Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 442: Fake Death

Thinking of this, I stopped Li Mazi and said that I would not go to Bao Bao's house for now and would go to the grave first.

Li Mazi asked me how I knew where the grave was. Yu Hua forced a smile and said that I could follow the paper money to find the grave.

I gave him a thumbs up, this Yu Hua is really good.

The three of us easily followed the ashes on the ground to the village cemetery. Like most rural cemeteries, the cemetery in Sheshangou Village is also a mass grave. The densely packed graves were covered with wormwood, but there was no new grave we were looking for.

"Isn't this thing buried here?"

Li Mazi smashed his mouth and said, "How did the paper dust extend here?"

I ignored him, but carefully observed the cemetery. I found that not only were there no new graves, but the old graves also exuded soaring resentment. Even the Sirius Whip in my hand was trembling faintly, which was a sign that there were a lot of ghosts nearby!

I hurriedly took Li Mazi and Yu Hua back, hoping that the business would not get done, but instead I would attract a group of lonely ghosts.

As I was walking towards the village, I suddenly noticed a man walking towards me. He seemed to be going to the cemetery. After all, this road only led to the cemetery.

I quickly said hello and asked the other party if he knew where the people who died in the village were buried today?

However, the other party didn't even raise his head, he still kept his head down. He just stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the cemetery, then passed us and continued walking. Judging from what he meant, the security guard was indeed buried in the cemetery, but why didn't we find it?

Looking at this person again, his walking posture is very strange, and his body is as light as if he has lost his soul. I felt more and more that this village was not simple, and I was going to tell Li Mazi and Yu Hua to stay in the village tonight, and then ask other villagers at dawn.

When he turned his head, he found that Yu Hua's eyes were wider than ping pong balls, his mouth was open, and he was looking at the person walking past with a look of horror on his face.

I suddenly had an ominous premonition and asked him what happened?

Yu Hua said tremblingly: "He...he is the security guard."

"I'll go, what's going on?" Li Mazi was also shocked.

I shook my head to signal Li Mazi to stop talking, and then turned my gaze to Yu Hua: "Although that person just now was weird, he was definitely a living person. Did you see it wrong?

"It's impossible, it's definitely him!"

Yu Hua said firmly, and took out his mobile phone to show me the photo of the security guard.

Although I didn't see the other person's face clearly just now, I just glanced at the photo and was sure that the other person was the security guard because the tall aquiline nose was so obvious.

"Could it be that he knew he was going to die, so he deliberately faked his death to avoid this disaster?"

Li Mazi asked in a low voice. I said it was possible. I should follow him and have a look.

Yu Hua was a little scared, but he still nodded bravely.

At this time, the entire mountain village was covered by dark clouds, and the cold wind blew through the scalp, bringing bursts of chill.

The three of us quietly followed the security guard, wanting to see what he was doing? He seemed to have noticed that we were following us, or had known about it from the beginning. He always maintained a leisurely pace and deliberately stopped at the turn, as if he was waiting for us.

"It seems he wants to tell us something." Yu Hua rubbed his palms and stared ahead seriously.

"Almost." I stood up straight and strode after him, because there was no need to be sneaky anymore. However, as soon as I started running, the security guard turned his head sharply and ran away quickly.

Soon the security guard disappeared into the night without any intention of waiting for us. Li Mazi was cursing and about to chase forward, but I stopped him and said, "Don't you feel something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Li Mazi asked.

I pointed to my surroundings and said, "Do you know this place?"

Li Mazi looked around and was stunned for a moment: "Hey, aren't we walking to the cemetery? Why are there no graves in front of us? They are all weeds."

That's right, before we knew it, we had been taken by security to a place we had never been before, and everything around us seemed so strange.

"We can't go forward, go back quickly!"

I asked everyone to leave in a panic. No matter what the security guard's purpose was, leaving us here would definitely not do anything good! Maybe he waited for us on purpose at first, just to lure us here.

As I walked back, I kept looking at my surroundings. I was relieved when I found a familiar path.

We walked straight to the entrance of the village. When we arrived at the entrance of the village, Li Mazi suddenly grabbed me, pointed to a big tree not far away in confusion, and asked curiously: "Brother Zhang, what do you think that is?"

