Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 430 You are next!

Li Mazi and I left Zhang Qinghai's house, closed the door and asked, "Do you want to call the police? Leaving the body here is not an option."

Li Mazi rolled his eyes at me: "You're addicted to meddling, aren't you? Why are you worrying about that? He didn't just jump out of a rock. He has family and friends. If you can't contact him then, naturally someone will get angry. You call the police. , what should we say when the police ask? Don’t forget, you can enter this door only because of my craftsmanship. Do you want to kill me out of love and send me in with your own hands? "

I just said one thing, and he talked a lot about it.

I sighed and decided to forget it.

After leaving Zhang Qinghai's community, Zhao Wuyang sat on the roadside to relax for half an hour. During this period, he vomited twice. His face was livid and his condition was very bad. He looked at me weakly and asked out of breath: "Zhang Qinghai also had an accident, and judging from the time, he died before Xue Peng and Xiao Sisi's accident. Does this mean that everyone went to Wuyan Village?" Will something happen to everyone? Will it be my turn next?"

I shook my head at him: "This matter probably has nothing to do with you."

"How could it be okay?" Zhao Wuyang said in despair: "I also went to Wuyan Village... I shouldn't have gone with him in the first place. It's all my fault!" As he said this, he slapped himself.

Fortunately, he was quite frightened and his hands and feet were weak. This slap was light and not very strong.

Li Mazi snorted and laughed: "What do you mean? Self-mutilation. If you want to be beaten, I can do it for you. This is free and there is no charge."

When did he still have the heart to joke?

I kicked him aside, squatted down and comforted Zhao Wuyang sincerely: "Things are not as complicated as you think. Haven't you seen it? The reason why Zhang Qinghai, Xue Peng and Xiao Sisi got into trouble was entirely because they took care of them." Go through that mirror.”

"Mirror..." Zhao Wuyang's cloudy eyes finally showed a glimmer of light.

I nodded: "You have never touched that mirror from beginning to end, so nothing has happened. Otherwise, how could you speak in front of us safely now?"

Zhao Wuyang was obviously relieved and grabbed my arm as if grasping a life-saving straw: "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

I smiled at him: "Don't you believe me?"

"I believe it, I believe it." Zhao Wuyang kept nodding, his eyes red: "It's because I believe you that I told you the whole story. I have always believed you..."

Li Mazi snorted from the side: "What is that? Just a friendly reminder, I am the master."

I was too lazy to pay attention to him, patted Zhao Wuyang on the shoulder and said, "So you don't have to worry about becoming the next victim."

Zhao Wuyang nodded repeatedly: "Then I'm relieved. This matter should be settled, right? I will never travel again. I will stay at home honestly for the rest of my life, and stay as far away from dangerous things as possible. "

I looked at him with a serious face.

Zhao Wuyang's face changed slightly: "Why, is there anything else going on?" When he said this, his voice trembled obviously and he looked very nervous.

"I searched around Zhang Qinghai's house just now, but I didn't find that mirror." I didn't intend to hide it from him, and said truthfully: "This mirror is too dangerous. If it falls into the hands of others, it may cause a lot of trouble." It’s a big disaster, so we have to find it.”

"Looking for a mirror." Zhao Wuyang looked at me confusedly: "Where to look for it?"

"Go to where it appears!" I said after being silent for a long time.

Zhao Wuyang looked at me with only three words: You are crazy.

I calmly analyzed it to him: "If this mirror falls into the hands of others, everyone who looks in the mirror may have their faces peeled off. The disaster caused by this mirror is far beyond your imagination." .”

Zhao Wuyang pursed his lips and said it was none of my business.

I said to him funny: "Although Zhang Qinghai caused this incident, you are also one of the participants. Although you will not be the target of the mirror's revenge, those who were stripped of their faces because of the mirror have too much resentment. I will never let you go."

Zhao Wuyang, who was already panicked, suddenly looked horrified when I threatened him like this. He looked at me nervously: "What should we do? How can we eliminate their grievances? This matter really has nothing to do with me. I ……I am innocent."

Li Mazi was smoking leisurely in the distance while interjecting: "All the accomplices feel that they are innocent."

"I'm not an accomplice." Zhao Wuyang said almost collapsed: "I was far away at the time, and I didn't participate in anything."

"It's meaningless to say this now. Let's find a way to solve this matter! The best way is for you to take us to the Salt-free Village again." I said.

Zhao Wuyang said in a panic: "Where do you want to go back? The mirror has been taken out. What's the use of going back there? Otherwise... we should go to Zhang Qinghai's house and search it carefully. Maybe we have overlooked something. Yeah. Maybe there is a secret compartment or a secret room in his house."

