Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 443: Hitting the Yin Body

"He went crazy again, cursing and saying that he wanted to go home. I couldn't stop him and had to follow him. Who would have thought that he would go to the graveyard! I didn't dare to follow him, and I was afraid that something would happen to him, so I had to wait. Waiting at the entrance of the village, I met you.

Speaking of which, the landlady knelt down on the ground with a bang, kowtowed to me, and begged me to save Song Zhong.

It seems that she has realized that it is useless to try to get through by faking death.

"Sister-in-law, please get up first and call Song Zhong out. I have to see him in person before I know how to save him," I said.

"Okay, okay..."

The landlady agreed repeatedly, then walked to the cabinet and said, Old Song, come out quickly, someone is here to save you. After saying that, she opened the cabinet door and screamed when she saw the scene inside the cabinet.

I quickly ran over and found that the wall behind the cabinet had been hollowed out, and there was a crop field outside.

I quickly asked the boss lady what was going on? But she hesitated.

"Hurry up and tell him that he is possessed by a ghost. Even the gods can't save him if it's too late!"

I asked sharply, because I had already felt a faint yin energy in the cabinet, so Song Zhong must not have escaped on his own, but was controlled by the yin spirit.

When the boss lady saw that I was angry, she blushed and told the truth.

It turns out that this cabinet was placed here to facilitate her affair with Song Zhong. Every night Song Zhong would come in from behind the cupboard and steal the food without anyone noticing, but he didn't expect that he would get into trouble this time.

I pointed at her and didn't know what to say. I gritted my teeth and got out of the cabinet, searching all the way.

The boss's wife followed behind me, but I paid no attention to her. I took out my compass and caught the trace of yin energy and chased after her. This pursuit actually led to the path leading to the cemetery again.

"not good!"

I cursed and entered the cemetery, only to find that the yin energy around me was getting heavier and heavier at some point, and the pointer of the compass in my hand was also rotating at a high speed.

I looked at my surroundings again, and found that in front of me was not a cemetery, but tall wild grass. You know, with the lessons learned from the last time, I was very careful all the way this time, and I would never go the wrong way.

Is it an illusion? Thinking of this, I waved the Sirius Whip vigorously. After several whips, the surrounding environment remained unchanged.

At this time, I heard footsteps coming from behind me, and the boss’s wife shouted: “Master, Master, where have you gone?”

Her voice was very clear and she was no more than twenty meters away from me. How could she not see me?

I turned around to look, where was the shadow of the landlady? But her voice went from far to near, then from near to far, until it disappeared again, as if she was walking past me invisible.

I suddenly realized what the problem was. I bit the tip of my tongue hard and sprayed blood on the Sirius Whip. Then I performed the Hokuto Sirius Jutsu and swung it vigorously in the four directions of east, west, north and south. The surrounding environment suddenly changed, and everything in front of him became familiar.

I looked ahead and saw a dark figure groping forward. Who else could it be if it wasn't the boss's wife?

Not far in front of the landlady was a dark cemetery. Song Zhong was sitting in the cemetery with his head down, not knowing what he was doing.

Song Zhong has been possessed by a ghost, and the landlady is still approaching him. Isn't this looking for death?

I secretly said something bad and hurriedly chased after me. Song Zhong seemed to have noticed my presence. He stood up suddenly and stretched out his hand to strangle the boss's wife's neck.

"Don't come here or I'll kill her!"

He shouted to me with red eyes. Listening to the voice, it was clear that it was the voice of a vicissitudes of life old man, not Song Zhong at all.

"Let her go and talk to her if you have anything to say."

I took two steps back, then put down the Heavenly Wolf Whip, looked at Song Zhong's ferocious face and said cautiously.

The landlady looked at Song Zhong in disbelief, wondering why her lover wanted to harm her.

"Don't be stupid, he is no longer Song Zhong!"

I loudly signaled to the lady boss not to talk to each other, and then asked, "Tell me! What do you want to do?"

After all, I have come into contact with so many Yin spirits, but this is the first time I have bargained with them.

