Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 444 Death of Song Zhong

I shook my head and said that this was just the beginning. If we angered the evil spirit today, it would definitely fight to its death! If it is not removed, it will continue to haunt Song Zhong until it tortures Song Zhong to death.

"But don't worry, I will help you to the end."

Afraid that the landlady would be scared, I added another sentence.

The landlady thanked her profusely and sat by the bed, wiping the dirt on Song Zhong's face worriedly.

While I was eating noodles, I looked at the proprietress carefully and realized that she was a very charming woman with big eyes, a bit like Xu Qing, who is more attractive.

After a while she looked up and found me staring at her, a blush appearing on her cheeks. I smiled awkwardly and asked her what was going on with Song Zhong?

There's no way I'm an ordinary person with a gossip mentality.

"What else could happen? Just break the shoes." The proprietress lit a cigarette and started talking to me while smoking.

It turns out that she and Song Zhong were childhood sweethearts and had liked each other since childhood. But later when it was time to talk about marriage, the landlady's father thought Song Zhong's family was poor and forcibly betrothed her to the village chief's son. Song Zhong had to marry a woman he didn't love.

Later, the landlady's husband died, and the two of them got back together.

I felt a sigh of relief. Could this be the so-called love affair between lovers?

maybe! After all, when Song Zhong faced death, it was not his wife who accompanied her, but this old lover.

I noticed that the landlady seemed to particularly hate her husband, and she even mentioned his death briefly. I thought there must be a hidden secret, but I didn’t ask too deeply.

After the lady boss finished talking about herself, she said she wanted to hear my story.

"Me, I am a businessman." I smiled bitterly and told her the story of myself and Yi Xinyue.

Maybe it was because of the love from the boss lady that I found myself missing Yi Xinyue like never before.

The two of us stayed with Song Zhong and chatted for a long time. During this period, he didn't go crazy again and remained in a deep sleep. In the middle of the night, Li Mazi called me and told me that he had returned from shopping and asked me where I was.

I had been holding it in for too long and just wanted to get some air, so I took the initiative to pick him up at the entrance of the village.

After this guy heard that I stayed at the boss's wife's house for half the night, he immediately showed a lewd smile: "Brother Zhang, how does a mature woman smell like?"

"Smell it yourself." I slapped him and asked him if everything was ready.

Li Mazi made an OK gesture, and I nodded with satisfaction. When I looked around, I found that he was the only one.

"Yu Hua went home?" I asked in confusion.

"No, he left as soon as he arrived in the city, for fear that I would let him follow me again." Li Mazi's face was full of disdain.

I said that people are just ordinary people and can't stand being scared. This is interesting enough.

I was chatting with Li Mazi while walking towards the village. Because I had seen the Yin spirits, I was no longer so afraid. At this moment, the moonlight was shining, and my mood suddenly became better, and my pace became much slower.

Unexpectedly, before I was completely immersed in the night, a shrill scream suddenly came from the boss's wife's house.


I quickly quickened my pace, guessing that the evil spirit might have taken hold of Song Zhong again. As I approached the canteen, I smelled the smell of blood, and an ominous premonition suddenly arose in my heart.

"Master, master, you are here! Woo woo woo."

When the landlady saw me, she burst into tears. I stepped over her and looked directly towards the bed, and I was shocked to find that Song Zhong's head was missing.

Blood stained the entire bed red, and the blood that had not yet solidified was flowing to the ground.

Li Mazi yelled "Oh my god" and hid in the corner.

I calmed down and asked her what was going on?

"I don't know. After you left, I saw that he couldn't wake up for a while so I went to the toilet. When I came back, he was like this..."

Speaking of which, the landlady twitched a few times, rolled her eyes and then fainted. Li Mazi quickly stepped forward to help her up and took the opportunity to touch her breasts.

I frowned and looked around, and found that there was no Yin Qi in this room at all. Song Zhong's head was probably chopped off. Thinking of this, I suddenly walked to the cabinet and opened the door, only to find that it was full of blood.

"Are you going to chase me or not?"

After finishing his hand addiction, Li Mazi came forward and looked at the hole behind the cabinet and asked.

"It's meaningless. Once Song Zhong dies, our clues will be cut off. We can only go to the museum in person, alas!"

I sighed, a huge sense of frustration welling up in my heart. This is a living life. If the man in the T-shirt takes care of it, maybe Song Zhong will not die.

To take a step back, if I had been more attentive just now and not picked up Li Mazi, he would not have died.

I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

"This is life. You can't keep damned people, just like Chu Chu!" Li Mazi patted me on the shoulder, signaling me not to blame myself.