I looked around and saw a dark shadow trembling faintly behind the big tree. It looked like someone was hiding there.

"who is it?"

I shouted loudly, and no one responded to my shouts several times, but the black shadow trembled even more.

Hiding here in the middle of the night must not be a good person. Thinking of this, I immediately rushed over with courage, only to find that squatting behind the big tree was actually the proprietress of the canteen.

When she saw that she was discovered, her face turned ugly, she ignored us and just walked to the canteen.

Yu Hua and Li Mazi wanted to catch up, but I stopped them.

"Since they don't want to talk, let's leave!"

After I finished speaking, I ignored their surprised looks, deliberately got in the car in front of the proprietress, started the engine and left Sheshangou Village.

I turned off the car after I was completely away from the village. As soon as the car stopped, Li Mazi asked me if I had discovered anything?

I said, "There must be something weird about this boss lady! If we don't leave, I'm afraid we won't find anything. Now if we pretend to leave, we will definitely gain something unexpected."

After saying that, I handed the key to Li Mazi and asked him to drive back to the city to buy some sea salt, a rooster and some fat eels, and also find some small copper-headed locks from ancient times.

Li Mazi knew all about these treacherous guys, so he took the key and left with Yu Hua.

When I left the village, I carefully observed the trails throughout the village. At this moment, in order to avoid being discovered, I picked the small slope beside the village road and approached the village. I always felt that someone was following me along the way, but the feeling disappeared as soon as I turned my head.

I sighed, thinking that it was probably because I hadn't taken on business for a long time and my courage had become weak. After all, with the Sirius Whip in its hand, it would behave abnormally if it was really in danger.

When I entered the village and approached the proprietress's canteen, I found that the lights were still on, and I immediately became excited. He walked over and climbed over the earth wall easily, then tiptoed and leaned under the house.

Through the light, I found two figures in the room, one was the proprietress and the other was clearly the security guard!

I already knew that the security guard was a real person, so I wasn't that worried. I went up and knocked on the door. After the landlady opened the door impatiently, I ignored her and went straight into the house to find the security guard, wanting to ask him what the hell he was doing.

However, after I finished shouting, I realized that the room was empty, and there was no trace of the security guard anywhere.

"What do you want to do?"

At this time, the proprietress followed me. She was wearing only a single piece of clothing, and she looked like an old lady. A man and a woman were alone in the same room at night. It was obvious that the security guard was having an affair with her.

"You have a good relationship with Song Zhong, right? You probably don't want him to die." I said with a smile.

Song Zhong is the name of the security guard. I have read this person's information in detail before.

"I can not understand what you say."

The landlady's eyes flickered, but she still didn't let go. I looked at the time and it was already very close to midnight. If we don't find Song Zhong in time, he will really die once the 10th passes, but I can't search his house, so I feel worried for a while.

"Get out of here quickly! If you don't get out, I'll call someone."

Seeing my hesitation, the landlady suddenly cursed me with her hands on her hips, picked up a broom and kicked me out.

But she obviously lowered her voice deliberately, which made me understand that she and Song Zhong must be having an underground love affair.

"If I'm not wrong, Song Zhong should have faked his death, and your fellow villagers don't know about it, right?" I smiled coldly, and after I finished speaking, I stared into her eyes.

As expected, the boss's wife's aura weakened and she said that she was a widow. If such a scandal spread, she would be embarrassed.

Judging by what she meant, she obviously thought I was a bad person. I patiently explained my purpose of coming, but the landlady was still doubtful.

Finally he sighed and said to me.

It turns out that although Song Zhong is crazy, he is not crazy all the time, but has a few hours of sobriety every day. In view of the tragic deaths of the previous security guards, Song Zhong understood that they were hooked by ghosts, so he arranged for his family to have such a funeral for him while he was awake.

Song Zhong thought that if he faked his death once, that thing would be able to survive him, but he didn't expect it to be exposed by us.

"Then what happened when Song Zhong went to the cemetery just now? Why were you hiding behind the big tree and sneaking around?"

I looked at the landlady and asked directly.

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