Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 431 Zhong Wuyan

I pretended to be shocked: "Brother, don't scare me!"

As he spoke, he took out a pack of cigarettes from Li Mazi's backpack and stuffed it into the driver's hand: "Tell me carefully now so that I don't suffer a loss."

The driver held a cigarette in his hand and smiled very happily: "Brother, listen to my advice and go back where you came from. This salt-free village is impossible to go to. There is murderous intent everywhere."

"Murderous intention?" Li Mazi and I exchanged a look.

The driver nodded and said firmly: "Yes, do you know where the name Wuyan Village comes from?"

I shook my head.

The driver chuckled: "Have you heard of Zhong Wuyan? The first of the four ugly women in history, also called Zhong Wuyan. This Wuyan Village is Zhong Wuyan's hometown. It is said that she was buried here after her death. …”

After hearing what the driver said, my eyes immediately widened.

Could it be such a coincidence?

Is it possible that the grave dug by Zhang Qinghai is the tomb of the famous Zhong Wuyan in history?

The driver smoked a cigarette and said intoxicatedly: "There is a restricted area in Wuyan Village. I heard that there is Zhong Wuyan's tomb."

Sure enough, Zhao Wuyang's face turned pale and he was shaking in horror.

The driver continued: "In the early years, Wuyan Village was prosperous, and it was the largest village in Shili and Baxiang. However, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the tomb robbing industry emerged in Shandong, and some fearless tomb thieves came here and took Zhong Wuyan away. The grave of Wuyan Village was dug. Since then, the mountains of Wuyan Village have been haunted, and strange things have often happened. Female dolls have always been killed one after another. The villagers were so frightened by this horror that they ran and moved, but it was useless. In a few years, a good village will become deserted."

"Later, the remaining people in the village renovated Zhong Wuyan's tomb and set up a restricted area, which made things better." Speaking of this, the driver said from the bottom of his heart: "You golden nobles from other places, I don’t know the horror of Wuyan Village, so I’d better leave as soon as possible, this is not a tourist attraction, it’s full of evil.”

After he said this, he put the cigarette under his arm, hummed a tune and drove away.

After he completely disappeared from sight, Zhao Wuyang was still trembling: "How is this possible? When was Zhong Wuyan born? How could her tomb be preserved to this day?"

I thought about it carefully.

Zhong Wuyan was born in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It is said that she was extremely ugly. Not only did she have a red birthmark on her face, she also had bald hair, a garlic nose, and a sausage mouth. In short, people had to avoid her when they saw her.

Ancient books say that she was unmarried when she was forty years old, which shows how ugly she is.

However, Zhong Wuyan is talented and has the ability to govern the country. When the state of Qi was in danger, Zhong Wuyan entered the palace alone and put forward her suggestions to King Qi Xuan. King Qi Xuan admired Zhong Wuyan very much and immediately ordered her to be selected as his queen.

It's just that King Qi Xuan married her because of her talent and never dared to sleep in the same bed as Zhong Wuyan.

No matter how powerful Zhong Wuyan is, she is still a woman. She always lives in a deep palace, has the status of a queen, but does not get the favor of her husband. So every day when she was dressing in front of the mirror, she resented her parents for giving her such an ugly face!

If she had a beautiful face, could she keep King Qi Xuan?

I guess that mirror absorbed too much of Zhong Wuyan's resentment, so he peeled off people's faces to vent his hatred. After almost understanding the whole story, I decided to rush directly to Wuyan Village to investigate while it was still dark.

When Li Mazi heard that I was about to enter the village, he was shocked and said: "Brother Zhang, didn't you listen to what the driver said just now? This Wuyan Village is a very evil place, why are we still going?"

"Really?" I responded lazily: "I don't have any other hobbies, I just like evil things. The more evil it is, the more excited I am."

I don't know if it was my ease that impressed Li Mazi and Zhao Wuyang, but they quickly followed my footsteps.

Our walking speed was not slow, but even so, it was still dark by the time we arrived at Wuyan Village.

Just as Zhao Wuyang described, the mountain village was eerily silent at night. Except for the occasional dog barking, the surroundings were as quiet as a cemetery.

Because it was his second visit, Zhao Wuyang easily led us to the hometown he mentioned.

When the fellow saw Zhao Wuyang, he did not show a smile as if he saw an acquaintance. Instead, he asked warily: "Why are you back again?"

Zhao Wuyang didn't know how to answer for a while.

I hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Hello, uncle, I am a friend of Zhao Wuyang. Wuyang traveled here before and took many beautiful photos. I am also a photography enthusiast and am particularly interested in the natural scenery here, so I asked It’s like he brought me here to see him.”

The fellow looked me up and down, and then his expression softened slightly: "What do you want?"

Zhao Wuyang said: "Uncle, we don't have a place to stay, so we may have to stay at your house for a few days." As he said this, he handed over a package of gifts that he had prepared in advance.

The fellow looked through it carefully, nodded with satisfaction and said: "Come in!"

The yard was dark. We followed him, and when we were about to reach the innermost mud house, a few giggles suddenly came from the darkness.

Although I couldn't see the person clearly, I knew that it must be the crazy girl Zhao Wuyang mentioned.

The fellow sent us into the earthen house and asked in a low voice: "Have you eaten anything?"

I hurriedly took out some bread sausages from my backpack: "We are all prepared, don't be busy, go quickly..."

Without even saying the word "rest", the fellow took the kerosene lamp and left.

I looked at Li Mazi awkwardly, and met his smiling eyes.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Brother, there are times when you are lonely."

His cheerful look made me very unhappy, so Zhao Wuyang and I discussed: "Li Mazi is not hungry, let's finish the food and not share it with him!"

We ate some random bread to satisfy our hunger and went to bed early that night. Early the next morning, I was awakened by a loud noise. I pushed Li Mazi, who was like a dead pig, and said to him: "Stop sleeping, go out and take a look, there is something going on outside!"

When we came out of the house, there were already many people standing in the yard of the fellow villager's house, all with worried faces.

The fellow asked: "When did the old Wu family's daughter disappear?"

"When I went to bed last night, she was still there, but when I woke up this morning, Xiao Nizi was gone..."

"Hey, Lao Wu did farm work all day yesterday. He fell into a deep sleep and didn't hear much noise. How could such a good girl just disappear?"

The villagers were talking a lot.

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