I nodded, and that was all I could do to comfort myself. But since Li Mazi mentioned Chu Chu, it means that he has completely gotten over the pain, and I am still very happy about this.

Song Zhong died, and there was actually no need for us to stay, but considering the relationship between the landlady and Song Zhong, I still chose to stay and help her. Otherwise, she will definitely face a lawsuit and suffer revenge from Song Zhong’s family!

I couldn't sleep in the second half of the night, so I thought about it and called the T-shirt man. I originally wanted to give it a try. Unexpectedly, the call was actually connected. The man in the T-shirt asked me coldly how I was doing and if I was in trouble.

I told him the truth about the situation. I had taken over so many businesses, but this was the first time that someone died in my own hands without even seeing anything.

"Your direction is wrong..."

The man in the T-shirt was silent for a few seconds, then spoke.

I asked him what he meant, and he asked coldly, are you sure that the five dead security guards are all related to Yinwu?

After hearing this, I was stunned and suddenly realized! Song Zhong was not killed by Yin Ling at all. He was killed by humans, and the person who killed him was probably the mysterious man in the raincoat.

Otherwise, why would he take action to anger Yin Ling at the most critical moment?

In this case, the four security guards in front were most likely killed artificially.

After hanging up the phone, I quickly picked up the sleeping Li Mazi and asked him if he had noticed where Yu Hua was going.

"I don't know where Yu Hua went. He took a taxi home when he arrived in Shenyang."

Li Mazi looked at me inexplicably: "Brother Zhang, you don't doubt him, do you?"

"follow me!"

I dragged him to the entrance of the village, shined a flashlight on the ground, and found that in addition to our tire tracks, there was also a mark from another car.

"Damn it, isn't this the taxi Yu Hua took?"

As Li Mazi spoke, he squatted down and carefully observed the tire tracks. I said with a sullen face, stop looking, no one else will come.

Who would come to this dilapidated mountain village at night? And it happened to be when I was going to the cemetery with the landlady.

The man in the raincoat was probably Yu Hua, otherwise there would be no need for him to not say a word from beginning to end and just use body language to communicate with me.

After Li Mazi heard what I said, he cursed and said, don't let me see that grandson again, otherwise I will beat the shit out of him!

I said don't be impulsive. At this point, we can only rely on Yu Hua. Fortunately, we already know his details, but he doesn't know that he has been exposed yet.

We'll just take advantage of it when the time comes.

"I know, I just can't get angry. What a good little widow, now she's completely a widow again..." Li Mazi said angrily.

I was very happy after listening to it. He was so excited not because someone died, but because he felt sorry for the landlady.

This is in line with his character.

The next morning, after the landlady woke up, I asked her who else knew about Song Zhong's fake death? Where his tomb is laid.

"In order to survive, Lao Song held a real funeral for himself. The whole village thought he was dead. Only his family and I knew the details. Because it was a fake death, we didn't dig a grave." The landlady said with red eyes. The eyes were swollen high.

I couldn't help but frown after hearing this. If his wife insists on making a fuss after seeing Song Zhong's body, I won't be able to control the matter.

Fortunately, the landlady told me that Song Zhong’s wife had long known about their affairs and acquiesced in their relationship.

This made things a lot easier. Before it was fully dawn, I asked her to lead us to Song Zhong's house.

Song Zhong's wife was average-looking, a typical northeastern old lady with a strong back and strong waist. She burst into tears after hearing that Song Zhong was beheaded.

But no matter how sad she was, she never said a bad word to the proprietress from beginning to end, let alone complained about us.

I just cried and said this is life, this is life...

With her help, the villagers cooperated to collect and bury Song Zhong's body.

In the grave circle, two women supported each other, one more distraught than the other.

I couldn't help but admire Song Zhong for his ability to firmly capture the hearts of two women.

Since Song Zhong died without a complete body, the villagers buried him and left in a hurry.

It is said that this is a local folk custom. It is believed that people who die without a complete body are so resentful that they can only be worshiped by their family members in the grave circle.

After the incident was over, I apologized to them again, especially Song Zhong’s wife.

She also has a son and a daughter at home, and life will be very difficult without her husband.

I took out all the money I had and handed it to her, but she refused. Instead, he prayed that I would catch the murderer behind this and prevent more people from getting hurt.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law!"

Facing such a resolute woman, I bowed to her sincerely, and then signaled Li Mazi to leave.

At this time, the landlady suddenly stopped me and said that she remembered something.

"Lao Song once told me when he was sober that this was a conspiracy! He also said that the thing that frightened them was actually a list."

"What list?" I asked nervously.

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