Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 421: Deadly Illusion

The process is going quite smoothly. I have extracted the grievances of the two writers. Maybe I can finish work early tonight and go have a late-night snack with Yin Xinyue or something.

Of course, this thought only briefly crossed my mind. I didn't dare to relax at all. I stared at the flower-making pen without blinking, waiting for the third wronged soul to come out!

At this time, something banged against the bathroom door from the inside. Li Mazi kicked the door and cursed inside: "What's wrong? You're still not honest. Just stay alone."

A whimpering sound came from the bathroom, and the faint voice cried inside: "Let me out, I want to fill the hole, I want to give an explanation to the readers, I don't want to be scolded as a eunuch!"

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Talisman separates this wronged soul from the wonderful pen that affects it, so I can hear its true voice. This guy is also very persistent in trying to fill the hole.

I said to it: "Don't worry! I will help you finish the novel tomorrow, and I will ensure that both you and the readers are satisfied."

" should I thank you?"

The voice of the last sentence came directly from behind me. I turned around and saw a bloody man standing behind me, stretching out his long nails and trying to strangle my neck. This scene appeared so suddenly that I screamed in fright and instinctively stepped back.

His hand passed directly through my body, and then his body turned into a ball of mist and disappeared. Yin Xinyue on the side also saw this scene and was very frightened.

"It's an illusion!" I said, "This pen has no other ability. It can only create illusions. Don't be afraid."

I saw that the talisman on the bathroom was still intact, and the innocent soul was still locked inside. At this time, the tables, chairs and benches in the room began to move with a bang, making a squeaking sound on the floor. The vases on the shelf also began to crack, and the flower pen was spinning faster and faster, as if trying to break free of the rope.


I looked down at my palms. When I sat down, I accidentally destroyed the large formation on the ground. Shenghua Miaobi took this opportunity to start a fierce resistance.

How could I give it a chance to escape? Quickly pick up a brush, dip it in ink, and repair the formation.

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly became dark, and all the lights in the room went out. I frowned and said, "Why is there a power outage at this time?"

The bedroom door suddenly opened, and Meng Dongye ran out from inside, shouting: "That's my pen, no one is allowed to touch it, I changed my mind, I changed my mind..."

He broke into the formation without any explanation and stretched out his hand to pull the Shenghua Miaobi. I was shocked and stood up to stop him. However, I couldn't see anything clearly in the darkness. Meng Dongye was hit with his body by Meng Dongye who rushed towards me crazily. If it weren't for Yin Xinyue's support from behind, I almost fell down.

"Li Mazi, stop him!" I shouted.

Li Mazi agreed and ran over. However, he tripped over something halfway and fell so hard that he cried like a ghost.

Yin Xinyue quickly took out her mobile phone and illuminated it. She saw four bloody and faceless people standing in front of us. She screamed in fright and threw herself into my arms, not daring to look.

I consoled me: "Don't be afraid, it's just an illusion!" I stretched out my hand and the four ghosts disappeared.

At this time, Meng Dongye had already ran out, and there was a sound of stomping downstairs from the corridor. I never expected such an unexpected situation, and regretted it so much. I had known to tie up Meng Dongye.

"Hurry up and chase him, don't let him run away!" I said anxiously.

Li Mazi was standing closest to the door. He ran over first, but the door that was originally on the left actually ran to the right. I felt something was wrong. Just when I was about to shout, Li Mazi hit the door with a thud, making me dizzy. .

It turns out that this 'door' is another illusion created by Shenghua's wonderful pen, and the real door is still in its original place.

He covered his bruised forehead and cursed: "This broken pen is too thief. When it falls into my hands, I will soak it in pig urine for a year!"

The lethality of Shenghua Miaobi is far less than other evil things we encounter, but it is very cunning.

We chased all the way out of the building. Meng Dongye ran as fast as a rabbit with a handbag in his arms. He didn't look back no matter how much we shouted. Everyone in the community looked at the four of us as if they were crazy.

Yin Xinyue asked me: "Isn't he wearing wolf's clothing? How could he be controlled?"

"He was not controlled, he just suddenly softened and didn't want to give up the pen..." I sighed.

Compared with feminine objects, human greed is more difficult to predict. I secretly cursed this idiot for using it as a treasure even after he was about to be tortured to death.

We chased him to the side of the road and saw Meng Dongye hurriedly getting into a car. Li Mazi said to go get the car, but I said it was too late and reached out to stop a taxi.

I got in the passenger seat and said to the driver: "Master, catch up with the car in front, don't lose it!"

The driver became excited when he heard this: "What is going on? It's like filming a movie."

I made up a lie casually: "Please hurry up. That's my uncle in the car. He just escaped from the lunatic asylum. He is very dangerous. We have to capture him. I can give you double the money."

"Okay! Sit tight."

The driver stepped on the accelerator and drove after the car.

The two cars kept a distance of more than 20 meters and drove one behind the other. Meng Dongye's car kept circling, as if it had no destination at all.

When the car in front passed under a streetlight, I saw Meng Dongye sitting in the back seat with his head lowered and a glowing rectangular object on his knee, which seemed to be a laptop.

"Oh my god, he actually wrote in the car. This person is completely crazy!" Li Mazi said.

I deeply feel the horror of this money. It can infinitely magnify people's desire to create, surpassing everything else.

Meng Dongye still didn't know that this script could never be finished no matter what. Every time he typed a word, he would be one step closer to death.

Yin Xinyue took out her mobile phone and called Meng Dongye. Sure enough, the phone was turned off.

We chased for an hour, and then we got on a viaduct. The driver looked at the meter and reminded me: "Young man, I have already driven more than a hundred kilometers. Do you really plan to continue chasing me?"

I looked at the meter and saw that the fare was already over two hundred, so I took out four hundred and gave it to him: "Keep chasing!"

After collecting the money, the driver smiled happily and said: "Okay, the customer is God, I will listen to you."

Just then, a big truck appeared in front of me and hit me head-on. I knew it was an illusion created by Shenghua Miaobi, because the truck was driving very hard, but it didn't even raise any dust. But the driver was frightened and immediately went to Turn the steering wheel to the left.

I hurriedly grabbed the steering wheel to prevent him from turning, and the truck hit me. The driver's scream almost burst my eardrums, and then the truck turned into a ball of mist and disappeared.

"Don't be afraid, it's fake..."

The driver slammed on the brakes, and under the influence of inertia, I almost hit the windshield. He shouted hysterically: "Get off the bus, get off! I won't do this job anymore, no matter how much you pay."

"Master, please do well. If we don't catch up with him, his life will be lost." Yin Xinyue pleaded.

We had all the good things to say, except for singing the Yunnan folk song "Old Driver, Take Me". The driver refused to drive, so he had to get out of the car. Li Mazi wrote down the license plate number and threatened to file a complaint against him. The driver cursed: "I Look, you’re the one who’s crazy.” He drove away and sprayed us with exhaust fumes in a vengeful manner.

Seeing Meng Dongye's car driving away, I suddenly felt discouraged.

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