Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 439: When there is something to do, there is no beauty, but when there is nothing to do, it

Uncle Wang obviously didn't want this mirror to be placed in his home, and it was so weird that I couldn't figure it out.

After much deliberation, I decided to take this mirror back to Wuhan.

But it was getting late, and we definitely couldn’t leave today. I sent Li Mazi to come forward, and we discussed with Uncle Wang for a long time, saying good words and pleading. Finally, Uncle Wang agreed that we could only stay here for one night, and get out of here early tomorrow morning!

At night, Li Mazi looked at the tightly wrapped mirror and said curiously: "Is this mirror really so magical? It makes me feel itchy. I really want to open it and take a look."

I snorted at him: "You'd better watch your hands, otherwise you won't even have that ugly face..."

Perhaps thinking of Xiaomei from the village chief's house, Li Mazi grinned in fear and never mentioned looking in the mirror.

I slept very poorly that night, and the fire during the day burned in front of my eyes again. In the red flames, I seemed to see a woman's soul struggling unwillingly.

Wait, the skeleton's hands are crossed in front of the chest, which is obviously a restraint posture.

Could it be...

I suddenly had a bad idea.

No matter where the bronze mirror goes, it will return to the coffin. What if it is not because it has self-awareness, but because of some kind of bondage?

Once the bronze mirror is separated from this bondage, it will become lawless and shameless, but it will only remain honest when it is in the coffin.

It keeps tempting people to take it away, it wants to escape from that coffin.

We are not subduing it at all, but helping it escape from its shackles!

I suddenly woke up and sat up on the kang. Next to me, Li Mazi and Zhao Wuyang were sleeping soundly. When I looked in the direction where the bronze mirror was placed, I was startled.

My coat lay limply there, but the mirror was gone.

not good! It must have gone to find someone else.

Without thinking, I kicked Li Mazi and Zhao Wuyang awake: "Quick, get up! The mirror is gone..."

Li Mazi rubbed his eyes drowsily: "Mirror, what mirror?"

Zhao Wuyang reacted very quickly: "It's gone, why is it gone again?" We both quickly put on our clothes and rushed out of the room, going straight to the crazy girl's house without thinking. As a result, the crazy girl slept on the kang intact, and there was no shadow of the bronze mirror in the room.

The bronze mirror is not here.

I thought about it, and suddenly my eyes lit up: "Let's go to Lao Wu's house quickly! Bronze Mirror must have gone to find the little girl."

We happened to meet Mr. and Mrs. Wu who were running here with a flashlight on the way. As soon as they saw me, they immediately cried and said: "The little girl is missing again..."

The little girl is also missing.

"Quick, let the people in the village help find her! Be careful, the little girl is in danger now!" I shouted loudly.

Soon, the sleeping villagers were summoned, and together they took flashlights and searched for the little girl all over the mountains and fields. The first reaction of Zhao Wuyang and I was to take a look at the barren tomb in the restricted area. As a result, there was nothing there except a lonely tomb and a tombstone.

If the tombstone was not so badly weathered, maybe I could see the name of the tomb owner, and I would know who is buried in this tomb.

Zhao Wuyang looked very uneasy: "Where do you think the little girl will go? She is just a child of twelve or thirteen years old..."

His words calmed me down immediately.

It's not where the little girl is going, but where the bronze mirror is going. The little girl's thoughts have long been influenced by the bronze mirror.

I looked at Zhao Wuyang and thought seriously: "Do you still remember where the tractor dropped us off when we arrived at Wuyan Village that day?"

"You mean..."

"Yes." I nodded: "The bronze mirror must want to leave this place. It wants more faces, so it can only go to places with many people!"

Zhao Wuyang and I didn't even think about it, so we quickly turned back the way we came. We met a nervous Li Mazi in the village. I didn't have time to explain to him, so I pulled him and ran towards the end of the village.

I don’t know how long it took, but just as I was approaching the place where the tractor dropped us off, I saw a blurry and thin figure in front of me from a distance.

It's the little girl!

Regardless of being tired, I hurriedly chased after her: "Little girl!"

The figure in front of her suddenly stopped, and she slowly turned her face. Sure enough, she was the little girl from the old Wu family. But her eyes were dull, like a controlled puppet, and her fingerless hands were holding the bronze mirror.

The cold moonlight shone in the sky, and I was surprised to find a woman in ancient clothes staring at me in the mirror with resentment.

Her whole face was bloody and extremely miserable.

The woman in the mirror actually smiled strangely: "My name is not little girl, my name is Xia Yingchun."

Summer welcomes spring!

I was startled. If it weren't for Li Mazi and Zhao Wuyang taking courage behind me, I would have been sitting on the ground by now.

But after calming down, I immediately understood what was going on.

That tomb did not belong to Zhong Wuyan at all, but to Xia Yingchun.

As Zhong Wuyan's love rival, no wonder she hates the name Zhong Wuyan so much.

I felt strange when I opened the coffin before. I didn't feel anything at the time, but I realized it now.

Zhong Wuyan in history was tall and tall, and his bones should be the same as those of a man, but the withered bones in the coffin were thin and weak. How could it be Zhong Wuyan?

"Have you heard my name?" the woman in the mirror asked delicately. If her face wasn't so bloody and scary, just hearing the voice would still be very imaginative.

"Of course I've heard of it." I nodded, thinking of ways to deal with her quickly: "If you have something to do, Zhong Wuyan will be there, but if you have nothing to do, it will be summer and spring!"

"Fart!" Xia Yingchun shouted sternly: "Why do you compare me with that bitch! How smart is she? Why, why don't you know that there is a despicable heart hidden under her smart appearance!"

Her voice was extremely sad and she sounded resentful and unwilling.

Even if they are love rivals, they wouldn’t be so hateful, right?

I looked at her bloody face, and suddenly a thought came to my mind: "Could your face be..."

"That's right." Xia Yingchun gritted her teeth and said: "Zhong Wuyan, this bitch, she is ugly and cannot be favored by King Qi Xuan, so she is jealous of me. While King Qi Xuan is away, she uses As a queen, she ordered the maid to peel off my face... How could King Xuan love me anymore when he saw me like this? He was so frightened that he buried me alive. It was all this bitch Zhong Wuyan! She was the one who killed me It's like this! Why is her face still there when my face is gone? Your faces are still there! Give me my face back! Give me your faces!"

Xia Yingchun roared hysterically in the mirror.

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