Zhao Wuyang's words began to become confusing.

After finishing his cigarette, Li Mazi came over and said, "Do you think this is filming a movie? You have a secret room, is your brain rusty?"

Zhao Wuyang's spirit was like a tight thread. I was afraid that he would collapse at any time. Hearing the sound, I rushed Li Mazi aside. I continued to talk to Zhao Wuyang: "Didn't you just say you believe me? Don't worry, this I have experienced this kind of thing too many times, and I have seen things more terrifying than this many times. Don’t worry, I will keep you safe.”

Maybe my tone was too firm, or maybe my aura as the leading actor was too strong, but Zhao Wuyang actually calmed down after I said these words.

I decided to give him another shot in the arm: "And didn't you say that you are too opinionated? Do you really want to live like this mediocrely for the rest of your life? Maybe after this incident, you will find that you have There have been changes.”

Zhao Wuyang thought for a while and finally nodded firmly: "Okay, I believe you, I will take you there."

I immediately used my mobile phone to check the flight information. It turned out that the earliest flight was tomorrow morning, and there was no way to leave today. Many things cannot be solved in a hurry, so I had no choice but to say to Zhao Wuyang: "Let's meet at the airport tomorrow morning..."

Before I could finish speaking, Zhao Wuyang stammered hastily: "Um... Master, can I sleep in your shop tonight?"

ah? I stared at him dumbfounded.

"I'm not scared, I'm just a little worried." Zhao Wuyang thought of excuses randomly.

Li Mazi interrupted at the right time: "Okay, don't explain. You are just afraid. You are a big man, but you are not as courageous as a girl."

I thought to myself that the scene of Zhang Qinghai's death was indeed a bit terrifying, and even a veteran like me couldn't stand it. With Zhao Wuyang's temperament, why should he be tortured crazy that night?

Forget it, save people to the end, send Buddha to the West, who makes me kind-hearted?

I nodded reluctantly: "Okay, but you can make dinner."

Zhao Wuyang readily agreed.

This is great, Li Mazi was the only one who was trying to make ends meet, and now there is another person. My rice vat will definitely protest against me!

That night, Zhao Wuyang spent the whole night in my store, and the next morning we set off and boarded a plane to Shandong. According to Zhao Wuyang’s memory, we took a train and a bus, and finally got off the bus in a deserted mountain and ridge.

Looking around, there was no one at all.

Li Mazi was dumbfounded, pointed at Zhao Wuyang and said: "You are not a human trafficker, are you? You are deliberately trying to coax us two handsome young people to go to a small mountain village and sell them to old widows, right?"

Zhao Wuyang looked around anxiously, completely ignoring his words.

I patted Li Mazi on the shoulder: "With your looks, is there really a widow who can take a liking to you?"

Li Mazi and I were making silly jokes when we drove past a tractor from a distance. Zhao Wuyang hurriedly stopped him and told the driver that we were going to Wuyan Village and asked if it was going smoothly.

The truck bed of the tractor was full of straw, and the driver didn't want to pull it because it was too troublesome. Zhao Wuyang hurriedly took off the watch on his wrist: "Send us over, and I'll give you this watch."

The driver happily agreed.

After nearly two hours of bumpy driving on the road, the driver stopped the tractor on the side of the road and said, "You guys go in along this road! I'm not from this village, so I won't go in."

When Li Mazi heard this, he immediately became unhappy: "How come you don't keep your word? Didn't you agree to send us to Wuyan Village? Do you still want a watch?"

The driver's tone was very firm: "Give it to you if you want, and I won't take it away if you don't want it. Get off the car and go on your own. I won't go to Salt-Free Village anyway."

It seems there must be something weird about this salt-free village!

I hurriedly put the watch into his hand pretending to be a good person: "How can we just change the agreed terms? This elder brother is an easy talker at first glance. If it weren't for special circumstances, he would never put us in this situation. Here.”

When the driver heard what I said, a simple and honest smile flashed on his face: "You are quite interesting, brother."

I took the opportunity to take out the cigarette from Li Mazi's pocket and handed it over.

The driver was not polite to me. He lit one and didn't rush to leave. He started talking to me about normal things: "Brother, I don't think you are dressed like people from a salt-free village. What are you doing here?"

I smiled and replied: "We saw the news about this salt-free village on the Internet. They said that this place is a paradise with extremely beautiful scenery. It is better to meet than to be famous. It just so happens that we will come over to see the world during the holidays."

Hearing what I said, the driver suddenly showed disdain on his face: "Bah! Birds in the salt-free village don't poop. How can there be any scenery? You must have been deceived. Brother, I think you are quite loyal. To tell you the truth, this salt-free village is weird."

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