Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 435 The truth back then

The village chief couldn't say a word, he was so anxious that his head was covered with sweat, and he just kept shaking his head.

If the stimulation continues like this, I guess a good person will be driven crazy!

I immediately pushed aside the crowd and shouted loudly: "Everyone, please be quiet first and let the village chief explain clearly."

Immediately some villagers murmured dissatisfiedly.

"Who are you? This is a private matter in our village. What does it have to do with you, an outsider?"

"He said he was some kind of evil dealer..."

"Shh, don't mess with him! I think he is quite cool. If you offend him, you will definitely not have a good life in the future." Old Wu advised the villager.

As soon as I finished speaking, no one was talking anymore, and everyone looked at me in awe.

I motioned for everyone to sit down and asked Li Mazi to bring a stool to the village chief.

"Village Chief, strange things have happened one after another in your Wuyan Village over the years, all caused by the tomb in the restricted area! If you want to completely solve the trouble and prevent tragedy from happening, you must tell the truth clearly to the villagers." I said righteously.

The village chief looked at me in silence for a long time, and finally sighed and said: "Young man, you are right, I did rob that tomb back then. There were natural disasters in those years, and there was no harvest in the fields. The whole village Life was not easy. One day I went to another village for a meeting. When I came back, I heard two strangers talking about tomb robbing, and they made a fortune from it. I wondered if there was something in the big tomb behind our village. What kind of treasure is hidden? After I made up my mind, I just did it. After all, the big grave was in a restricted area. I didn't dare to tell others, so I called my eldest son and planned to dig up the grave while it was dark and tidy it up. Valuable things were exchanged for food. As a result, Xiaomei overheard the discussion. She didn’t feel scared at all, but found it very fun, so she secretly brought the crazy girl to watch the fun. My eldest son and I dug all night, and then Pry open the coffin.”

"What's in there?"

"It must be gold, silver and jewelry. Otherwise, can the village chief's family afford two donkeys?"

The villagers said with envy and jealousy.

The village chief seemed not to have heard and continued: "In addition to a bronze mirror and a pile of small burial objects, there was only a dead skeleton left in the coffin. It was the first time for my eldest son and I to do such a thing, and we were quite scared. , I only took a few things. Who knew that Xiaomei would come here with a crazy girl at this time. She took a fancy to the mirror and wanted whatever she wanted. I couldn't resist her, thinking it wasn't worth much anyway, so I just I took it out and gave it to Xiaomei..."

Before he could finish speaking, a fellow villager roared angrily from the side: "What's going on with my crazy girl? Why is she crazy?"

A villager on the side interjected: "Does that need to be said? The village chief must not have wanted to be known about the tomb robbery, so he scared the crazy girl. The crazy girl was young at the time and could not bear this. Quick and easy went crazy..."

The fellow stood up from his stool, roared and rushed towards the village chief: "You evil-hearted dog village chief, it's useless for me to treat you as a human being all these years! You actually hurt a good girl like me. so."

The two men struggled together.

The villagers hurriedly stepped forward to start a fight and separated the fellow villager and the village chief.

The village chief's clothes were torn out of shape, and blood was spurting from his nose.

Someone advised the fellow villager: "Uncle Wang, don't get angry too quickly. Isn't Xiaomei from the village chief's house also missing? Maybe there is something hidden."

I was watching the show from the sidelines, and then I realized that the fellow villager was called Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang panted heavily and glared at the village chief fiercely, as if to say that if the village chief didn't give him a reasonable explanation, he would go up and fight for his life.

The village chief seemed to have aged ten years suddenly, and said exhaustedly: "Actually, my Xiaomei is not missing."

"What, where is that person?" the villagers asked in surprise.

The village chief wiped his nosebleed with his sleeve, turned around and walked to a closed mud house and said, "Xiaomei, come out."

Soon, a skinny figure walked out. From the moment she came out, the whole yard became surprisingly quiet. Even the sound of breathing was weak.

But I saw that she was tall and her hair was yellow and sparse. The most terrifying thing was that face, which looked like it had been burned by fire. It was covered with hideous scars, and a piece of the corner of the mouth was missing. It made my hair stand on end.

The village chief pointed at her and said, "This is my Xiaomei..."

Everyone couldn't believe the scene in front of them, and some even wiped their eyes.

Although I was surprised, I reacted immediately.

Because Xiaomei looked in the mirror, her face was peeled off!

The village chief said: "At that time, my eldest son and I re-covered the coffin lid and buried it again in order not to be discovered. Who knew that at this moment, I heard Xiaomei's scream from the distance. Waiting for my eldest son and I When my son rushed over, Xiaomei had passed out bloody, but the crazy girl beside her had her eyes wide open and could not say anything. I was so frightened that I thought I had offended ghosts and gods and that retribution was on Xiaomei. The eldest son told me that the bronze mirror was a bit weird and told me to bury it quickly. I took Xiaomei home secretly, knowing that she would be regarded as a monster when she went out like this, so I hid her completely. Xiaomei He was also frightened and couldn’t speak from that day on, like a walking zombie.”

Everyone looked at each other and became silent.

Uncle Wang was also stunned. He never expected that his daughter would be involved in so many things if she went crazy.

The village chief said regretfully: "I asked my eldest son to sell the things I stole from the graves, but I didn't get much food back. In those few years, life was difficult for every family. You all came to my house to borrow rice and noodles. What do you think? How did my family get rice and noodles? It was all about that money. Within a year, my eldest son accidentally fell down while going up the mountain and died, leaving me alone to live with Xiaomei."

When everyone looked at the village chief again, they obviously became sympathetic.

"What did you do with that bronze mirror?" I asked the village chief seriously.

The village chief thought for a moment and said, "According to my eldest son's wishes, I dug a hole on the spot and buried it."

I couldn't help but frown, how did the mirror get back into the coffin?

Thinking of Zhang Qinghai's dying gestures, I suddenly shuddered.

Could it be that that bronze mirror has its own consciousness? Whenever it peels off a person's face, it will return to the coffin on its own.

If that's the case, then the vagina this time will be a bit tricky...

The village chief looked me over and said, "Young man, I've finished speaking. It's your turn."

When he said this, everyone immediately focused their attention on me.

I coughed lightly: "To tell you the truth, except for Zhao Wuyang beside me, the other three young people who came here last time had their faces peeled off. The reason was the same. They had looked in that mirror. . All the problems are concentrated on that mirror. If you want to solve these strange things, you must get rid of that mirror."

"What did you say?" The village chief was shocked: "They stole that tomb again?"

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