Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 420 How to open a forum

When Yin Xinyue came back from buying a lunch box, I was checking something on the computer and calling someone. After I hung up the phone, she asked me: "Brother Zhang, who are you calling?"

"The editorial department, I found the number on the Internet and asked them for some information about the writers."

After that, I wrote down the second writer’s real name, home address, and birthday on the paper, and then started looking for the third writer’s editor contact information.

Soon, I got all the information on the four writers. I tore off the piece of paper and put it in my pocket, picked up the lunch box and took a few bites.

I searched for the last books written by two online writers. The paid chapters later cost money, so I registered an account and charged a few hundred yuan. I felt that writing a book is not easy, and I should support the original version.

Both of these books were very popular, but they were suddenly abandoned at the last moment. The comments below started by scolding the author for being irresponsible and a casual eunuch. After learning about the author's death, the comments turned into words of regret and regret. .

This is probably the reason why their innocent souls are bound.

I told Yin Xinyue this idea, and she said in surprise: "The hole has not been filled yet. Is this considered a kind of resentment?"

"Of course, forget it. Although I haven't experienced it myself, this feeling must be particularly entangled. This pen binds them through this resentment..." I explained.

"Is this a coincidence?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"No, this pen is intentional. Everyone dies when the book is about to end." I took a deep breath and said.

"In other words, as long as Meng Dongye's script is written towards the end, he will die?"

"Judging from his current physical and mental state, it's very possible!" I said worriedly.

I asked Yin Xinyue to do me a favor. She has a wide network of contacts. I want to see if I can contact the publishing houses of two physical writers and get the manuscript of their last book.

If you want to resolve the resentment of these four ghosts, there is only one way to fill the hole for them!

This may be the most difficult thing I have ever done since I started this business, and I can't do it all at once, so I will probably have to find someone to help.

Tonight I plan to do something to suppress it first, to suppress the power of Shenghua Miaobi a little bit. It will harm Meng Dongye for a few days less, and I will have a few more days.

There were still a few hours left in the evening, so I told Yin Xinyue that if she had too much time, she could go out for a walk and I would stay and watch over her. She said it didn't matter.

I had nothing to do, so I read the fantasy novel. Yin Xinyue asked me: "Brother Zhang, will you consider writing a book after you retire? I think many people will read it if you write about the things you have experienced. "

"I'll see if I have time. I might be busy sending my eldest son to school, teaching my second daughter to read, and changing my younger son's diapers every day. I don't have time to write."

Yin Xinyue said with a smile: "How greedy. The country only allows two children now, how many more do you plan to have?"

"Then let's have two, one boy and one girl, that's fine." I touched Yin Xinyue's face.

Seeing that there was no one around, I felt lustful again. I carried Yin Xinyue to the bed and prepared to give birth to a eldest son first. She said half-heartedly, "You are in someone else's house. Can you pay attention to the impact?"

"It doesn't matter, he sleeps like a dead pig."

"Then please keep your voice down..."

Just as we were making firewood, Li Mazi came back, and we quickly sat upright and pretended that nothing happened.

Li Mazi was carrying a big bag and said with sweat on his face: "Brother Zhang, look at how quickly I can do things. I can finish it in two hours."

"That's awesome. You're getting better and better at doing things..." I complimented him perfunctorily.

We chatted for a while, and when it was almost six o'clock, the three of us took turns going out to eat.

It was getting dark, so I started to make preparations and took out everything in the bag, including a whole wolf skin, ink, rooster blood, writing brush, silk thread, and ox tail.

Meng Dongye was awakened by the silence, rubbed his eyes and said, "Why did I fall asleep? Mr. Zhang, has it started yet?"

"We're getting ready, just sit next to us."

Meng Dongye watched me decorate the house with great interest. I first lit the ox tail on fire and smoked the house inside and out. The ox tail is an exorcism item that is not commonly used, because cows use their tails to repel mosquitoes all their lives. Fly, this tail also has some function of exorcising evil spirits, but its effectiveness is far less than that of rooster blood and ten thousand dollars.

These four writers are not bad ghosts, so they don’t use things that are too powerful for fear of hurting them.

I smoked all the rooms, leaving only the bathroom unsmoked. After the four ghosts were driven out of the pen, they would naturally crawl inside. Once the ghosts were removed, the power of the pen would be greatly weakened.

Then I mixed the rooster's blood with ink, drew a big pattern on the living room floor, tied the flower-making pen in the middle of the room with a silk thread, and smeared it with rooster's blood. Then hang a few ordinary wolf-hair brushes around it and arrange them according to the orientation of the Bagua. All the ropes are almost the same length, except for the Kangua orientation, the rope hanging the brush is slightly shorter!

Meng Dongye was very curious and kept asking me what this was for and what it was for. I patiently explained to him.

After everything was prepared, I shook off the wolf skin. Meng Dongye asked me what the wolf skin was for. I explained: "The brushes are made of two materials, one is wolf hair and the other is rabbit hair! The so-called wolf hair is actually weasel hair. . I took a look just now, and this wonderful pen is made of rabbit hair. Rabbits are afraid of wolves, so wearing this wolf skin can temporarily ensure your safety."

"It makes sense!" Meng Dongye nodded and said, "I used to see the practices of those masters on the stage, and they were all arranged in a mess. I thought that your profession was all random. It turns out that there is a reason in everything. I admire you."

I smiled and said, "Then what you wrote was not made up randomly?"

"Of course not. Although the plot is fictional, it must be reasonable to make sense."

"It's the same in our industry. You can't just mess around with what you should use and what you shouldn't use."

I put a wolf's skin on him and told him to go to the bedroom and stay there until I told him not to come out. Then I sat cross-legged on the floor of the living room and started to recite the incantation. After a while, the eight pens hanging from the ceiling began to shake, and the lights in the room began to flicker.

"Brother Zhang, the formation is open!" Yin Xinyue said excitedly.

I nodded and continued to recite the mantra. The eight pens moved more and more violently, and then the flower-making pen in the middle also began to react. It did not shake, but rotated left and right, as if it wanted to break the rope.

Shenghua Miaobi itself is not a powerful evil object, the entire formation suppresses its aura! If everything goes well tonight, I plan to suppress the four evil spirits directly after forcing them out.

Soon, a drop of black liquid appeared on the tip of the pen. As it dripped, it slowly turned into the shape of a person's upper body, getting bigger and bigger. Finally, the ghost of the first writer struggled to get out of the tip of the pen...

After it fell to the ground, it twitched a few times, got up, and rushed towards me sitting on the edge of the formation with its teeth and claws bared. However, it encountered an invisible barrier. It rushed left and right for a long time, and finally escaped in the direction of Kan Gua. go out.

As soon as he escaped from the battlefield, he grabbed his throat and looked like he was suffocating. The smell of the ox tail was like poisonous gas to him. Finally, he wandered around the room and ran into the bathroom.

I gave Li Mazi a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva talisman and asked him to close the bathroom door first and stick the talisman on it. I would ask him to open it later.

Li Mazi agreed and went, then the second ghost of the enemy came out of the pen. However, it was not as lucky as the first wronged soul. It wandered around in the Bagua array for a long time without finding a way out. Finally, its strength was exhausted and it was forced to get into an ordinary writing brush.

I immediately pulled the pen off, soaked it in a mixture of ink and chicken blood, and asked Yin Xinyue to take another brush from the bag to fill in the Bagua position.

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