Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 438 The bronze mirror seeks its owner

As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers.

In a short time, everyone followed my instructions to prepare the red cloth and spread it flatly on the bones.

Zhong Wuyan in history was extremely talented, but he didn't expect that he would end up like this in the end!

I sighed, signaled two people to come and close the coffin lid, and wrapped the red thread three times around the coffin. Where the ends of the threads met, I threaded a copper coin from the Qianlong period on each side, and then tied a slip knot.

After the process was over, I climbed up from the pit and signaled that it was time to bury the body.

According to the rules of salvation, I should say a few polite words at this time so that the soul in the tomb can rest in peace. So I cleared my throat and said: "Zhong Wuyan, Zhong Wuyan, there is no one left, why do you care about beauty and ugliness? Hurry up and be reincarnated..."

Before I could finish speaking, a ball of fire suddenly burst out in front of my eyes, and the entire tomb made a loud bang.

If Zhao Wuyang had quick eyesight and quick hands, he would have thrown me aside, and my clothes would have been set on fire. Even so, my eyebrows and bangs were still a little singed.

The other two people who were responsible for burying the soil were not as lucky as I was. They were all on fire. They were rolling on the floor crying for their fathers and mothers. Someone immediately took off their clothes and went up to help put out the fire. The exposed skin of the two people was still burned. It's all blisters.

Li Mazi turned pale with fright, and came to me and asked, "Brother Zhang, how are you? Are you okay?"

I stood up hurriedly, glanced at Zhao Wuyang gratefully, and was fascinated by the raging fire in front of me.

how so?

Why does a good thing suddenly catch fire?

Did I do something wrong?

It's impossible. I'm completely following the rules. Besides, it's not the first time I've done something like this.

I thought about it carefully and suddenly noticed something was wrong.

I just mentioned Zhong Wuyan's name, and the fire immediately started. Could it be that Zhong Wuyan's name cannot be mentioned?

After death, although the soul is immortal, everything in life has disappeared, and only the name belongs to oneself. She should feel happy when I call her name.

Could it be that Zhong Wuyan was not buried here at all?

I was startled by my own thoughts. After thinking about it, I couldn't think of a more suitable reason other than this explanation.

If Zhong Wuyan was not buried here, who would it be?

Judging from its extreme reaction, it was obvious that it was quite resentful of the name Zhong Wuyan.

After much deliberation, I still have no conclusion.

At this moment, Li Mazi suddenly pointed to the place where the mirror was placed in the distance and said, "Brother Zhang, look, the mirror is gone!"


I turned around quickly. When we were dealing with the tomb, the mirror was placed under the big tree not far away. Now it was empty, with only red cloth hanging on the branches, like a big mouth, sarcastically. Smiling at me.

I can only grit my teeth and ask someone to put out the fire first.

This fire was very unusual. It burned for nearly three hours before gradually extinguishing. During this period, we tried various ways to put out the fire, but to no avail.

It’s funny to think about it, every time we take the initiative to set fire to the coffin, this is the first time we help put out the fire.

After the fire gradually extinguished, I ignored the burning earth and jumped down into the grave pit to search carefully. There was nothing but the ashes of the coffin, and even the dead bones had disappeared.

It stands to reason that people who have been dead for such a long time will have all the marrow in their bones and no oil or water at all, so they are very difficult to burn. What's more, even if they are burned into ashes, there should be some traces.

It's simply unbelievable.

Not only that, the missing mirror was not in the pit.

Li Mazi pulled me up and asked nervously: "Where is the mirror?"

"Not here." I shook my head and told the villagers to fill the grave pit quickly.

On the way back to Wuyan Village from the restricted area, the faces of the villagers were not very good. They deliberately slowed down and pointed at me from behind.

I know, they must be doubting my ability!

Now that the mirror has disappeared, no one knows what Wuyan Village will face.

But when we returned to the village, several women from the village immediately rushed towards us: "Uncle Wang, please go home and take a look! Your crazy girl is so crazy that she broke the iron chain and was holding a sickle. He’s going to kill someone.”

Opening coffins and raising graves has always required a man with yang energy, so the women stayed in the village.

When Uncle Wang heard this, he hurriedly ran towards his home.

I thought about it and followed.

When they kicked open the door of Uncle Wang's house, they saw that the crazy girl had broken the iron chain and was holding a curved sickle in her hand. She was pressing Aunt Wang under her, and the sickle was pressed hard against Aunt Wang's ear. , with just one stroke, a gash would be peeled off her face.

The crazy girl doesn't want to kill anyone, she wants to skin Aunt Wang!

Uncle Wang's legs softened and he fell to the side.

Fortunately, Li Mazi and Zhao Wuyang arrived soon after, and they rushed forward without thinking. One held the crazy girl down, and the other snatched the sickle from her hand.

The crazy girl screamed hysterically: "Let me go, I'm going to peel off your face! Why is my face gone, but you are still fine? I'm going to peel off your face! Give me back my face!"

Without thinking, I rushed to the mud house where the crazy girl usually lived, kicked open the door, and was greeted by a strong light that blinded me.

That's right, that bronze mirror was actually placed on the crazy girl's table.

Why does it come to find the crazy girl?

Do you want to use her hand to take revenge on the villagers?

I didn't dare to look at the mirror, so I took off my clothes and covered it on the mirror.

The moment the mirror was covered, the crazy girl in the yard suddenly became quiet. She even laughed stupidly under Li Mazi, thinking that Li Mazi was playing some game with her.

Aunt Wang had a cut on her face and was bleeding profusely. She was so frightened that her face turned pale and she lay there in confusion, covering the wound.

Uncle Wang also came to his senses: "What's going on? Why did the crazy girl suddenly take action?"

I shook my head and explained: "The girl just now was not a crazy girl, she was possessed by something dirty."

Aunt Wang said in fear: "What I said, she was so powerful that she just pushed me to the ground. What kind of dirty thing is that?"

If it's not Zhong Wuyan, then who is the other party? This sudden change caught me off guard and made me a little worried.

If I harmed a whole village of people in Wuyan Village, I would never be able to forgive myself for the rest of my life.

This matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

I walked back to the crazy girl's house, carefully wrapped the mirror in my coat and took it out. When Uncle Wang saw it, he was immediately startled: "Why did this thing come to our house?" He waved his hands hurriedly as if he had seen the god of plague: "Throw it out quickly!"

"It's useless." I said coldly: "It's the crazy girl he came for on his own initiative. He obviously regards the crazy girl as his second master!"

The crazy girl hid aside and giggled.

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