Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 433: Possessed by Evil

The other party happily accepted the cigarette, and after collecting the things, it was easier to do things.

He thought for a while, pointed to the northwest and said, "I'm a rough guy. I don't know what you mean by beautiful? But the woods over there look quite beautiful."

I took over his words and said, "Brother, it's already this late, why are you working in the fields?"

When the young man heard my question, he instinctively showed an annoyed expression: "It's not the old Wu family that's causing trouble. His daughter is missing, and the whole village has been looking for her all day."

I pretended to be surprised: "Have you found the person? Nothing happened."

"Found it." The young man put the cigarette in his pocket: "This village is really unlivable, and I have to think about moving. You said a little girl in her teens stayed up late at night and ran What are you digging in the graveyard for? Fortunately, she is young and lacks strength. She fainted from exhaustion halfway through digging, otherwise something big might have happened."

At this point, he seemed to suddenly react. He looked around nervously, and after making sure there were no outsiders, he carefully told me: "Don't tell others nonsense, this is a village secret."

After saying this, he happily walked away with the hoe on his shoulder.

After he was far away, Zhao Wuyang said: "Cemetery? Is it the barren grave in the restricted area?"

"That's not a barren tomb. Didn't you hear what people said? There lived the Queen of Qi, the famous ugly girl Zhong Wuyan in history."

I decided to find an opportunity to meet this legendary ugly empress.

When Zhao Wuyang and I returned to our hometown, Li Mazi was talking to the crazy girl.

It seems that my understanding of Li Mazi is indeed correct. This guy has the potential to be a mental patient in his bones. He was talking and laughing with the crazy girl, as if he was seeing an old friend after many years.

When the crazy girl saw me and Zhao Wuyang coming back, she looked obviously a little uneasy. She hugged her shoulders and hid in a corner, refusing to come out.

Li Mazi came over and said, "You two are so ugly. A crazy girl is so scared when she sees you. Look at me again, handsome, elegant, and suave. It's really..." He said, At the same time, he had to take out the small mirror from his pocket.

I quickly held him down: "You are Daniel Wu's second, okay? I always look at your ugly face. Are you afraid that the mirror will make you vomit if you can't bear it?"

In fact, I was afraid that the mirror would irritate the crazy girl again and let the fellow villagers see us and throw us directly into the street.

Back in the house, Li Mazi asked me in a low voice: "Are there any clues?"

I nodded and looked at Zhao Wuyang: "Can you still find the restricted area?"

Zhao Wuyang shook his head and said: "No. I was very confused at the time. The map was in Zhang Qinghai's hand. He had been leading the way. I don't remember..."

This is a bit difficult to do.

Li Mazi said: "How about I pretend to be sick and let Lao Wangtou draw another map for you?"

I immediately rejected it: "They are not fools. This kind of strategy can be used for the first time, but it is impossible for them not to be suspicious the second time."

Li Mazi continued to suggest: "How about we bribe us with something and find someone to take us there?"

"This is even more impossible, don't you see? The people in this village are extremely united, and it is very possible that they have even made some kind of special agreement. So when the young man was talking to us just now, he was afraid that others would hear him, maybe If you leak secrets, you will face severe punishment!" I sighed and said with some embarrassment: "Although the population in this village is not large, if a family has something to do, everyone will help, which is really strange."

Zhao Wuyang was a little nervous: "What should we do?"

I comforted him and said to Li Mazi, "You stay here with him, and I'll go out for a walk."

Li Mazi followed out worriedly: "Be careful. If you decide to take action, you must come back and call me."

I was somewhat touched by how loyal he was.

Li Mazi went on to say: "Even if you encounter an accident, there must be someone to collect the body."

Damn it, are you cursing me?

I kicked the ball flying, and Li Mazi was so frightened that he ran into the house.

I left my hometown alone and wandered around the small village aimlessly for two times. Suddenly, there was a cry from a house at the end of the village.

Did something happen again?

I hurried over following the sound and found that the wall of the house was not very high. I immediately climbed on it and peered inside.

I saw an elderly woman sitting in the yard, holding a girl of twelve or thirteen years old in her arms. The girl's hair was disheveled and her eyes were staring. She seemed to be possessed by something and was struggling to go. Climb outside.

"My Nier, what's wrong with you? If something happens to you, how will I live?" The old woman cried with runny nose and tears.

"Shh!" The little girl in her arms suddenly made a silent movement: "She is calling me! I have to hurry over, she is calling me."

The old woman was so frightened that she forgot to cry: "Who is calling you?"

"The person in the grave." The little girl said with a straight smile: "She said I was good-looking and wanted my face."

The old woman started crying again: "Master, master, come and have a look, Ni'er seems to be possessed..."

Hearing his voice, an old man ran over quickly, with a stooped waist and a tobacco pipe stick stuck in his waist: "What's going on?"

The old woman pointed at the girl in her arms and said, "Nier is starting to talk nonsense."

The little girl raised her head, stared at the old man and said, "It's true, the person in the grave is calling me! Listen, she is still talking."

The old man's face turned pale with fright: "It was fine yesterday, what's wrong?"

"She must be possessed by evil spirits. Otherwise, why would she dig graves for no reason?" The old woman cried extremely sadly.

The old man sighed: "If you fail, go find the village chief."

After saying that, he struggled to pick up the little girl and went out with the old woman.

It seems that the little girl is the lost daughter of the old Wu family. She must have been bewitched by Zhong Wuyan's resentment, so she went to dig the grave.

I quickly followed their footsteps.

Compared with ordinary villagers, the only advantage of the village chief's house in Wuyan Village is that the yard is larger, there are two more mud houses, and there is a livestock shed in the yard with two old donkeys.

Hearing the crying of Old Wu and his wife, an old man with a white beard came out of the house soon. He looked at the little girl in Old Wu's arms, frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"My Ni'er may have missed the mark. After she got lost last night, she was full of nonsense when she found her today! The village chief can save Ni'er. I always have a son, and she is just a daughter." Old Wu said fearfully.

The little girl smiled at the village chief, looking exactly like a crazy girl.

The village chief was silent for a long time, then waved his hand sternly: "Send it to the mountains!"

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