Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 434 The Village Chief’s Secret

Generally speaking, remote rural areas have such customs.

In order not to let their seriously ill family members or mentally ill family members drag them down, they will choose to send them to the mountains to fend for themselves.

The little girl is so young, she will only die if she is sent into the mountains!

When Aunt Wu heard this, she immediately burst into tears: "No, this is our only hope of survival. If we send her to the mountains, we won't have to live anymore."

The village chief frowned: "Then what do you think we should do? What should we do if she goes crazy and hurts someone."

Aunt Wu said: "Even if she is really crazy, it is impossible for her to go into the mountains. I will follow the example of Lao Wang's family and tie her up and take good care of her."

The village chief sighed and said: "How old are you and Lao Wu? How many years can you two live? If you two die, won't she also die?"

Aunt Wu frowned, not knowing how to answer.

The little girl in Lao Wu's arms was still giggling: "She called me again. Let me go quickly. I have to go quickly. She is anxious. She even praised me for being good-looking. She wants me. Face."

After hearing what the little girl said, the village chief's expression suddenly changed: "Listen, she is starting to talk crazy things now. If we don't send her away, our whole village will not survive. If you can't make up your mind, we will hold a meeting." !”

The so-called Tang Hui is to elect a representative from each household in the village to vote to resolve issues.

This custom was only popular before the founding of the People's Republic of China, but has been abolished long ago.

Old Wu looked at the little girl in his arms, gritted his teeth and nodded.

I didn't dare to stay any longer and sneaked away from the corner.

It seems that similar things have happened in Wuyan Village more than once, and the crazy girl may even be the precedent. It's just that the villagers have kept silent with a tacit understanding. Do they not know what to do, or do they have something else to hide?

When I returned to my hometown, I happened to catch up with the fellow who heard the news and went out. He looked at me warily: "Where have you been?"

The tone was very unkind.

I said politely to him: "I'm bored in the house, so I went out for a walk."

"Don't wander around." The fellow frowned and said in an extremely stern tone: "This is not a tourist attraction. If you have nothing to do, you should stay in the house. If you have taken enough photos, leave quickly."

After he finished speaking, he walked away with his head down.

I returned to the house and found that Zhao Wuyang was alone, but Li Mazi had gone somewhere.

Zhao Wuyang was lying on the bed. When he saw me coming back, he hurriedly sat up: "How are you doing? Did you find anything?"

I hummed: "One thing. This village is indeed as you said, full of weirdness. I suspect that everyone in the village knows about the weird things in the cemetery, but everyone has remained silent, even this crazy girl..."

Before I could finish speaking, Li Mazi had already rushed in from the door: "There is something gained, there is something gained." His expression was very excited.

"What's wrong?" I asked him curiously.

"I just went to chat with the crazy girl. Guess what? Although she is crazy, she still remembers a little about the past. I asked her why she went to the mountains to play in the first place, and she said that Xiaomei from the village chief's family took her with her. She also said there was something fun in the mountains. When I asked again later, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to say anything. From the look on her face, I guess what happened next was very scary, so she was frightened crazy." Li Mazi winked at me proudly: "How's it going? Is this a great discovery?"

Is it related to the village chief?

The village chief tried his best to send people who were bewitched by Zhong Wuyan's resentment to the mountains. What was he hiding?

I felt that I could not delay any longer, so I called Li Mazi and Zhao Wuyang and went directly to the village chief's home.

The meeting was not over yet, and Lao Wu was sitting in the middle, dejected.

Others were talking eloquently and their opinions were not unified at all.

Some people think that the little girl should be sent to the mountains, while others think that there are few people in the village and she should stay to carry on the family line...

Just when they couldn't argue, I opened the door and walked in openly.

Everyone shut their mouths and stared at me dumbfounded.

The fellow was obviously stunned for a moment and rushed forward: "Why are you here? Get back!" He sounded anxious and angry, and even pushed us out of the door with his hands.

The village chief frowned and asked, "Old Wang, what's going on? Who are they?"

"He came to the village from out of town to take photos..."

Before the fellow villager finished speaking, I introduced myself: "I am a businessman who specializes in collecting and selling weird items. The reason I came to Wuyan Village this time is for the barren tomb in your restricted area."

The surroundings became extremely quiet.

The fellow opened his eyes wide and pointed at me: ""

The village chief was stunned for a moment and was the first to come to his senses: "We have no restricted areas and no barren graves here. Get out of here."

The more he behaves like this, the more I feel that he is guilty.

I smiled calmly at him: "Mr. Village Chief, I have a question for you. When the crazy girl from Uncle Wang's family was not crazy yet, it was said that she went up the mountain with your Xiaomei. Is this true? ?”

The village chief glared at me dissatisfied: "Everyone in the village knows about this."

When he said this, he looked around, obviously feeling a little lacking in confidence.

It seems that there must be some inside story that the villagers don’t know.

I nodded: "At that time, Xiaomei told the crazy girl that there was something fun on the mountain. What was it? Could someone be robbing the tomb there?"

I was just talking nonsense, but after hearing what I said, the village chief's face changed drastically. He took a few steps back as if he was struck by lightning. He asked me in a trembling voice: "You...who are you? How do you know?"

The blind cat encountered a dead mouse and got it right.

I decided to bluff him again: "The people in the tomb told me."

"Impossible, she has long been reduced to a pile of bones. How could she possibly tell you?" The village chief exposed me without even thinking.

Hehe, you haven’t fallen into the trap yet!

Li Mazi took a step forward: "Village chief, how do you know that the person in the coffin turned into bones? Have you ever opened it and looked at it?"

The village chief's face turned pale and his lips trembled, not knowing what to say.

The people in the yard looked at the scene in front of them in stunned silence and whispered.

"Has the village chief opened the coffin? Isn't that a restricted area?"

"Did Xiaomei take the crazy girl up the mountain just to watch the tomb robbers?"

"How did that crazy girl get so scared?" Everyone invariably stared at the village chief.

The fellow villager stared at the village chief in disbelief: " killed my girl?"

The village chief shook his head hastily: "No, it wasn't me."

He seemed to be very frightened by the situation in front of him. He took a few steps back and wanted to go back to the house, but was stopped by the villagers who came to hold a meeting.

"Village Chief, what is going on?"

"You must give us an explanation today!"

"Aren't you allowed to enter the restricted area casually? How did you get in?"

"Did you dig a grave?"

Everyone denounced the village chief.

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