Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 436: Entering the Mountain

"You won't take away all the funerary objects in the tomb, right?" The village chief slapped his thigh.

Zhao Wuyang hummed embarrassedly.

"This is terrible..." The village chief sat back on the bench with his eyes blank: "Ever since that tomb robbery, I have been feeling uneasy. I have nightmares all night long. Sometimes I dream of Xiaomei's face flying all over the sky, and sometimes I dream of Xiaomei's face flying all over the sky. I dreamed that my eldest son came to me with his face covered in blood and asked for his life. I had no choice but to seek help from the elderly longevity boy in the village. The old birthday boy told me that the person buried in that tomb was actually the ancient ugly girl Zhong Wuyan. Although she did The queen, but because she was ugly, she was never favored by King Qi Xuan. Later, she was framed by another concubine named Xia Yingchun, and she committed suicide full of resentment. Her eyes were open before she died."

"After Zhong Wuyan's death, the sound of ghosts crying could be heard in the palace every night, which scared King Qi Xuan so much that he did not dare to sleep. Later, a Taoist priest came up with an idea and asked King Qi Xuan to put the bronze mirror that Zhong Wuyan usually used for dressing up with her. Bury her body together, let her know that she is not favored by men because she is ugly, and she cannot blame others, let her kill Zhong Wuyan's resentment!"

"King Xuan of Qi followed suit, and there was no more ghost crying in the palace. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, tomb robberies became rampant. Many tomb robbers knew that Shandong was the State of Qi back then. There were many tombs of princes and ministers hidden here, and they all admired them. Come. But no matter who robbed Zhong Wuyan's tomb, it won't take long for the mirror to be taken away to return to the coffin. Because it is too evil, those tomb robbers don't dare to take advantage of this tomb. That place has become a restricted area in our village. The old birthday girl asked me to quickly buy some gold and silver jewelry to reshuffle the coffin, and don't make Zhong Wuyan resentful, otherwise the entire Wuyan Village will be in danger!" the village chief said fearfully.

I glanced at Li Mazi and found that he was listening attentively.

Sure enough, it was almost as I imagined. The mirror had become conscious. No matter who took it away, it would eventually return to its owner Zhong Wuyan.

"Later I followed the old birthday girl's advice and bought some gold and silver jewelry. I went to the restricted area alone when it was dark and dug up the grave. Guess what? The bronze mirror was placed in the coffin properly. I was I was so frightened that my legs were weak, so I threw the gold and silver jewelry in randomly, kowtowed a few times, and quickly repaired the tomb."

Therefore, all the funerary objects that Xue Peng took were modern goods.

Could it be that Zhang Qinghai knew about this a long time ago, so he deliberately took nothing but the mirror?

But how did he know.

It seems that no one will give me an answer to this matter. After all, Zhang Qinghai is dead.

"Oh, what should we do? Why don't we kill the pig quickly and go to the grave to pay homage."

"What if Zhong Wuyan gets angry with us and peels off all of us?"

"It's better to move quickly! We can't live in this shabby village." The villagers started discussing.

I quickly stood up and said loudly: "Now that the matter has come to this, even if you leave, will you be able to escape? My friends have been poisoned even if they returned to the city. I think that instead of trying to escape, you should find a way to eradicate this The bane.”

"You can stand and talk without pain in your back. That grave is many years old. Even the older generation can't solve it. How can we?" A villager yelled, glaring at me.

I smiled at the villager who was speaking: "Of course. The older generation can't solve it because they don't know me, Zhang Jiulin. There really is no trouble in this world that I can't solve!"

Li Mazi quietly gave a thumbs up at the side: "Domineering."

Zhao Wuyang looked at me with eyes full of admiration, and he lowered his head thoughtfully.

The village chief looked at me with some disbelief: "You are so young, what can you do? Why should we trust you? What if you can't solve it, but instead stimulate the ghost and let it harm our village?"

I waved my hand gently and said: "As soon as an expert takes action, he will know if there is something wrong. What does this kind of thing have to do with age? Just listen to my orders, and I promise to solve the matter satisfactorily."

The village chief quickly called everyone aside and held a low-key meeting for a long time. Finally, the village chief announced: "Okay, we will believe you just once. So what should we do now?"

I thought for a moment and said, "Prepare some rice wine, empty bowls and red threads. It's too late today. Let's go directly to Zhong Wuyan's cemetery when the rooster crows early tomorrow morning."

After coming out of the village chief's house, Uncle Wang's attitude towards me was obviously much more enthusiastic. After returning home, he even asked Aunt Wang to scramble an egg for me.

After dinner, Li Mazi called me aside: "Brother Zhang, how sure are you of this matter? I heard that this mirror comes and goes freely, which is a bit evil."

"Don't worry, I never fight an unprepared battle." I comforted Li Mazi with a smile.

Because we had big things to do tomorrow, we went to bed very early. When we slept until midnight, I was woken up by a panicked knock on the door.

Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang had already opened the door to the courtyard, and a villager outside shouted: "Quickly, call your expert! The daughter of the old Wu family is missing again."

"What happened? Didn't you get it back?" Uncle Wang said while putting on his clothes.

"I didn't notice!" the villager complained.

Before Uncle Wang came to knock on the door, I had already dressed and walked out.

Uncle Wang said to me: "Young man, the girl from the old Wu family has been lost again, and most likely went to the cemetery again. Let's hurry over and have a look!"

Why do I feel a little strange?

I grabbed Uncle Wang and asked, "Uncle Wang, have things like this often happened in our Wuyan Village before?"

"No." Uncle Wang shook his head and said with a bitter look on his face: "Since my girl went crazy, everything has been fine. Who knows what happened."

In other words, that mirror only has powerful power after peeling off a person's face every time. This time, it suddenly gained the face of Zhang Qinghai, Xue Peng, and Xiao Sisi, and was able to bewitch Old Wu with resentment. The little girl from the head family! Once the little girl digs the grave and takes out the mirror, she will also contribute her face to the mirror.

The more powerful the mirror is, the more people it can confuse.

This is a terrible endless loop!

Without saying anything, I woke up Li Mazi and Zhao Wuyang, and the three of us followed the villagers into the mountain.

Uncle Wang took the lead with the special searchlight Zhang Qinghai left for him, and Li Mazi and I followed closely behind.

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