Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 437: Binding Immortal Rope

When we rushed to the restricted area out of breath, we found that the little girl from the old Wu family was lying next to the big grave digging dirt. Her fingernails fell off, and the blood stuck to the dirt and became a paste. She didn't feel any pain. There was even a trace of a satisfied smile on his face as he muttered: "You said I'm beautiful, is that true?"

Old Wu was startled and rushed over quickly, holding the little girl in his arms.

The little girl screamed and was so strong that she pushed Old Wu away and rushed to the grave.

The village chief hurriedly called a few strong young people and firmly pushed the little girl aside.

"What should I do now?" The village chief looked at me anxiously.

I looked up at the sky. It was still some time before dawn. I told the village chief: "Find a rope, tie up the little girl and put it aside. Let's hold on until dawn."

Digging a grave in such a blind way is not only disrespectful to the tomb owner, but also puts us in great danger.

After hearing what I said, the villagers were obviously relieved. There wasn't much else in the village, but there was a lot of rope. Someone immediately tied the little girl together with her backhand and tied her with a butcher's knot.

"Everyone will just stay here for a while, and we will take action when the sun comes up." In order to boost morale, I added a sentence at the end: "This salt-free village is our territory for the living, and the dead should get away as far as they can! In order to let the Children in the future should not be like crazy girls, let’s just work hard tonight.”

Someone actually made me laugh.

"This guy is young, and his words are quite pleasant. You are right, this dead person should be reincarnated as soon as possible! Stop worrying about the trivial things that happened during your lifetime."

"Yes, we grew up in Wuyan Village, and Wuyan Village is our hometown." the villagers shouted.

Anyway, my goal was achieved.

Li Mazi smiled at me with admiration, and I led them to find a sheltered place and squat down.

Li Mazi, a careless person, could probably sleep soundly while holding the atomic bomb, and soon he started to snore.

Zhao Wuyang and I were relatively sleepless.

Zhao Wuyang said to me: "I was like this that night, hiding behind a big tree alone, not daring to do anything. I have been thinking recently that if I had been bolder and spoken out to stop them, maybe they He won’t die, right?”

The successive murders of his companions made Zhao Wuyang blame himself to the extreme.

I smiled and comforted him: "You are still young and will experience more things in the future. If this incident can change your personality and make you have less regrets in your future life, then it will not be considered as if I have been busy in vain." Just one trip."

Zhao Wuyang looked at me gratefully and said, "So, your appearance fee shouldn't be cheap, right? I don't know if my savings are enough to pay for it."

"Don't worry, if the deposit is not enough, you can pay it back slowly." I winked at Zhao Wuyang: "From now on, all my teeth will depend on you..."

Zhao Wuyang laughed heartily and kept saying what I said until dawn.

The future is from now on! There is hope only when there is a future.

Except for Li Mazi, most of the people who came were asleep. As soon as it dawned, we started to work. First, I poured the rice wine into empty porcelain bowls and placed them around the tomb according to the positions of the Bagua. I then tied a slip knot with red thread to connect the porcelain bowls.

This is called the Immortal Binding Rope, which is used to prevent resentment from escaping.

I looked at the sky and saw that the time was just right, so I immediately announced: "Okay, let's start digging!"

Because there were enough manpower, everyone quickly dug out the coffin.

Especially Zhao Wuyang, who changed his timid character and actually rushed to the front, digging harder than anyone else. I looked at him and smiled with satisfaction, but Li Mazi asked in surprise: "Is this kid also possessed by evil spirits? Do you need to tie him up too?"

He wasn't possessed by an evil spirit, but he finally realized that he had changed.

The coffin was a little smaller than I expected. It was made of nanmu and had lasted for thousands of years. If there was nothing strange inside, even ghosts would not believe it.

Because the coffin has been opened many times, there is no need to worry too much. I arranged for four young and strong boys to open the coffin directly.

The village chief asked me nervously: "Don't you need to light a candle?"

Li Mazi chuckled: "If you take other people's funeral objects, it's natural to light candles. We don't take anything, so there's no need to light candles."

The village chief shut his mouth sarcastically.

The coffin lid was easily lifted, revealing a gray-white skeleton inside.

The skeletal hands were spread flat on his chest in a cross shape, with a shiny bronze mirror placed on them.

Copper will develop patina when it gets damp, but except for a little patina on the four corners of this mirror, the entire mirror is surprisingly bright, reflecting a dazzling light in the sunlight!

I have warned the person who opened the coffin in advance. After opening the coffin, he immediately stepped aside and never looked inside curiously. If he accidentally faced the mirror and was skinned, don't blame me for my lack of skills.

At this moment, the red ropes placed around the tomb began to swing continuously.

It seems that the resentment is spreading outward!

I hurriedly covered my eyes with one hand, quickly moved to the side of the tomb, and covered the bronze mirror with a piece of red cloth.

The red rope immediately stabilized.

All the crux lies in this mirror. If you want to solve all the troubles, you must first fix the mirror.

Just how to do it?

I took out the chicken blood from my backpack and carefully poured it on the red cloth. The blood quickly penetrated along the red cloth, but disappeared completely in an instant.

Oh my God! The chicken blood was swallowed up by the mirror...

It seems that it is very clever, and many things that can exorcise evil spirits are no longer afraid.

This is a bit difficult to do.

I scratched my head and was still racking my brains to think of a solution. Li Mazi had already suggested: "Wouldn't this mirror be able to return to its original place no matter where it was taken? I found its lair and disposed of the tomb. , and then slowly finish the mirror.”

Li Mazi could make such a reliable suggestion. If I didn't accept it, it would be a huge blow to his self-confidence.

I immediately nodded in agreement: "What a great idea!"

When Li Mazi saw that I agreed, he immediately started talking happily: "Hurry up and collect firewood, let's burn down this turtle's nest."

When we were dealing with the goldfish bracelets before, we set fire to Ruan Lingyu's tomb, and this time we set fire to Zhong Wuyan's tomb. I think we should stop doing the business of selling nefarious objects and just set fires specifically for others.

I hurriedly stopped him: "There is no need to burn it. This place is different from other places. The corpse has turned into bones, so there is no harm at all. All the problems lie in this mirror. Don't destroy the resting place of others!"

Li Mazi was stunned for a moment: "What should we do?"

"Find a piece of red cloth, soak it with rice wine, and then cover it on the bones. Then tie the Five Emperors Coin with a red rope and wrap it three times around the coffin."

After I finished my explanation here, there were already people over there who were busy with their work.

No wonder everyone wants to be a leader, giving orders feels really good!

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