Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 441: Strange things in the museum

The Wuyan Village incident was finally over. After that, Li Mazi surprisingly didn't go around soliciting business, and the people at Longquan Villa didn't bother me anymore. Life seemed to have calmed down.

Every day, apart from chatting with Yin Xinyue, I would also drink some wine with Li Mazi and listen to his bragging.

Many times I wonder how great it would be if this kind of life could go on forever? It's a pity that I am a yinwu merchant, and yinwu merchants are destined to never be idle in this life.

That day, Li Mazi and I were opening a bottle of China Blue and drinking it, when the man in a T-shirt suddenly appeared, looking very tired. My heart sank, and I quickly dragged him to the store and asked him what happened, was he injured?

After all, with his character, he definitely didn't come to me suddenly as a guest.

"I'm fine."

The man in the T-shirt took the water from Li Mazi and took a sip before saying coldly: I came here to ask you a favor.

"Come on, brother, I have to go on an expedition again!"

After hearing what the man in the T-shirt said, Li Mazi patted his thigh, then scratched his mischievous little eyes and asked, "First of all, tell me how much money you can earn from this trip?"

I slapped him on the head and asked the man in the T-shirt what was going on.

Since the man in the T-shirt came to me, it must be related to femininity, but I don’t understand why he didn’t solve it himself instead of asking me for help? There's definitely something fishy about this.

"This time you are purely doing me a favor. If you solve the problem, you won't get any money, but if you fail, your life will be in danger." The man in the T-shirt said, staring at Li Mazi, and then handed me a note.

I opened it and found a list of addresses and a person's phone number written on it.

I glanced at it briefly, carefully put the note away, and then waited for the man in the T-shirt to speak.

"This time the customer is a national unit: Shenyang Museum." The man in the T-shirt said: "Some time ago, when the security guards were patrolling, they would hear footsteps coming from the exhibition hall. They thought there were thieves, so they hurriedly killed them. In the past, the footsteps would stop every time they arrived in the hall. At first they didn't pay attention, thinking they had heard wrongly, but unexpectedly the noise behind them became louder and louder, and a man's cry could still be faintly heard."

"The director realized that the matter was not simple, so he arranged for several professionally trained security guards to hide under the glass cabinets in the hall to see who was causing trouble every night. Who knew that after one night, those security guards would all go crazy? , and died one after another. From then on, no one dared to be on duty in the museum. The curator had no choice but to use his connections to find me..."

The man in the T-shirt said this and his eyes became complicated.

Based on what he said, I can basically conclude that this is a ghostly thing, not a ghost.

Because the part of Shenyang Museum that was once the imperial city of the Qing Dynasty has its own royal aura, lonely ghosts will never dare to approach it. The reason for such a big commotion is probably because the old antiques in the museum have turned into ghost objects over time.

"No wonder you don't go by yourself. It's dangerous because you don't have the money to take it." Li Mazi squinted at the man in the T-shirt and said, "Brother from the Zhang family, this deal is not cost-effective. No one has reimbursed the round-trip train ticket. I think we It’s better not to join in the fun.”

I ignored Li Mazi and asked the man in the T-shirt why he found me.

"Because I know what is causing trouble, but I can't interfere. This is not a sinister evil thing. Instead, it is doing something that seems just. If you have the chance, please let the evil thing go." The man in the T-shirt took a deep breath when he said this.

I was immediately puzzled. Although the yinwu dealer is the nemesis of yinwu, when he encounters a powerful thing, he will often die tragically on the spot.

If I keep my hands on that thing, will it keep its hands on me?

So I didn't say anything, but turned my doubtful eyes to the man in the T-shirt.

"Forget it...just do whatever you have to do! Just don't violate your original intention."

After the man in the T-shirt finished speaking, he left silently.

I rushed out of the store and shouted after him: "Don't worry, I'll take this business!"

The man in the T-shirt paused for a moment, and then disappeared from my sight without looking back. Looking at his depressed back, I suddenly felt that he was not so awesome, so aloof, and that he didn't want to face it. The right thing.

Since he entrusted this matter to me, he must have felt that I was the only person in the world he could entrust, right?

I sighed and took out the note left by the man in the t-shirt, hoping that I could put this piece of vagina away smoothly so that the man in the t-shirt could feel at ease.

"Brother Zhang, are you really going to take care of this matter?"

Li Mazi snatched the note and muttered dissatisfiedly: "It's not that I'm unloyal. We've risked our lives and still don't have any money. What are we doing?"

I don’t know why, but when I heard Li Mazi’s words, I suddenly felt very angry. I yelled at him hysterically: “Did you get into money’s eyes? Has the man in the T-shirt ever saved you? How many times has he saved you? Did I ask you for money?"

After yelling, I ignored him and called Yin Xinyue with a sullen face, telling her that I was going out to deal with a vaginal object. She has been filming on the set these days, so she is not with me.