"I don't want to harm innocent people, so don't interfere in this matter anymore. It's still too late to leave now."

Song Zhong didn't look at me at all when he was talking. Instead, he looked at a tomb behind him from time to time, as if he didn't take me seriously.

I took the opportunity to slowly move forward, preparing to forcefully rescue the landlady. Unexpectedly, he was very vigilant. Before I could get closer, he turned back and glared at me fiercely. At the same time, he pinched the landlady's neck harder.

The landlady's face turned red instantly, and she even stuck out her tongue. I didn't dare to irritate Song Zhong anymore, so I had to retreat far away and told him to tell him if he had anything he couldn't think of. Maybe I could help him.

I suddenly understood why the man in the T-shirt didn't want to get involved in this matter. Although the evil spirit in front of me was filled with resentment, he was still able to remain rational and not harm innocent people.

He must have been a righteous and upright man during his lifetime, but it was only after he died after being wronged and wronged that he turned into a ghost.

I thought my words would impress him, but Song Zhong laughed wildly after hearing this, pointed at me and cursed angrily: "You bastard, please stop playing tricks on me. I don't want to harm innocent people, so don't force me."

"Senior, everyone's life is precious. Since you have a compassionate heart, why can't you forgive others?"

I grasped Yin Ling's weakness and persuaded her earnestly. I really hoped that Li Mazi was there. With his mouth, he would definitely be able to persuade this Yin Ling to come over.

After hearing what I said, Song Zhong was slightly startled, and a few tears actually shed from the corners of his eyes. He looked at the dark sky and said to himself: "Haha, I have served the country and the people all my life, who is willing to forgive me?"

Generally speaking, if a Yin spirit can take the initiative to talk about its past, it means that it has a high chance of being saved.

I didn't expect things to be so simple. I suppressed the ecstasy in my heart and looked at him calmly.

Song Zhong's deep eyes seemed to see through me. I looked at him neither humble nor arrogant. After a while, he nodded slightly.

But just when he was about to speak, a figure suddenly appeared behind him and threw him to the ground. Song Zhong was caught off guard and fell to the ground hard, and his hands unconsciously let go of the landlady.

I screamed inwardly, "Oh no!" If the Yin spirit is attacked at this time, it will definitely become violent and take revenge on everyone around it.

Sure enough, after falling to the ground, Song Zhong's eyes instantly turned blood red, and he gritted his teeth and wanted to strangle the boss's wife to death.

The landlady was so frightened that she didn't know how to escape.

When things got to this point, I couldn't pretend to be a good guy anymore, so I could only swing the Sirius whip and hit Song Zhong on the back hard.

Song Zhong let out a scream and fell down in the grass while rolling.

I took the opportunity to pull up the proprietress and pushed her to a safe place. At this time, the dark figure who had just attacked Song Zhong rushed up and held Song Zhong down.

This guy was wearing black leather pants, a fat raincoat all over his body, and a mask on his face. He obviously didn't want to reveal his true face.

After being possessed by the Yin Spirit, Song Zhong was incredibly strong. With a roar, he threw the raincoat man away. Then, like a tiger out of its cage, he rode on top of him and punched him with fists.

I quickly stepped forward and held down Song Zhong together with the man in the raincoat.

"What are you still doing? Come over and help!"

I shouted to the landlady who was still in a daze, and she came back to her senses and helped hold down Song Zhong's legs.

Then the three of us worked together to tie up Song Zhong in various ways, took him back to the proprietress's canteen, and tied him to the bed with iron chains.

It was already past midnight, and Song Zhong had escaped the disaster for the time being. The dark spirit on his body left and he fell into a deep sleep. I breathed a sigh of relief and then remembered the man in the raincoat.

Although he did something wrong with good intentions, he still helped me subdue Song Zhong. I wanted to thank him, but found that he had already left.

"Master, is Old Song out of danger?"

The landlady made a bowl of steaming instant noodles and handed it to me, and asked with a worried look on her face.

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