery?

After much thought, I can't figure it out. Li Mazi's condition was getting worse and worse. His face was pale and without any color, and he felt like a terminally ill patient.

I didn't know how to help Li Mazi, but just when I was in trouble, Li Mazi's second uncle stopped crying and started walking forward in a daze again.

I didn't dare to delay, so I grabbed Li Mazi and chased him.

This time he didn't go around in circles, but went straight to the cemetery.

Watching Uncle Li Mazi go to the cemetery, I felt relieved. It seemed that my guess was correct.

The place we finally arrived was the same as the place I came to in the morning. Uncle Li Mazi knelt down in front of the tombstone with a bang, then grabbed the soil and stuffed it into his mouth, making bursts of noise from time to time. It felt like chewing wax. generally.

Seeing this scene, I instantly shuddered. Li Mazi patted me and woke me up from my daze.

I touched my nose in embarrassment and said to Li Mazi: "Take out everything and let's prepare. I'm warning you again. This is my first time using this spell. Don't blame me for the failure. "

Li Mazi nodded repeatedly, and then took out everything I needed.

I arranged the Chinese herbs in a circle according to the pattern in my memory, then placed the earthen pot in the center of the circle, then sat on the ground and looked up at the sky.

When Li Mazi saw me looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, he asked in confusion: "Brother Zhang, what are you doing? You should hurry up and save people. If my second uncle eats it again, his stomach will be broken." It’s almost bursting open…”

I rolled my eyes at Li Mazi angrily. I explained to him that this spell also requires the right time, place, and people. Among them, the right time means when there is no moon. Now that the moon is high, the spell will definitely fail.

The purpose of stealing the sky and changing the sun is to blind the eyes of the Yin spirit and take the opportunity to make a mistake, so you have to wait for the moon to be covered.

Fortunately, the wind is strong tonight, and there happens to be a dark cloud not far away. If the calculation is correct, it only takes another quarter of an hour for the moon to be covered.

After Li Mazi heard what I said, he stopped disturbing me and prepared to stop his second uncle from eating dirt.

But as soon as he touched his second uncle's hand, he screamed and ran towards me rolling and crawling.

"Brother Zhang, you really scared me to death. You don't know the situation of my second uncle." Li Mazi said.

Just now, when Li Mazi went to stop his second uncle, his second uncle's strength was so strong that Li Mazi couldn't break it open even with all his strength.

Moreover, there was no warmth in his second uncle's hands, and it felt as if he was touching a piece of ice.

Listening to Li Mazi's description, I couldn't help but frown. Isn't this a characteristic of the dead? But his second uncle is still alive and well, why are his limbs so cold?

But I didn't have time to think about it, because the moon was already covered by dark clouds. Now that I was done with it, I knew I couldn't waste any time, so I quickly asked Li Mazi to get the black dog's blood out.

The black dog blood was only half a bowl, and when I held it in my hand, I could smell a fishy smell. Following my memory, I dipped my finger in blood and drew a pattern on the ground.

It took nearly ten minutes to complete the entire pattern. Fortunately, it was completed before the moon appeared, otherwise all the efforts would have been wasted.

After the moon appeared again, the formation under my feet actually emitted a faint red light. Although it was not very conspicuous, you could still see it if you looked carefully.

Seeing this scene, I suddenly smiled with joy. Because the art of stealing the sky and exchanging the sun has been successful, according to the description in the book, only when it is successful will the red light shine.

"Huh? Second uncle, he stopped eating dirt. Wait, why is he coming towards us?" Li Mazi suddenly said in panic.

Is there something wrong with the technique?

I thought it shouldn’t be, everything was just as described in the book.

For safety reasons, I quickly pulled Li Mazi back a dozen steps, but it turned out that Li Mazi and his second uncle were not coming towards us, but towards the earthen jar in the middle of the formation.

Uncle Li Mazi hugged the jar, first smelled it with his nose, and then hugged it tightly, fearing that the jar would grow wings and fly away.

I nodded slightly, it seemed like this was a success.

"Brother Zhang, what should we do now?" Li Mazi also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

"Go dig that grave, bury the earthen jar, and let your second uncle kowtow three times on the grave and everything will be fine." I said calmly.

To be honest, this is the first time I have encountered such a simple thing, and I am really not used to it.

But I'm also quite depressed. After this trip, I probably won't be able to make much money. After all, the copper kettle has been thrown away, but what can I do? I'll just treat it as charity.

The situation of Li Mazi's second uncle's family is that just food and clothing is almost a problem. I can't bear to ask them for money.

"Do you really want to dig it out?" Li Mazi swallowed, and seeing me nodding heavily, he had no choice but to do it.

After simply digging a small hole, Li Mazi hurriedly buried the jar in it. Then, with my help, I forced his second uncle to kowtow three times, and that was the end of it.

Looking at the time, it was already four o'clock in the morning. We immediately took Uncle Li Mazi back home.

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