"Is it okay if I don't go?"

Yin Xinyue asked in a low voice. Seeing that I didn't say a word, she also knew what I meant. After a while, she told me to be careful, and then hung up the phone.

Unknowingly, I was no longer as passionate about every new vagina as before, and she no longer followed me on adventures with great interest. It's not that we have changed, it's just that we have become more responsible after getting engaged.

This kind of matter should be done sooner rather than later. I was ready to leave immediately, and I habitually wanted to call Li Mazi and ask him to drive over.

But thinking of his face before, I rubbed my face in frustration, shook my head and went to the garage to pick up the car and prepare to set off alone, but I didn't expect that Li Mazi was standing at the intersection waving to me.

He was carrying a big bag in his hand, and he had all kinds of things ready at a glance.

I suddenly laughed, then parked the car in front of him, and deliberately asked him with a cold face what he was doing here.

"I realize that I seem to have fallen shamelessly in love with you..." Li Mazi chuckled, opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat.

I snorted and said, "You are really shameless." He wasn't angry either, and smiled happily to please me.

I ignored him all the way, but when we arrived in Shenyang, he suddenly wagged his finger in front of me in a cowardly manner: "Brother Zhang, are you still angry?"

"It won't happen again."

After I finished speaking, I couldn't help laughing anymore, and I felt a little embarrassed. Although Li Mazi is timid, greedy and lustful, he is still a good helper and a very loyal person.

That night we met the contact person on the note at a small restaurant near the museum.

His name is Yu Hua, he is about forty or fifty years old, and he is a manager of the museum.

Yu Hua has a Chinese character face and a crocodile skin bag under his arm. He seems to know the rules.

After meeting us, he told us in detail what was going on in the museum, and he didn't look down on us just because we were young. This made Li Mazi feel much better.

In fact, I had already thought about it on the way here, and planned to go directly to the museum to check out the spots when we arrived at the destination. Unexpectedly, Yu Hua told us that not all the five security guards who arranged the vigil that night were dead, and there was one survivor.

"Oh. Where is he now?"

I quickly asked, if I could get some clues from the security guard, everything would be much easier.

"He was crazy. He was taken back to his hometown to recuperate. He is about to die..."

Speaking of this, Yu Hua glanced around the restaurant, then lowered his voice and said to me: "Boss Zhang, let me tell you something quietly. After the four security guards in front went crazy, they didn't die together, but every other month. One of them died in a very strange way, either committing suicide with a sharpened toothbrush or cutting his belly open with scissors, and they all died on the 10th of every month."


After hearing this, I immediately realized that the last security guard was in danger. I subconsciously took out my phone and looked at it, and found that today happened to be the 10th. Quickly ask Yu Hua if he knows where the last security guard’s hometown is? He nodded and said that the security guard was currently recuperating in a village on the outskirts of Shenyang.

"Now lead the way to his house!" I couldn't help but say, picked up Yu Hua and got into my car.

It was already sunset, and there were only a few hours left before the next day. If we could arrive in time, we might be able to save the security guard, otherwise he would definitely die.

Yu Hua looked like he was hardworking and never complained, and he kept giving me directions, which made me have a better impression of him.

Fortunately, Yu Hua was very familiar with the roads in Shenyang. I kept stepping on the accelerator and finally arrived at Sheshangou Village where the security guard was located at 9pm.

Since the village was at the foot of a mountain, the road was extremely rugged and it was late at night, so I had no choice but to park the car at the entrance of the village, and then followed Yu Hua into the village.

Farmers in the mountains go to bed early. Most of the houses in the village have turned off their lights at this moment. Only the canteen in the village still has the lights on. When we walked over, the landlady was carrying instant noodles inside.

Seeing us, the landlady looked very wary and asked us what we did. Li Mazi gave full play to his sharp tongue and bought two packs of cigarettes from the landlady, and then asked for the address of the security guard's house.

Just as we were about to knock on the door, the landlady muttered casually: "What's the use of coming to see him when he's already dead?"

What? The security guard is dead!

I suddenly turned around and asked her when the security guard died. The proprietress was so frightened by me that she stepped back several steps, then whispered that she died during the day, and then closed the canteen with a bang.

"Boss Zhang, do you think we should go?"

Yu Hua swallowed and asked uneasily. He is an ordinary person after all, and he is very afraid of things like dead people.

"Of course I want to go! We're already here, so we have to go and take a look."

I said without any doubt, but my heart felt cold. The only survivor was also dead. I'm afraid this trip was in vain.

As we continued walking in, we found that the road was covered with paper money and ashes. It seemed that what the boss lady said was true. It's just that I'm confused as to why there was a funeral just after he passed away? After all, the custom among Northeastern people is that after a person dies, he or she must lie at home for three days until all relatives and friends have paid their condolences before going out for the funeral.

Is there any mystery here?

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